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Bill McMackin (06_bill)
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Posted on Sunday, February 08, 2009 - 3:11 am:   

Is it poss. to get converter lockup in manual
low & manual 2? At W/O throttle modulator would
be hard on full pressure. This is with air throttle. 8V-71 std. V-730 in a PD 4106.
Thanks in adv. 06 Bill 4106-2741.
Laryn Christley (Barn_owl)
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Posted on Sunday, February 08, 2009 - 2:09 pm:   

I am told yes, and I am going to try it before I head out west. TomC on the MAK board has posted this procedure:

"On the V730 (at least mine with an air controlled throttle modulator since I have an air throttle), when the bus is slowing down on the grade, you first will down shift from 3rd lockup to 2nd lockup. The next what feels like a down shift is the transmission going from lockup to converter mode in 2nd. When this happens, then pull the shifter (I have a 3-2-1-N-R shifter on the floor) down into 1st and the transmission will shift to 1st converter spinning the engine alot faster. Then pull up your foot about an inch off the floor and you should feel the transmission bump back into lockup mode. You can go up a hill with minimal heating on the transmission as long as it is in lockup mode. Suggestion- the gap between 1st and 2nd is pretty big, so when you get up to the top of the mountain and want to shift up, first floor the gas pedal again (remember you had the gas pedal up about an inch for lockup), and that will put the transmission back into converter mode, then manually shift it into 2nd converter for a much smoother shift then when the converter is locked up. Sounds confusing-but once this technique is perfected, climbing even a long grade in 100 degree weather should not be a problem-course you'll be going only about 32 mph! Good Luck, TomC"

Link: http://www.busconversions.com/bbs/index.php?topic=1458.0

(Message edited by barn_owl on February 08, 2009)
Darrell Black, DVM (Darrelldvm)
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Posted on Tuesday, February 10, 2009 - 9:41 pm:   

I have a Bennett shifter & I can't get into 1st gear until I'm at 30 MPH, so how do I go up a hill @ 35 mph in 1st gear?

Tony Gojenola (Akbusnut)
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Posted on Wednesday, February 11, 2009 - 1:02 am:   

I'm finding this all a little confusing, since the V730 in my 4106 does not appear to have a lockup mode in first gear. I have looked for the factory spec sheets without success, but did find this document:


Anyone care to comment?

Laryn Christley (Barn_owl)
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Posted on Wednesday, February 11, 2009 - 10:51 am:   

The procedure TomC describes is a “trick” that forces the V730 to lock up in first gear.
Tom Christman (Tchristman)
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Posted on Wednesday, February 11, 2009 - 11:08 am:   

The key here is that you have to shift the transmission down into 1st to get lockup in 1st. Go to a big parking lot and play with your bus. With the converter locked up in 1st, you'll have excellent engine braking (especially if you have a Jake) and good hill climbing capability.
Just don't over rev in 1st since it will shift to 2nd around 2400rpm (don't ask how I know). Good Luck, TomC
Bob Baldwin (Bob4106)
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Posted on Wednesday, February 11, 2009 - 4:48 pm:   

I have the V730 also with the Stone Bennett shifter. If I start off with my shifter in 1st and leave it there it will act just like it's in drive and shift all the way to 2nd then it will lock-up then shift to 3rd then lock-up. And the whole time the shifter is in 1st gear. I did this wanting to see my RPM range in each gear. I though the V730 had some what of a manual valve body that would let you down shift it for lower gear range when climbing even a long grade. But looks like to me it all has to do with the RMP range you are in. Also to me the V730 responds to slow when it comes time to up-shift when climbing grades
Jack Conrad (Jackconrad)
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Posted on Wednesday, February 11, 2009 - 5:47 pm:   

We have a sister to the 730, a 740 in our MC-8. Last fall we encounters a very steep, but fortunately short grade in NC. We had to start almost from a stop at the intersection at the bottom of the grade. I started up the grade and put the gear selector in 3rd. As the engine started slowing sown, I put the gear selector into 2nd and the transmission shifted into 2nd. As we neared the top the RPM was down to 1500 and I put the gear selector in 1st but the engine remained in 2nd until the engine RPM dropped to about 1200-1300 RPM.
Several years ago, we were pulling into a bluegrass festival that had a very steep road going down into the campground. I was barely moving at the top in 1st gear. I put the gear selector in 1st, thinking the transmission would stay in first and help slow the bus down. With my foot off the brake, the bus started accelerating slowly. When the RPM hit about 2300, the transmission shifted into 2nd,even though the gear selector was in 1st.
I think the Allison transmissions have some sort of system built into them to protect the engine from over-reving. Jack
Tom Christman (Tchristman)
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Posted on Sunday, February 15, 2009 - 5:44 pm:   

Jack- you are correct that the Allison or any automatic in trucks and buses have upshifting at a higher rpm to protect the engine. On my V730, it will up shift from 1st to 2nd at 2400, but will not in 2nd to third. Good Luck, TomC
RJ Long (Rjlong)
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Posted on Monday, February 16, 2009 - 12:22 am:   

All -

OK, one thing I've picked up on in this thread:

TomC has a CABLE shifter in his coach, not a Stone Bennet electric shift.

Because of this difference, his V-730 first-gear lock-up technique may or may not work with the electric shift folk.

FWIW & HTH. . .

Cullen Newsom (Cullennewsom)
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Posted on Saturday, February 21, 2009 - 11:30 pm:   

> Just don't over rev in 1st since it will shift to 2nd around 2400rpm (don't ask how I know). Good Luck, TomC

Did you catch a scratch? You know, bark the tires?

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