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R.C.Bishop (Chuckllb)
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Posted on Thursday, March 19, 2009 - 8:33 pm:   

I had an interesting experience today with this company. I don't usually "bash" business folks, and I am not going to do it here....just the facts, maamm, just the facts.

This might be of interest to some if you do business with that company.

Called and ordered an oil seal kit for my 1951 M38A-1 Willys Jeep. I had a catalog dated 2007 and ordered the part by number...priced then at $12.99,(knowing it would be more now).

After much questioning including information not necessarily pertaining to the order, the lady said "we have that part in stock- $18.99"..

OK...that's quite an increase I said...would it be less if I ordered it online?

About the same she said.

OK, that's fine. What's the total, says I.

That will come to $25.95...and let's see.. it will be a total of $32.95...................

Says I...hold on a minute... $18.99 plus shipping should be no more than the $25.95 you quoted...(remember- it was an oil seal sent in an envelope, most probably, via USPS)

Well, says she, there is insurance, SHIPPING (???)
handling, etc etc, etc.......$32.95

About dropped my teeth and in a polite, but succinct (curt?) way said cancel the order, please; thank you for your time.....and hung up.

HOWEVER, by this time she had all CC information, my cell number, which I stated I did not want to be abused, my billing address, my shipping address, my email address and a whole bunch of information I would not have given had I known what was coming.

As I think about it, over the years that is most probably the reason I use them very "sparingly" (last resort). Unfortunately, I did not check the other suppliers I know of that would have the item :-(.

FWIW .... and bit of diversion on this Thursday, March 19...(when are the Ides of March?)...:-) :-)

FAST FRED (Fast_fred)
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Posted on Friday, March 20, 2009 - 6:45 am:   

Many retailers use shipping and handeling as a PROFIT CENTER , JCW is not alone in this con.

ED Hackenbruch (Shadowman)
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Posted on Friday, March 20, 2009 - 10:44 am:   

As i recall the Ides of March is March 15th. I just had to pay over $23 for a little piece of plastic that is 1/2 the size of my thumb. It locks a line for my tranny cooler into the tranny of my jeep wagoneer. About 2 cents worth of plastic.....of course you have the moulding costs etc. but still looks like one hell of a markup to me. On the other hand i guess i got a hell of a deal on the line itself....4 feet of steel and rubber line for only $109.
Bruce Henderson (Oonrahnjay)
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Posted on Friday, March 20, 2009 - 12:06 pm:   

I'm sorry to hear this. JCW used to be a good source for simple, cheap stuff you'd need.
John MC9 (John_mc9)
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Posted on Friday, March 20, 2009 - 12:21 pm:   

RC.. Take note:

J.C. Whitney

Oh well.. With a bad economy, you'd think these buttheads would try to
do well with their clients? Maybe they -want- to go under, ehh?
R.C.Bishop (Chuckllb)
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Posted on Friday, March 20, 2009 - 1:34 pm:   

Thanx for the Link, JTNG..look again...
I copied and PASTED! :-)

Yep..."go under"....and get some Bucks from Geitner and esteemable Congress.....(but meantime, "we'll tax 100% of it on behalf of the American people and get our money back...").

Did Pelosi REALLY say that??? Hang on folks; just think, she could be Commando in Chief one day...and sleeping in BO's former bedroom...

Good Grief!!!

john w. roan (Chessie4905)
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Posted on Friday, March 20, 2009 - 5:20 pm:   

I've dealt with JCW online for several years with good service. Maybe they are tacking on a surcharge for dealing with a person that they have to pay for. I avoid dealing over the phone with any of the retailers because of poorer service. Sort of like McDonalds; better service at the drive up window- screw the walk in customers....let em wait.
John and Barb Tesser (Bigrigger)
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Posted on Friday, March 20, 2009 - 8:02 pm:   

I too purshased a lot of parts from JC Whitney over the years, but for the last 2 or 3 years, I just "google" the part and buy it from the cheapest online company that offers it. I am sure I will get stung sometime, but not so far and for things like air bags for my pickups, leaf springs, and such have saved a ton of money over JCW. (Still like their catalog for bathroom reading) lol
R.C.Bishop (Chuckllb)
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Posted on Friday, March 20, 2009 - 8:44 pm:   

Just a cotton pickin' minute, JWR....

