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Gary LaBombard (Garylee)
Registered Member Username: Garylee
Post Number: 180 Registered: 3-2004 Posted From:
Rating:  Votes: 5 (Vote!) | Posted on Saturday, September 15, 2007 - 7:42 pm: | |
I have suggested the following on the MAK board but there is no response and before I put this idea of mine to bed for good I wanted to give those on this board also a chance to consider my offer here. The only motive I have for offering this is not to make any money but to help promote our rally's even if we cannot attend them all. Before this idea is mis-interpeted to be something else I assure you it is only to make everyone aware of items that may be for sale at Rally's only. I will not be making any changes to informamtion after you have submitted it, contacting each other before a rally is a good idea to consider but if your items are sold I will have to keep them posted until after the rally is done as it will be too difficult and time consuming to keep monitoring and changing any post. Well, here is the idea. =============================================== I have a (Suggestion) for you to consider if it is impossible for you to post all you will have for sale at each and every bus rally after I get a system that will work that we can follow, here is my suggestion. I have a web site, nearly unlimited in size that I pay for each and every month trying to sell my Bus Inspectin CD. But since I have not sold one CD in many months I am just wasting this money in trying to help others but it seems that the demand for this information has diminished. I do not have a problem in thinking out a format that you can all view that I can post to be available as favorite on your computer for you to keep checking on that will be on line right up to each bus rally or bus gathering date. That way you can have a list of what everyone has for sale if they take the time to make a simple list for me to transpose on my web site. Now this will take a lot of time to develop but I am willing to do if you all think this a good idea to consider. I will make a form that will allow room for your name, make of bus and name of it you will travel in and your email address or telephone number, (If You Wish) so that you can be contacted perhaps way before the rally and a deal can possible be made and delivery of the merchandise be made at the rally. This part will be all up to you but I will only post what you submit for your privacy. I am not wanting to do a (ebay) here, would love to have their money for their site now though if I did. But this will all be offered free and you can make it easy for me to post if you submit the form I will post for you to use. Then all I have to do is copy and Paste it and minimize my computer time also. I will have you make up your (for sale items & asking price) in numeral order. Right now this is all planning in my head but I want to make it as easy for you, (and me) to do this as I can. Let me know in feed back and I hope it will be in positive form if you want to consider this. I will post the site location on the BB'd and that way not offend any of the board moderators of any bb'd. After the rallys are complete, I will run the sale items posted for a few more days for that (Just in case deal) was not completed at the rally and thought of after the rally was done. Well, enough of the planning right now as I have Eagle work to do, this is only a suggestion to have an area for you to post what items you may want to sell at a rally and what you are now asking for it. If no one objects I will do my best to make it available to you. Now this will just be stuff available for sale at a particular rally, then deleted days after the rally is done. This will not be duplicate ebay for bus nuts to be a running things for sale permenately such as a classified add. Oh, at this time pictures will not be available as posting photos is a complicated thing to do on my web site and too much time involved to complete. A suggestion, if you want pictures of a particular item for sale, send a request for this information to the seller, (from the form information posted) and you can work that out a deal between both parties. Let me know what you think, again, (This Is Only A Suggestion) on my part that I will do my best to make available if you want it. Gary |
Jerry Liebler (Jerry_liebler)
Registered Member Username: Jerry_liebler
Post Number: 277 Registered: 3-2005 Posted From:
Rating:  Votes: 1 (Vote!) | Posted on Saturday, September 15, 2007 - 8:36 pm: | |
Gary, The wounded Eagle needs your TLC. Please, I keep hoping I'll get to see you in a bus. Regards Jerry 4107 |
H3-40 (Ace)
Registered Member Username: Ace
Post Number: 666 Registered: 10-2004 Posted From:
