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Ian Giffin (Admin)
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Posted on Saturday, January 03, 2009 - 3:07 pm:   

Hi folks,

As I have promised several times before, I have now eliminated the section on this bulletin board system entitled "WoBN's The Flea Market".

I'm doing this for a couple of reasons. Firstly, several months ago, I installed a new feature of this web site called WoBN's Classifieds on BNO. That section is a free classifieds section in which buyers and sellers can advertise and obtain the latest stuff that anyone has for sale. This new section currently has 216 registered users, has 25 ads from 17 users and, most importantly, the current ads have been viewed an incredible 9,091 times since they have been posted.

Our listings are getting picked up by the search engine robots more frequently, which means that if you have an ad on BNO, a simple search for stuff on Google or Yahoo will routinely bring up an item on our Classifieds. That was virtually absent from the bulletin board listings.

The other reason I am sending the Flea Market to the new Classifieds section is that the ads are user maintained and expire by themselves at the selected duration. In the old section, I never followed whether something was still for sale. I simply purged anything that was about 2 or 3 months old.

Additionally, the WoBN's Classifieds on BNO provide the buyer and seller an automatic means of contacting one another via email. I currently have a setting turned on, on the administration side of the Classifieds, which allows me to receive a copy of all messages from anyone to anyone else. I can tell you that these emails are, almost exclusively, real contacts who are genuinely interested in purchasing the item being sold, and activity via email is very brisk.

Of course, the best reason to use the WoBN's Classifieds on BNO is because they are FREE. Though I was initially thinking about charging a nominal fee for ads at some point, recent developments elsewhere on the internet have prompted me to leave this section free for all time. And to just finish that thought, though it's very flattering to be copied, I don't think you'll soon see a free classifieds section anywhere else on the internet except here at BNO!

Ok, so the last thing I wanted to point out was that WoBN's The Flea Market was a valuable resource for our viewers who were looking for a source of supply for anything from soup to nuts... and, literally, lug nuts at one point! On the WoBN's Classifieds on BNO section, I added a topic entitled "Wanted / Source of Supply" and have offered a sample of how you might wish to proceed if you are looking for a part or whatever. Try it... really, I've made it about as simple as possible to prepare an ad.

So, officially, the Flea Market on the bulletin board has been removed. For articles for sale, including buses for sale and anything else you can think of, and if you are looking for a source of supply, please visit our new WoBN's Classifieds on BNO section. A link is available from the main topics page of this bulletin board system.

Enjoy :~)

Ian Giffin (Admin)
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Post Number: 1162
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Posted on Saturday, January 03, 2009 - 3:56 pm:   

But why WoBN? What's WoBN??? And how come it landed in a Flea Market?

With nearly 2,000 subscribers to this bulletin board and registrations still coming in day after day, many of you are unaware of some of the history of the bus conversion hobby. Here is a small snippet describing how "WoBN" became part of this web site.

First things first: WoBN stands for the "World of Bus Nuts" a concept/group founded by Arnie Smith (who has written several excellent, novice-friendly articles here on the bbs), Donn Danielson and Lee Davis.

As you know, BNO will be 12 years old this September. At the very beginning, BNO needed some credibility in order to keep up with the big kid on the block, Mike Kadletz' (MAK) www.busconversions.com.

I asked Dave Galey and George Myers, who I now respectfully refer to as the godfathers of bus conversions, if they would write a series of articles for this, then, new web site. Both loved the idea. Dave allowed me to publish his entire tome, The Bus Converter's Bible, online here at BNO. It still remains a major source of basic education about converting a bus. George offered many very good articles and wrote the basis of a collaboration piece the three of us put together called "How do I get Started?", which, more so than any other article on this web site, gets read every single day by someone.

Shortly after I started BNO, the other big conversion web site, operated by Zane Good at www.rv-coach.com, was revamped to more focus on the RV industry, though conversions still make up a large part of that web site. Zane was, up 'til then, responsible for hosting and promoting the WoBN concept.

When Zane's site shifted direction, I was asked by Arnie if there was some way to incorporate the WoBN into BNO in a mindful and meaningful way. I said that I was going to start a comprehensive bulletin board system that would include a Flea Market, as originally suggested by Dave Galey. I think the rest is history, as they say.

Though we don't hear as much from Donn & Lee, Arnie is still quite active in the busnut community and frequently responds here to message authors, as well as frequenting DieselChat, our live chat room.

He has never asked for WoBN back, so I continue to respectfully include it in this web site to preserve the history of the group and sometimes, like now, revisit the sequence of events that led to it appearing here.

Now you know!!

Enjoy :~)

K.J. Franklin (Slow_rider)
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Posted on Sunday, January 04, 2009 - 3:18 pm:   


You are a class act.

