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Nellie Wilson (Vivianellie)
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Posted on Monday, February 02, 2009 - 8:54 pm:   

An idea for a future Busnut CD

After my ‘big adventure’, I would like to do something special for the busnut community.

Here’s my thought:

I’ll be traveling throughout the States, making music and meeting new people.

I carry with me a sound system that allows me to record to ‘radio friendly’ and CD quality standard.

I would like to create songs and, eventually, record an album around the ‘BusNut’ theme. But here’s the catch… I don’t want to do this alone, but as a community project.

If anyone is interested in participating, one way or another, to this project, it could be a lot of fun – and offer an opportunity to meet one another. So if you want to stretch your creative talents, let’s chat and maybe get together. And you don’t have to be a musician to participate. Example: poems (I already have one from Ace); lyrics or stories about your own adventures. I (or anyone so inspired) can put some music to it. And, eventually, graphics for a cover, or any other ideas you may have.

If you strum a guitar or play the harp (or whatever) and/or have an idea for a song bus / travel related song, I can help put it together, adding back vocals, flutes, percussions…

The beauty is this: I can record a track at a time and edit, mix and master, etc. when all tracks are completed. So we can put the whole ensemble together without all having to be present (though, obviously, that would be great fun!).

[Maybe I’ll give Ralph and Jeanne a demonstration, just so someone can see how the whole thing could work].

Whenever our paths might cross, we could take some time to put a song together, record it… at least that portion of it (I could burn you a copy on the spot). And after we accumulate 10 or 12 rough cut songs, I could do the studio work and arrange a release date.

What then? I’d be looking Ian’s – and everyone’s – input on that.

Just one of these crazy thoughts… my way of giving back to the community that helped me so much…

H3-40 (Ace)
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Posted on Monday, February 02, 2009 - 11:10 pm:   

Nellie, although I'm a beginner mandolin player (1 1/2 yrs) I would love to get together and jam with you if you ever get down this way, (central Florida) but let me add that there is another bunch of players in the Carolina's like JR and his wife who plays bass fiddle and mandolin respectfully and Gary "rustbucket" LaLombardo who plays guitar and keyboard from what I understand and I know my own better half Susan plays fiddle and is starting to play some bass fiddle. There is a lot of talent spread thru out this little bus community and I think you doing something like this would be great not to mention a lot of fun. Maybe you could get a lot of us together at a rally and we could have one big Jam session as long as you don't play too much stuff in the key of "C". I'm having a hard time with that progression for some reason! LOL

Sounds Like a great idea to me!

Bill Gerrie (Bill_gerrie)
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Posted on Tuesday, February 03, 2009 - 12:41 am:   

I'm poeticly and musicly challenged in other words useless at either one. But. I sure would like to hear the outcome of what sounds like a great idea. It sounds like there is a lot of talent on this board. Good luck on this adventure Nellie and any other road you choose.
RJ Long (Rjlong)
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Posted on Tuesday, February 03, 2009 - 4:05 am:   

Maybe we could sneak in a soprano, alto, tenor and "C-Melody" sax, too. . .

Tim Brandt (Timb)
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Posted on Tuesday, February 03, 2009 - 9:09 am:   


Good to see another wind player. I have been playing jazz trombone for 25 years now
Jack Conrad (Jackconrad)
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Posted on Tuesday, February 03, 2009 - 9:42 am:   

If you happen to be in Florida next December (and what better place to be in December), you could join us at Bussin' 10. We always have a few pickers and a "Pickin' Tent".
In fact, send me a personal email at jconrad@rvbus.net. I would like to discuss your performing at at our rally.
Josh McElhiney (Zcommanager)
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Posted on Tuesday, February 03, 2009 - 10:25 am:   

Hi Nellie!!

First thing...I'm glad to hear that you made it out of Vermont safely and are own your way to warmer weather!!

Your 'busnut' album sounds like a fabulous idea!!! It's been quite a while since I have had a horn in my hands, but maybe now would be the time to start playing again. I am also a visual artist, so who knows, maybe I could design a nice album cover for you.
If you're still in PA, shoot me a line wjmcelhiney@yahoo.com or give me a buz, and we can kick around some ideas.