Rating:  Votes: 5 (Vote!) | Posted on Saturday, September 15, 2007 - 10:46 pm: | |
You would think if, ahhh never mind! You probably already know what I was going to say! Ace |
Gary LaBombard (Garylee)
Registered Member Username: Garylee
Post Number: 181 Registered: 3-2004 Posted From:
Rating:  Votes: 1 (Vote!) | Posted on Tuesday, September 18, 2007 - 8:12 am: | |
Ace, Ace, Ace I have been lying back for months and trying real hard to ignore your comments on my bbd post after I make one. I have noticed that every time you make any comment on one of my post, no matter what size comment you make, the same effect takes place. The post is Dead from that time on. That is what happened here again. I am not going to mix a lot of words here about this, lord knows I want to but I am not a match for flaming words with you as that is not what I try to do. My intention to post anytime on this board and MAK is to help others no matter if that intimidates others because I do or not, If I help even one person with a particular post then I feel I have reached my goal to help at least someone. If I make any remarks on someone’s post it is never, ever to intimidate them as sitting behind these computers things are said one way and perceived another way when read many times. It has been a little over a year now that I have decided that I do not want or need your friendship, for reasons I care not to relive. I still have a gift here, intended to give you at Jack & Paul’s rally in Arcadia last year. But that went down the crapper for reasons you know of. It is located 5 ft. from where I now sit and used as a reminder everyday to me to not ever lower my standards and to always try to be respectful to others older or younger than me. You have made recent comments about my Poem submittals to those having rally’s which I enjoyed doing, you have made comments about my computer instructions to help newbie’s which took many, many hours to compile and submit. You have made a comment here on this post which was intended to get feed back from those that I am trying to help promote their rally’s. This post in involved a lot of work on my part and was intended to help those gain confidence to surf and read these bb’d comments etc.. But, This also went down the crapper because of your little jab which you enjoy doing and everyone reading immediately pulls back after you do as they do not want to mix words with you as they feel it is not worth it. I have no idea what really to say and have it come out right as I know you can and will try to twist it into something else making people reading it just shaking their heads. What I really need from you, if you will, is to (Respect) what I am about to ask of you in front of everyone here on this BNO bbd. I do not need, or appreciate any comments from you at any time on any of my post weather it be pro or con in any direction of what I am trying to do or say. It is not necessary to try to intimidate me if that is your intention; I do not want anything to do with you in any way personally or in any way. There is just some situations in life I do not want or need and hope you will give me that respect and back off, go away and make your post on others sites or your own post and realize that you do not have to make your snippy comments of any kind if not desired on anyone’s post. This is not anything new to be told to you or asked of you but I am personally asking you not to sabotage my post any longer with your comments which everyone wants absolutely nothing to do with. Now I suspect you will make a rebuttal to this but I hope you will prove me wrong this once anyhow. I am asking you to go away from me, do not make any comments pro or con on my post, make your informative information to all on other post or on your own post. You do not need me in your life and I hope you will show me I am wrong on this issue and you will show me the respect I ask of you and that you not say one word , it is not necessary to rebut this, I am just asking for your respect in this wish so I can continue trying to do all I can to contribute to our bus nut community. You and I are done. Let it go, let me ask for help from others and let me contribute help to others when I can without having to watch for snippy comments that are not appreciated or needed after any kind of post I may make. Prove me wrong on this Ace, prove to me that you can show respect for someone asking for it concerning this and do not make any comment here now or ever on my personal post from here on out. Prove me wrong. Please. Gary |
H3-40 (Ace)
Registered Member Username: Ace
Post Number: 671 Registered: 10-2004 Posted From:
Rating:  Votes: 3 (Vote!) | Posted on Tuesday, September 18, 2007 - 1:28 pm: | |