Thank You!

marvin pack (Gomer)
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Posted on Sunday, January 04, 2009 - 5:57 pm:   

Not only is he a class act but I think he is pretty smart too LLLOOOOLLLLL thanks Ian
Buswarrior (Buswarrior)
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Posted on Sunday, January 04, 2009 - 9:03 pm:   

Free, and WoBN's continued symbolic presence are both good things.

Thank you, |@N, for the continued respect shown to those who came before and helped along the way.

The past is far too often quickly discarded in our soundbite existence...

happy coaching!
niles steckbauer (Niles500)
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Posted on Sunday, January 04, 2009 - 11:31 pm:   

And here I thought it was Al Gore that did all that - Happy New Year to you and Maisie - Niles
Arnie Smith (Arniemc5a)
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Posted on Monday, January 05, 2009 - 3:26 am:   


I have just read your history of the Wobn... and want to thank you for your kind words of recognition given to Donn, Lee, and myself, in your brief history of the WOBN... I would like to extend to you, the offer to continue to use "WOBN" as you have done in the past. Your website has done more to promote the dissemination of information in this field and in doing so, has created an atmosphere of enthusiasm, camaraderie and friendships, that would not be possible otherwise.. You can rest assured that I have no intention of doing anything to change the direction you have taken with the WOBN in the last 10 years. You can continue to use if for as long as you wish, and I would appreciate it if you, I@N, would also take some credit as your site has nurtured the Wobn into what it is today.. Our purpose (Donn, Lee, and myself) was to give a forum for topics relating to the conversion "industry" as we know it, and I want it to continue. I have no idea where Lee is, and Donn, was living in Whitehall MT as of last fall. We exchanged e'mails at the time and I haven't heard from him since. To the best of my knowledge he is still there, but he seems to have lost interest in the conversion scene. Maybe a historic "page" on the BNO website might be a good idea, then you can include others who have contributed ( The Dave Galeys, Geo Meyers, and anyone else you may consider)... but I leave that in your hands.


Roger Baughman (Roger)
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Posted on Sunday, February 01, 2009 - 10:32 pm:   

I thank you too, Ian and all of the others for their contribution to this wonderful sit. It has been of immense value to me, Roger
Laryn Christley (Barn_owl)
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Posted on Sunday, February 01, 2009 - 11:34 pm:   

Unfortunately free is the only thing that fits my budget at this point in my life. The BNO classifieds are a much better way to advertize a bus and related items than craigslist. Most people don’t know how to proficiently search craigslist. Craigslist is more of a local way to advertize for free than a national way. With our hobby as unique as it is sellers need broad coverage. As I look over the craigslist ads I often think that it would be nice if they knew about BNO and the broad exposure it gets especially among the target group the seller is trying to find. Given time I think the word will get out, and as the search engines pick it up, you will see BNO classifieds grow substantially. Nice addition Ian.

I do have one question Ian. Why didn’t you replace the old Flea Market link with a link to the new classifieds? I think it would make the transition easier for some. It took me a brief moment to realize the link was separate above the others. It just seems more logical to keep all links together and that link area seems to quickly draw the attention of someone browsing. As a creature of habit I don’t always scan the whole page when I know what I want and where I want to go. As much surfing as I do, I feel that even as skilled as I am, if it takes me more than a second to track it down then it could be overlooked and should be made easier to see. Bottom line, I think uniformity and consistency is important on a web page to reap the greatest benefit. Just my feedback on what already is a great BBS.
Ian Giffin (Admin)
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Posted on Monday, February 02, 2009 - 4:31 pm:   

Thank you all for your kind thoughts!

Laryn, I actually went with uniformity, or so I thought. All the links are on the home page of BNO including the new Classifieds. On the start page of the bbs and chat room, links to other main sections appear at the top.

But you're right, for clarity, I should have put the link directly from the old Flea Market. Give me a day and I'll have it fixed up and leave it like that for a couple of months until everyone is used to going directly to the Classifieds.

Thank you again.

R.C.Bishop (Chuckllb)
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Posted on Monday, February 02, 2009 - 8:36 pm:   

Good post Laryn....and Thanx, Ian! :-)

marvin pack (Gomer)
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Posted on Monday, February 02, 2009 - 9:21 pm:   

Are we going to see you,Ian, jumping up and down if this thing works? LOL I like the way it will work too.
Laryn Christley (Barn_owl)
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Posted on Tuesday, February 03, 2009 - 12:42 am:   

I don’t spend much time on the home page and jump right into the forums. That page is where I am accustomed to seeing everything stacked nice and neat. Obviously I am looking at this from my preferences which might be totally different than another’s. I do think a link to the classifieds that replaces the old flea market link would be nice. I feel that being the first on the block with a free good classified section will give BNO the ability to corner the classified traffic.
Ian Giffin (Admin)
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Posted on Tuesday, February 03, 2009 - 7:04 pm:   

Hi folks,

Again, thank you for your opinions, guys! You really help set this board apart from the many hundreds of thousands on the internet.

