It's official I have a new(?) 4104. ... Log Out | Topics | Search
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Patrick levenson (Zubzub)
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Posted on Monday, August 13, 2007 - 1:56 pm:   

Hi everyone, I am psyched about this! It is a nice straight bus, no rust, doesn't smoke, all the conversion stuff is in, needs some sprucing up, but everything but the gen set is there. The PO kinda messed up the electrics, and there are a few minor issues, but someone did some nice maintenance on this bus. New air bags, generator, blower, brake pads. It has stock power steering which works nice, has the all aluminum rear suspension which is pretty, big old 4'X2' propane tank for the furnaces and stoves and fridge... Appears to have a propane powered ac unit (is this possible?) Anyhow there is no rust which is the big deal and the price was a total barn find ($1950.00 US). The price really offsets the unknown/trouble spots as I have a hard time imagine getting less than that for it in scrap. But the bus really is not a scrap bus, I took a chance, paid a deposit unseen, went out last week to look, and after a little thought, bought it. My camera broke half way through the inspection, so I don't even have a decent pic but it looked nicer in person than in the pics emailed to me. I will put a rough pic in my album here. Nice to take a chance and have it pan out, now I just need to get it home and passed safety inspection. This may be an amusing foray into errors and "I told you sos" but I don't really mind as making mistakes and learning from them is part of the game. I hope to use this site and others to help me up the steep learning curve of this beast. I am a decent wrench with lots of old motorcycle and old car experience, this is my first diesel bus, my first air brakes bus, but I used to run some late sixties schoolies, an International and a Dodge. I like the air ride and I like having the motor away from me when I'm driving, and once I have this puppy sorted I'll take it down to Mexico for a bit. So I'm psyched, and maybe I'll get a PDA so I can email my troubles from the road like Dutch did, should prove entertaining if nothing else. Thanks in advance for your support, I have been using forums for years now to source parts and info on older vehicles, there is really nothing better than collective knowledge for these projects, maybe in a couple of years I will even have some of my own. Thanks as always, Patrick
p.s. I drove to see the bus in my '68 Volvo. 2200 miles round trip without a hiccup, it used maybe 1/2 pint of oil, when you get a nice old rig sorted they seem more reliable than anything else more than 5 yrs old. I will post some more links to pics once my pic server starts working again
Bob Wies (Ncbob)
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Posted on Monday, August 13, 2007 - 3:04 pm:   

Congratulations on your new bus and welcome to the World of Insanity!

We all remember the pins and needles of the first purchase and the rewards of getting behind the wheel for that first trip. Ah yes, it got to me again today when I took mine down for a fuel fill up. a bit of pain in the pocketbook but a joyful ride nonetheless.

We'd be anxious to see some pics and share your happy time, anytime.

Patrick levenson (Zubzub)
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Posted on Monday, August 13, 2007 - 3:27 pm:   

so this is my bus sort of

this is me and my car

this is my car and co driver
Gus Causbie (Gusc)
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Posted on Monday, August 13, 2007 - 5:23 pm:   


You have your work cut out for you. I have a '54 4104.

What is a "all aluminum rear suspension"?

I recommend the Honda EV6010 gen set. If interested I'll send some photos of my installation.

Never heard of an LP AC but suppose it is possible since the frige is LP.

What is that thing forward of and above the left rear wheel before the frige door?
Patrick levenson (Zubzub)
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Posted on Monday, August 13, 2007 - 6:11 pm:   

The early 4104 had what the book calls suspension support arms out of alluminum and i think some other stuff. They only did that for awhile. I pressume the other thing is part of one of the furnaces, but it might be AC vent, I guess i'll find out one day. There is definatly some botchy work here and there, But so little rust or corrosion what a pleasure. I would be interested in seeing pics of the gen install if it's not too much trouble.
Robert Wood (Bobwoodsocal)
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Posted on Monday, August 13, 2007 - 9:10 pm:   

Congrats Patrick! Looks like a nice bus. Have fun! Bob
Bill 340 (Bill_340)
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Posted on Monday, August 13, 2007 - 9:42 pm:   

Bus looks good . BUT you look a little Scary
joe padberg (Joemc7ab)
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Posted on Monday, August 13, 2007 - 11:20 pm:   

ongratulations. Last week I also looked at an 4104. but the aluminum suspension arms were partially gone and reinforced with 3 inch angle iron, in addition to visible holes in the rear airbeams. So I took a pass and had to buy a return ticket home. BTW I gave up on Volvo's thirty years ago, but that co-driver should be a keeper.

RJ Long (Rjlong)
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Posted on Tuesday, August 14, 2007 - 12:46 am:   

Patrick -

Wow, a 122 wagon! Rare nowadays!

BTW, PD4104-402 was delivered new as fleet number 177 in September of 1953 to New Mexico Transportation Company, based out of Roswell, NM.

Probably explains the lack of corrosion - a SW coach.

Where did you find it, if I might ask. . .

Welcome to the nuthouse!


PS: Co-driver's cute, too!
John MC9 (John_mc9)
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Posted on Tuesday, August 14, 2007 - 1:33 am:   

Patrick -

Nice catch! I love that model, and it's body is absolutely beautiful!
I wouldn't mind taking a spin in it myself, right now!

The bus and car ain't bad, either!

Welcome to the "institution". May you have BIG bucks to spend,
and good health to enjoy!

Charles Seaton (Charles_seaton)
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Posted on Tuesday, August 14, 2007 - 12:29 pm:   

Nice bus at a great price. I always loved 04's, but always ended up with fishbowls.
Dilip & Zoe (Vintagehounds)
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Posted on Wednesday, August 15, 2007 - 2:00 am:   

Patrick, check your post on the flea market board.
Jeffrey Smith (Greenhornet)
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Posted on Friday, September 07, 2007 - 8:38 pm:   

What Bill340 said!
more pics please...just NOT of you!!
Looks like a great bus. Cripes, what elsle will under $2k get you these days?

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