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Ian Giffin (Admin)
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Posted on Sunday, July 01, 2007 - 9:47 am:   

July 1, 2007:: Canada Day! Happy 140th birthday Canada!!


July 4, 2007:: Independence Day! Happy 231st birthday, America!!

Another year. How time flies. Let's not forget the human loss, on both sides of the border, of those who choose to defend our countries and our freedom. Thank you to the armed forces of both Canada, the U.S. and abroad for making the Americas the place where impoverished, enslaved and rejected souls, all over the rest of the world, beg to come to live. Is there a lot to be thankful for? Just look around you. This is what I look at out my back door. Beirut, Baghdad, Kabul... no thanks, I'd rather have this view.


To everyone on both sides of the world's longest undefended border, all the best for a geat holiday! Have fun. Be well. Enjoy :~)

Ian Giffin
Ian Giffin (Admin)
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Posted on Sunday, July 01, 2007 - 9:52 am:   

Good grief! I guess I should get out there and mow the lawn... or as you Americans say, "cut the grass".


John MC9 (John_mc9)
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Posted on Sunday, July 01, 2007 - 10:32 am:   

GAWD............................... Save the Queen.
R.C.Bishop (Chuckllb)
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Posted on Sunday, July 01, 2007 - 10:37 am:   

Here, here....enjoy the day, Ian, and thanx from the yanks for your support of this country!


Ed Jewett (Kristinsgrandpa)
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Posted on Sunday, July 01, 2007 - 11:03 am:   

Wow, look at that, Ian has cushions on his chairs.

Thanks Ian.

Greg Roberts (Eagle 20) (Gregeagle20)
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Posted on Sunday, July 01, 2007 - 11:25 am:   

Yes, Happy independence day to our american brothers to the north!
Gary LaBombard (Garylee)
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Posted on Sunday, July 01, 2007 - 1:13 pm:   

I also want to wish all our Canadian friends (Happy Birthday Canada Day) today. I have made contact and made friendship with many from Canada the past few years and love you people and the canadian country beauty. I hope you control the growth and your countries beauty for all our future generations to enjoy from Canada and the US of A.

Early Happy Birthday America and a special thank you to all our troops,(former members and present and especially those that have made the ultimate sacrafice for us all in helping to protect the freedom we now have and enjoy).

Everyone please travel slow & safely this Canadian Birthday Day and on our American July 4th. Holiday and enjoy the scenery as you do.

ChuckMC9 (Chucks)
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Posted on Sunday, July 01, 2007 - 4:27 pm:   

Mmmmm. Canadian Rockies. Right now. I'm there.

...send diesel money :-)
Paul Lawry (Dreamscape)
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Posted on Sunday, July 01, 2007 - 6:08 pm:   


What is the price for diesel up there?

Paul Lawry (Dreamscape)
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Posted on Sunday, July 01, 2007 - 6:11 pm:   

Whoops, I forgot to say Happy to Birthday to our Northern Friends! God Bless. Happy Birthday to us here in the USA, without the sacrifice of our service men and women, we would all not be able to enjoy our FREEDOM. Probably not our buses either.
ChuckMC9 (Chucks)
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Posted on Sunday, July 01, 2007 - 8:20 pm:   

Aaack, I didn't write that right. I meant "I'm there" as the kids say, as in "I wish I was there". LOL

Stuck in hot, rainy & muggy TX fer cryin' out loud. :-(

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