I've re-upped the WoBN's The Flea Market Topic, entered a byline that is appropriate and when the thread is followed, it provides a direct link to the new WoBN's Classifieds on BNO section.

The roadmap is now complete! Again, thanks to all.

Laryn Christley (Barn_owl)
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Posted on Tuesday, February 03, 2009 - 11:37 pm:   


Is it possible to completely replace the “WoBN'S THE FLEA MARKET” link with the new “WoBN's Classifieds on BNO” link?

That way you easily go right to the classified section from what I call the “stack” of links.

Thanks again for maintaining this great forum.

Ian Giffin (Admin)
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Posted on Wednesday, February 04, 2009 - 4:40 pm:   

Hi Laryn,

I wonder if your suggestion is really necessary. I don't want to sound the slightest bit condescending here, but have you missed the link at the top of the "stack" of links which has been pointing to the Classifieds since I put it online last year?

I have attached a picture of the link below with a red arrow where the link is.

I'm wondering if it isn't just a little too much overkill to be pointing to the same place from several locations on the page???

Just questions Laryn. I do want it right and I'll apply your suggestion if you really think it will help.

(By the way, to answer your question directly, no, it's not possible to place the link directly in the title - the software won't allow a link to occur there, except directly into it's own Topic Page).


Laryn Christley (Barn_owl)
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Posted on Thursday, February 05, 2009 - 1:01 am:   


I do know about that link. I have sent you an email hoping that it will clarify my feedback. I wouldn’t trade you places, but I will publicly express my gratitude for all of your hard work.

Gus Causbie (Gusc)
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Posted on Thursday, February 05, 2009 - 10:53 pm:   


I have to say you've outdone yourself on the Classifieds.

It is one of the easiest sites to navigate I have ever used, this is not a common thing!!

We all owe you a big, THANKS.
RJ Long (Rjlong)
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Posted on Friday, February 06, 2009 - 1:14 pm:   

Ian -

First, let me compliment you on a job well done, coordinating the classifieds and the flea market.

Might I make a suggestion? Don't know if this can be done with the current software, but hopefully it can. . .

What I'd like to see, in the section where complete vehicles are being sold, is a place for the VIN of the coach.

I'd also like that set up in such a way that the listing cannot be posted unless the VIN box is filled in. Minimum of 10 charaters for the older vehicles, maximum of 17 for the newer ones.

The purpose of this is two-fold: One, so those of us who like to track these things can research and see where the coach originally operated in revenue servcie. Second, it legitimizes the posting, as the seller has to provide the correct information or his ad won't post. Also reduces the risk of scam-type ads.

Think it might work???
Ian Giffin (Admin)
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Posted on Friday, February 06, 2009 - 7:23 pm:   


Sounds good to me.

Two things before I try to make that happen...

1) what about someone with a legitimate bus for sale who can't find the VIN? I'm thinking, someone like the widow of a deceased bus owner, for example, and

2) any number might work.

Think on that for a moment and respond at your convenience. Meantime, I'll look to see if I can customize the page - I'm sure I can. Even if I create a field for it, perhaps it doesn't need to be a mandatory field.

RJ Long (Rjlong)
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Posted on Friday, February 06, 2009 - 10:24 pm:   

Ian -

1) Perhaps a small notation can be placed stating that the VIN/Serial# can be found on the vehicle's registration or title paperwork - everyone should have that.

2) VIN's traditionally are letter/number combinations, and most of the busnut community recognize correct VINs. Somebody who just puts in random characters w/o conforming to known VIN patterns would stand out like a sore thumb.

Personally, I'm hoping you can make it a mandatory field, and that it must contain a minimum of nine characters before "releasing" the ad for posting.

I just think this would go a long way towards legitimizing the vehicle being sold.

Wish more sites would require it, too, for that matter!

FWIW & HTH. . .

Ian Giffin (Admin)
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Posted on Saturday, February 07, 2009 - 8:37 pm:   


I've added the field. I cannot make it mandatory.

Hope that will help both sellers and buyers... and especially you :-)

Ed Brenner (Epbrenner)
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Posted on Saturday, February 07, 2009 - 10:53 pm:   

RJ , question for you

"I'd also like that set up in such a way that the listing cannot be posted unless the VIN box is filled in. Minimum of 10 charaters for the older vehicles, maximum of 17 for the newer ones. "

I am confused the 06 I used to have was PD4106566
9 characters long. My current Eagle has vin 19744
only 5 characters. The minimum 10 don't seem to work for me. Sorry, but explain you are the guru for this vin info what I am missing.
THanks , ED

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