... the inference "Maybe they are tacking on a surcharge for dealing with a person that they have to pay for".....ass u ming you were referring to the sales (?) person on the other end of the phone.

What ever did I (or anyone attempting a purchase -over the phone or otherwise, commonly known as a "customer")- do to deserve that "treatment"?

Far as I know, sales people are paid no matter whether in person (which I do not know if JCW even has)...,on the road, on the phone, on the internet, or whatever. A part of conducting business. Yes some on commission, but customarily "included" in a quoted price...not as an xtra.

...but then, maybe it is what a friend of mine once said (jokingly) " if is wasn't for the customers, maybe I could get something done"....

I, also, have done business with them for years, but take a look at the last two line spiel of my original post....

As I think about it, it's stuff like what I wrote about that got us into this mess as a nation...now globally...GREED. I can't see another explanation for it.

I've been a businessman for many years; always did (do) my best to serve customers, potential customers and anyone with whom I came in contact...whether they purchased or not... and have the references to back me up, than the Lord.

Sorry, sorry commentary for an "established" company like JCW....sorry. (read the link that JTNG posted...it'll open your eyes).

Just my way...off the box now. Thanx for listenin' :-):-)

No I'm not upset at you JWR...just blowin' steam! And guess what... I checked my CC information today and that "charge" is PENDING!!!

Gus Causbie (Gusc)
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Posted on Friday, March 20, 2009 - 9:11 pm:   

I've been dealing with JCW for probably 30 years and never had a problem they didn't gladly settle to my satisfaction.

I've never had them attempt to add insurance to any order unless I asked for it. Insurance is an optional item unless it has changed recently.

Their shipping rates have increased dramatically lately as have all other mail order companies rates.

Harbor Freight used to have free shipping but they charge about the same as others now.

Many times the people on the phone don't know what they are doing. I just hang up and try again and always get another person.
Paul Lawry (Dreamscape)
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Posted on Friday, March 20, 2009 - 9:21 pm:   

....who doesn't know what they're doing. That's why I order over the net.
ED Hackenbruch (Shadowman)
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Posted on Friday, March 20, 2009 - 10:18 pm:   

Oops, sorry if i gave the impression that i got my part from JCW too. I got it from the local Jeep dealer. I was just commenting on the high price you have to pay sometimes for things that you would think would only be a couple of bucks
Gus Causbie (Gusc)
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Posted on Saturday, March 21, 2009 - 6:35 pm:   

My complaint about ordering over the internet is the long drawn out forms to fill out. If you make a mistake (In their opinion) on some websites they tell you so and turn you back without telling you the mistake??

Then if you goof and lose the page all your typing goes down the drain! This has caused me more than once to just forget the whole thing and pick up the phone.

Also you often have to go through the whole ordering process to find out shipping charges. This really frustrates me because some shipping is outrageous.

It is amazing to me how many websites are so difficult to use even though they are trying to sell you something?? It's almost as if no one in the company ever has tried to use their own website??

As I said, I've had good luck with JCW all these years. I own so many old vehicles that often they are the only source for parts I can find. They've saved my bacon many times.

No, I have no connection to JCW whatever. I'm just an old retired guy having fun!
john w. roan (Chessie4905)
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Posted on Saturday, March 21, 2009 - 7:14 pm:   

ChuckLLB; I'm not defending them, just speculating that maybe, they are trying to encourage people to use the online buying option. Of course, it's going to save them money in wages, but maybe cost them money in the long run to those that prefer to talk to someone to order an item. As for me, I'd just as soon as order online anymore at the company that has the product I want at the best overall price. I've had to deal with idio....uhhhh less informed people on the phone too many times. Try to find someone that is knowledgeable anymore. BTW, the newest, most inexperienced guy in an auto parts store will be the first to answer the ringing phone every time. They don't want to deal with a counter customer in front of the other help. On the phone, they have more time to figure out what the hell you are talking about.:-)
R.C.Bishop (Chuckllb)
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Posted on Saturday, March 21, 2009 - 8:44 pm:   

JWR...see the first four (4) paragraphs of Gus's post above............

