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Jay Gerlick

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Posted on Thursday, March 02, 2006 - 11:42 pm:   

To start off I dont want to give any details and start slamming this person and company until this matter is more resolved. So lets say I bought a "widget" for my bus. As soon as the "widget" arrived I noticed something was not right about it. I called the vender(not manufacturer) and was told it had a two (2) year warranty. The date of my order was February 2004, the delivery date was not until april 2004. I installed this "widget" shortly after and sure-nuf it was not right. I mailed it back Dec. 2005 and got no reply (with many calls) until my call today. Guess what, He is not going to honor the warranty. The big problem is this person has three (3) of these "widgets" and I don't want to make such a stink that I don't get the originals back, in whatever condition. Plus I need some other parts and this vender is one of the only games in town. And if this is going to be a big deal I want to tell everyone not to use them.

What do ya' think ?????????
Doug Wotring

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Posted on Thursday, March 02, 2006 - 11:58 pm:   

First off, calling it a widget does not help explain the situation.....what is it.... and why does he have your original widget?
Gary Stadler (Boogiethecat)

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Posted on Friday, March 03, 2006 - 12:05 am:   

Yeah, not much opinion can be generated if we don't know what we're supposed to be opinionating about.

Is it new or used? Is it from someone like and RV store?
Or a junkyard? Or some place like Ronthebusnut or Walts' RV, etc?

More (if not all) details are needed if you want or need help....

I have a very similar situation going on right now myself, but need to keep it to myself until it unfolds a bit more so I don't risk burning bridges. Perhaps that is the prudent thing for you to do at this point.... your call....
Bryce Gaston (Busted_knuckle)

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Posted on Friday, March 03, 2006 - 12:31 am:   

Oh crap, what I do now?!!!

LOL! Knuckle!
JW Smythe (Jwsmythe)

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Posted on Friday, March 03, 2006 - 12:35 am:   

Simple answer? I'm assuming we're dealing with a decent sized company.

1) Document everything. This is something you should have already done.

2) Escalate the matter to a supervisor, and work your way up accordingly. Find the phone or email for upper management, and contact them.

3) Failure to have it resolved by the company, complain to the BBB in their city.

4) Failure to get resolution from the company or the BBB, file a lawsuit.

Yes, you will be burning the bridge if you get that far, but if they're screwing you on a high dollar transaction, all you're losing is the ability to lose more money with a company that has already screwed you.

Since you aren't making it clear on who you're dealing with, or what the item is, it's hard to give better advice.

If you're talking about a $20 piece of plastic, that's one thing. If you're talking about a $10,000 rebuilt engine, that's another.

If it's a $20 item, take the loss, and find another vendor.

You did say that you're dealing with the vendor, who is being a problem. Find another vendor for this manufacturer to deal with in the future.
John MC9

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Posted on Friday, March 03, 2006 - 1:22 am:   

"the delivery date was not until april 2004.....
......... I mailed it back Dec. 2005 ........"

8 months? Waddya', kiddin', right? Who'd ya' buy it from?

Walmart is about the only one that'd take it back after
8 frikkin' months! Or maybe Sears...

".....this person has three (3) of these..........I don't want to
make such a stink that I don't get the originals back......"

Say what? Waddya' mean "originals back" ?

If you paid me $18 for a $20 bill eight months ago, and
it ain't worth $18 now, I'd tell you to take a hike.

Wazzup, man?
JW Smythe (Jwsmythe)

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Posted on Friday, March 03, 2006 - 4:56 am:   


Ya, that's where Jay needs to clarify. Is this a $20 plastic part, an engine with a "2 year warranty", or something in between?

I've bought plenty of little crappy things with 10 year warranties. Hell if I keep them all. If a $20 thing breaks after a year, that's a $20 piece that needs to be replaced.

For work, we buy *LOTS* of hard drives. We have lots of servers and workstations. I have a box in my office with a few hard drives that failed just as the warranty expired. Sure, the date that I received them was well after the manufacture date, but I can't pitch a fit about the manufacturer not honoring the warranty. They get pitched into the box of dead hard drives for later retesting and eventual destruction. I figure if I ever get raided by some law enforcement agency, their techs are going to have a fit. They'll be trying to recover data from a whole lot of bad hard drives, and even if they recover the data, they'll find that there's nothing worth recovering. :-)

At a couple hundred bucks a piece when new, I hold a small fortune in broken equipment.

Now, if he's talking about something like a $10k remanufactured engine, that died in less than 2 years and only 10k miles on it, sure I'd pitch an absolute fit.