Nope your dead wrong Gary! You paint a real nice picture here in front of everyone making you look like angle trying to help everyone with your long winded post but you fail to let everyone that you help know that it was YOU that acted like a little kid when told by me, that you can't expect 2 others which was me and Mike to take pictures at "the Arcadia rally at some rediculous number of 200 pics EACH especially after I told you that I was going there to RELAX, NOT WORK! Then you got a hair up your ass about me giving MY opinion on why it isn't a good idea to WARN buyers about rust or rusty issues on buses and that it could hurt potential SELLERS as it could turn away potential buyers. YOU didn't want to believe that almost ALL buses for sale have rust issues of some sort! You think you have the worst case and you want to stand out because of it! Then you take these pictures at these rallies which is ok by all means and add your little funny captions but when I contacted you about sending me a copy of a very nice picture you took of our bus, me, Susan, and Bud WITHOUT the funny caption so WE could use it for a Christmas card, my 3 THREE "emails" went unanswered! Uh if you doubt my words, just ask Dallas! He knew every time I emailed you! Did I mention the fine time we all had in T-ville? About how you like playing games with people but when one was played "on you", you came unglued like the little kid you act like! You knew me a long time before we even met and it was you that said I was like Tony Stewart. You know, the guy that takes NO CRAP from anyone! Well sir I HAVE taken crap! Some you don't even know about but that's MY problem, not yours! Yea I considered you a friend from the first time we actually met but what did it was getting shunned on the Emails and I took it as you were still upset about the prank call! Did that stop me from GIVING you an OLD Eagle Clock that I wasn't sure worked or not? Did I even get a thanks, and YOU ask for respect? Come on, get a life! You should give some to get some! You can call this what you want, rebuttal or whatever, but let it be known that YOU are not the angel or bus god you portray to be! And another thing, all of what you had to say here publicly COULD have and SHOULD have been done thru Email! Lord knows you know how to complain to the moderators using your email! Ahh, another tip! Don't always trust those who you talk to! Ace |
H3-40 (Ace)
Registered Member Username: Ace
Post Number: 672 Registered: 10-2004 Posted From:
Rating:  Votes: 3 (Vote!) | Posted on Tuesday, September 18, 2007 - 1:36 pm: | |
Also Gary, you say your idea went down the crapper here on BNO? Did it go down the crapper over at the MAK board too? Maybe just maybe, not that many people are interested in your idea! If that's the case, don't use me as an excuse! You made your bed... and Frankly speaking, I think you idea of a list of items for sale prior to a rally stinks! If you spent near as much the time you waste here posting books, some good and some useless, on your bus, you would be tooling around the country in a fine ride! Frankly speaking again, I think that 100 miles you have logged on your eagle scared you so much to the point you don't want to finish it! Maybe if you did, you COULD offer REAL help! Ace |
Gary LaBombard (Garylee)
Registered Member Username: Garylee
Post Number: 182 Registered: 3-2004 Posted From:
Rating:  Votes: 1 (Vote!) | Posted on Tuesday, September 18, 2007 - 6:52 pm: | |
I just knew you would prove me right!! No more post by me on BNO until you are also banned from this bb'd. Gary |
H3-40 (Ace)
Registered Member Username: Ace
Post Number: 673 Registered: 10-2004 Posted From:
Rating:  Votes: 4 (Vote!) | Posted on Tuesday, September 18, 2007 - 7:12 pm: | |
Gary ban me for what? You came on here starting this crap, not me so maybe you should go on about your way! I asked to take to email but YOU chose to keep it public! Hey it's no big loss to me pal! See ya! Ace |
Ian Giffin (Admin)
Board Administrator Username: Admin
Post Number: 1021 Registered: 7-1997 Posted From:
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Friday, September 21, 2007 - 7:54 pm: | |
Uh, well, for what it's worth at this point... Gary, are you not proposing a WoBN's The Flea Market on your own web site? And if so, is it appropriate to have asked here? Ian PS. So for the first time in my life, my computer monitor busted - Viewsonic 19" LCD - and look what's happened. Can all my beloved viewers not totally behave themselves while I'm not here watching every word that's typed? C'mon Buswarrior, not even an "EH?" out of you with all this going on? Yeeesh! |
Buswarrior (Buswarrior)
Registered Member Username: Buswarrior
Post Number: 1078 Registered: 12-2000 Posted From:
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Saturday, September 22, 2007 - 7:26 am: | |
I have no idea.... happy coaching! buswarrior |