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dilip & zoe sinha (Vintagehounds)
Registered Member
Username: Vintagehounds

Post Number: 37
Registered: 10-2006
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Posted on Saturday, December 02, 2006 - 3:02 am:   

I usually dont forward things like this but this one touched me in a part that needs to! Pass on if you can. Thanks, D & Z.. for you cuz!!!

Subject: A Young Marine's Request
Date: Mon, 20 Nov 2006 10:23:23 -0800

A young marine's request

This is a poem being sent from a Marine to his Dad.
For those who take the time to read it, you'll see a letter from him to his Dad at the bottom. It makes you truly thankful for not only the Marines, but ALL of our troop

Let's send it around the world.



We all came together,
Both young and old
To fight for our freedom,
To stand and be bold.

In the midst of all evil,
We stand our ground,
And we protect our country
>From all terror around.

Peace and not war,
Is what some people say.
But I'll give my life,
So you can live the American way.

I give you the right
To talk of our eace.
To stand in your groups,
and protest in our streets.

But still I fight on,
I don't bitch, I don't whine.
I'm just one of the people
Who is doing your time.

I'm harder than nails,
Stronger than any machine.
I'm the immortal soldier,

Fight for the stranger,
Fight for the young.
So they all may have,
The greatest freedom you've won.

Fight for the sick,
Fight for the poor
Fight for the cripple,
Who lives next door.

But when your time comes,
Do what I've done.
For if you ! stand up for freedom,
You'll stand when the fight's done.

By: Corporal Aaron M. Gilbert, US Marine Corps

Hey Dad,

Do me a favor and label this "The Marine" and send it to
everybody on your email list. Even leave this letter in it. I want this rolling all over the US ; I want every home reading it. Every eye seeing i. And ever heart to feel it. So can you please send this for me? I would but my email time isn't that long and I don't have much time anyway. You know what Dad? I wondered what it would be like to truly understand what JFK said in His inaugural speech.

"When the time comes to lay down my life for my country,
I do not cower from this responsibility. I welcome it.! "

Well, now I know. And I do. Dad, I welcome the opportunity to do what I do. Even though I have left behind a beautiful wife, and I will miss the birth of our first born child, I would do it 70 times over to fight for the place that God has made for my home. I love you all and I miss you very much. I wish I could be there when Sandi has our baby, but tell her that I love her, and Lord willing, I will be coming home soon. Give Mom a great big hug from me and give one to yourself too.

Aaron was assinated by an IRAQ soldier he was on patrol with 2 days after his Dad received this poem and letter

Please let this marine (and all our military) know we care by passing his poem onto your friends even if you don't usually take time to forward it this time!

If this touched you as much as it touched me, please forward it on.
Let's help Aaron's dad spread the word ...
Someone pays for you and me.

"Life is a coin. You can spend it anyway you wish, but you can only spend it once."

James W Patterson

Kinda makes me forget any problems im having. Pass this on if you can. Dilip.
Nick Badame Refrigeration Co. (Dnick85)
Registered Member
Username: Dnick85

Post Number: 65
Registered: 2-2006
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Posted on Wednesday, December 06, 2006 - 9:32 pm:   


I'm happy to enjoy words from the hart.

Freedom is a tremendus asset!


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