My car broke a belt that was only about 3 months old. I'm pretty sure it had a warranty on it, but you couldn't even read the numbers on it by the time my engine was done chewing it up. I sucked up the $40 and bought another one. What sucked was, this would be the 3rd belt I put on. The first one just broke while my girlfriend was driving. The second one broke, because I just thought the belt died of old age (6 years old). Then I found the water pump didn't want to turn. I got it to spin by hand and put another belt on. The pump seized up again, taking the belt out with it. I then changed the pump and belt. It broke another belt last week, but this time I couldn't find a fault. Probably just a bad belt. It works fine now. That's the car you see in the pics at TSI, so obviously it works now. :-)
t gojenola

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Posted on Friday, March 03, 2006 - 5:45 am:   

April 2004 to Dec 2005 = 20 months
David Evans (Dmd)

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Posted on Friday, March 03, 2006 - 7:19 am:   

Yep thats a dilemma we had for a while. We had our brakes done at a "board respected" shop and while it was there, it was pointed out they could repair our trans problem while they were "in there". It used to pop out of second while deaccelerating to a stop, annoying but livable with a 50 year old bus. LONG STORY later and many more $$$, our coach would now jump out of 4th gear while accelerating, not to mention the amount out loose and missing bolts I discovered after our first 900 mile trip,the reverse solonoid inopperable and hanging on by a literal thread. We have just chalked it up to a lesson learned. You cant always judge a company by what you read by some posters or the general opinion of others who may not have even used someones services. Many just repeat what they have read and pass it on blindly without actual experience. Most busnuts are some of the best people in the world and probably live by our creed, If you dont have anything nice to say, dont say it. Good luck Jay we feel your pain.
John MC9

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Posted on Friday, March 03, 2006 - 9:29 am:   

"You cant always judge a company by what you read by
some posters or the general opinion of others "

"We have just chalked it up to a lesson learned. "

For years I did the same thing, and just "chalked up" bad
experiences and lost mooolah..

A cop friend down here (he owns Ocean View Campground
at Satellite Beach, Fl) laughed when I told him about a bad
time I had at a local restaurant. I swore I'd never never go back....

He said that if you don't say anything, how are they going to
know they did something that was wrong. "Gotta' tell 'em to
their face at the time it happens", he said. "otherwise they'll
keep making the same mistake". He also seemed to feel that
most places want to keep their customers, and will make every
attempt to make good on a deal gone sour.

So this former New Yorker has learned something from
at least one Floridian.... I no longer hesitate telling the owner
or manager, if and when I get less than expected. So far, it's
worked a whole helluva lot better, than just walking away
without saying a word.

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Posted on Friday, March 03, 2006 - 10:23 am:   

On warranty type items with small business vendors, the thing that happens is the vendor will cover it for a certain amount of time with a "walkin and here is your replacement" type of coverage. This is normally measured in days.

After that period of time the small business will assist the customer with their exchange directly with the manufacturer.

What brings this on is that the retailer has to deal with a wholesaler that purchases from the manufacturer of the item. The wholesaler has a certain number of days from the time that they sell the part until they will not handle a return on the item. After this period of time is up then the retailer has to go through a Return Material Authorization system with the manufacturer.

Some retailers will charge to help with this as it costs them time and money to ship and enter the data into the RMA system. The consumer can quite often save themselves a few dollars by doing the RMA themselves and shipping the item back themselves.

David Dulmage (Daved)

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Posted on Friday, March 03, 2006 - 10:31 am:   

Some more information is needed. Was this "widget" not right because it was defective, or was it not right because it was not the correct part or not suitable for you vehicle or intended use. Does the vendor have a no returns (other than for warranty) policy on such "widegets"? While there may be a legal obligation to honour warranty terms, generally there is no legal obligation for a vendor or manufacturer to accept anything back for return for other reasons, except there they misrepresented it. Many good vendors and manufacurers have some sort of satsifaction guaranteed policy, mainly because it's good for business.

Twenty months seems to be long time to wait to return something because it was not right, particularly when you indicate it was installed shortly after you received and it was not right, at that time. However, if it took that long in dealing with the vendor to get to the point where they were willing to have you return the part for a possible warranty claim, that puts it in a different light.

It would be easier to offer some advice if we knew what the "widget" was and why it wasn't right; don't need to know the name or location of the vendor.


Dave Dulmage
David Hartley (Drdave)

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Posted on Friday, March 03, 2006 - 12:30 pm:   

Such is the world that we live in.

I used to buy hundreds of hard drives "manufacturer direct" each month all were supposed to be warranted and exchangeable for a year.

So many failed out of the box that the manufacturer changed their policy. They were losing their shirts on exchanges. Our customer started sticking us for the failures of their systems. It all ended up in civil court in a multi-million $$$ suit. Lucky that we had documented every detail and the judge and jury no-less threw the suit out.

So people like "Maxtor", "Seagate" and Western Digital always WIN... While we wage a lose-lose battle...
David Dulmage (Daved)

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Posted on Friday, March 03, 2006 - 1:48 pm:   

I've found that just becuse it's new doesn't necessartily mean it's going to work. I've even had OEM parts right out of the package that were DOA, although in theory their quality assurance requirements were supposedly more stringent than those for after-market parts.

Bryce Gaston (Busted_knuckle)

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Posted on Friday, March 03, 2006 - 8:01 pm:   

Must not be too important since he doesn't reply!

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Posted on Saturday, March 04, 2006 - 5:21 pm:   

lifetime warrenty - expires the day after you install it. > front door warrenty - we we all been there done that

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