Good Things,

Buddy Matthews (Bud4104)
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Posted on Tuesday, February 03, 2009 - 2:52 pm:   

Glad to hear things are going well!

The album sure sounds like a terrific idea.

All the best
John and Barb Tesser (Bigrigger)
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Posted on Tuesday, February 03, 2009 - 4:54 pm:   

Sounds like fun, I play guitar and mandolin, my wife plays stand up bass. The commute from northern Wisconsin to Florida would be a killer though! lol good luck girl
David Evans (Dmd)
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Posted on Tuesday, February 03, 2009 - 7:18 pm:   

I play drums and my wife bass guitar in a couple of bands. We keep planning on bringing the small band to Jacks but drums and blue grass....And we have a couple of bus songs to add to the CD. One "Brokedown" and another dident get there breakdown song. Might be why we havent been to Arcadia in awhile! Let us know when you are traveling back thru Pa.(when its warm!)
Jack Conrad (Jackconrad)
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Posted on Tuesday, February 03, 2009 - 7:22 pm:   

We have a man that brings his drums to jam. Country is also played and all musicians are welcome. Jack
Nellie Wilson (Vivianellie)
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Posted on Tuesday, February 03, 2009 - 9:47 pm:   

This is wonderful!

I want to do this for the fun and creativity, but I sense it can get lucrative to a point, and I don’t want to make any profit out of this project.

If we can put something significant together, I would suggest that (if we make some money out of it) it could go into an emergency account busnuts in trouble (like I just went through). I’ll be looking for Ian’s input on this. I’m just trying to think ahead a little… maybe some kind of a non-profit BusNut foundation…


David, that’s great! Anyone else that has something already finished and would like to stick it in this project is more than welcome to do so.


I’m still at Ralph’s place… he’s a sweetheart, and helping me so much to put my rig in shape so I’ll be more comfortable down the road. Thanks a million Ralph.

I’ll be heading down towards Charlottesville, VA, after this comforting halt. Anyone close to there or down the road in the Carolinas… might be fun to hook up?

Then I plan on going down to Florida ‘till around May; then maybe Texas (around Austin) and back up to Nashville (been there, love it, got some great friends over there…)

[Thinking about it, might hit ol’ Nashville on my way down… always good for a gig or two.]

Then I’m not sure… but that’s enough for me now, and God knows how plans can change going down the road. Like somebody (John Lennon, I think) said, “Life’s what happens when you’re making plans to do something else.”

Back to the BusNut Album: For those that may be out of reach, we could always send music back and forth through the internet, and add tracks to songs.

Any idea is welcome, I’ll do my best, with your help, to build us something sweet we can all enjoy and (hopefully) release at the Jack Conrad’s next Arcadia wack-a-doodle… and have a huge busnut jam session!!!

Ian Giffin (Admin)
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Posted on Wednesday, February 04, 2009 - 10:10 am:   

Hi Nellie,

Screw the people who break down, I'll be the AGENT for the project and all profits will go directly into my personal coffers. I'll consider paying a little to the plebes.

Alright... so, the above delusions of grandeur aside, I strum a good guitar. Note, the guitar is good. I generally suck. But I make up for it by singing worse. Which makes my strumming sound better. You watch... one day I'll show you! I'll bring ear plugs, not to worry.

Paul Lawry (Dreamscape)
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Posted on Wednesday, February 04, 2009 - 9:46 pm:   


Don't forget to stop in Abilene on your way to Nashville.....If you don't the bus gods won't be very happy with you.

Besides I'll be really ticked! Was gonna use the other word but you're a Lady. Hee Hee
Greg Roberts (Eagle 20) (Gregeagle20)
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Posted on Wednesday, February 04, 2009 - 10:51 pm:   

Guitar and Banjo here and sounds like a lot of fun!
David Evans (Dmd)
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Posted on Thursday, February 05, 2009 - 10:46 pm:   

Thanks Jack, I am slowing down a little on the drums but my singing is as bad as it always wuz! We will be in Arcadia next year the engine swap might actually be done this summer. Its only 3years behind schedule.

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