FWIW :-):-):-) Oh... and last I saw, the charge is still pending....

john w. roan (Chessie4905)
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Posted on Sunday, March 22, 2009 - 10:31 pm:   

On most of my ordering online, the computer remembers my name and address and makes it much easier to enter this info. I know what Gus's is talking about though; I had similar frustrations when I first started ordering online. Much easier now and most sites are much more friendly. Also, many sites remember you from previous ordering and make very simple. Paypal can be useful FOR SOME for payments; they can remember your cc or bank account info. Many members don't trust this option and can recite horror stories which could be a concern. I'm satisfied with it though. Your mileage can vary.
John and Barb Tesser (Bigrigger)
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Posted on Sunday, March 22, 2009 - 10:44 pm:   

We had an issue where someone hacked our credit card info from paypal and made several ebay purchases before I caught it. To their credit, paypal reimbursed us for the loss although I did have to get a new credit card issued.
R.C.Bishop (Chuckllb)
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Posted on Sunday, March 22, 2009 - 10:52 pm:   

"Funny thing happened on the way to the Forum"..( for the "younger" readers that was the name of a Movie....way back when)...:-) I wanted to post a final bit on this thread when I thought I would go JWR's route and try the internet, once more.

Went online to JCW to check out the part I need and it showed up...shipped and handled at $25.99...UP popped a "chat window"....

So I says to meself, says I ....OK...let's see.

Theresa says "$25.99. delivered to you".

Says I "guaraanteed bottom line"?

"Yes", says she.

"Can you send me an email that says that", I said.
"No, says she...we don't email".

"Then, to review, bottom line is $25.99, delivered to my zip code...no other charges...total total...total?"

"Yes", says she."$25.98"

"Hold on a minute", says yours truly...".which is it....$25.99 or $25.98"?

"$25.98" says Theresa.

"Thanx and out>>>>" I wrote....

............but the earlier charge is still pending. So. manana, I will call again (I don't like to give CC info etc over the net)

If you are confused,(so am I) go to the top of the thread.

Thanx and out>>> :-) :-) :-)


(Message edited by chuckllb on March 22, 2009)
john w. roan (Chessie4905)
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Posted on Monday, March 23, 2009 - 4:43 pm:   

Chat window? never saw one of them. Anyway, you might save a penny. Send it to me. I always get an e-mail with the billing amount on it or you can print off a copy of the order statement.
R.C.Bishop (Chuckllb)
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Posted on Monday, March 23, 2009 - 8:51 pm:   

JWR..ordered it elsewhere...saved $7.50...important to me...SS goes only so far. JCW took advantage...their loss.

Let's see...$32.97-$25.98= $6.99....I did better than that, huh? ($7.50) And the new vendor is sending me a catalog and "appreciated (Y)our business". That says a bunch to me.

Next penny I find as xtra...I'll send it. :-)


(Message edited by chuckllb on March 23, 2009)
Gus Causbie (Gusc)
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Posted on Monday, March 23, 2009 - 10:52 pm:   


I'm confused? Did you order it from JCW a second time at a lower price on the chat line??

What happened to the first order?

Who is the new vendor?

If it is a long Polish name which I forget it is the same company as JCW!

I've used chat windows for service on previous orders but never used them for current orders.
R.C.Bishop (Chuckllb)
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Posted on Monday, March 23, 2009 - 11:13 pm:   

:-) :-) ....oh Gus!...you and me too! (confused)!

First order still shows "pending". Since I did not get an "all clear" against the CC, I elected NOT to re-order from JCW (would have if they had canceled the order). I need the part so decided to go to an outfit in Texas...don't remember their name but something like " Antique Jeeps"...or whatever.

Talked to a receptionist who was friendly and helpful; passed me to a fellow that seemed to know what I needed and was informative ("lets see...what else are you going to need to do that.....nothing that I can see"...he was looking at a schematic of the part and surrounding area)

My kind of Vendor..

I need simple, easy, friendly......:-):-):-)

Thanx for the question.....don't be con-fused! Makes life tedious!

Bruce Henderson (Oonrahnjay)
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Posted on Tuesday, March 24, 2009 - 12:21 am:   

Gus C wrote: "What happened to the first order?
Who is the new vendor?
If it is a long Polish name which I forget it is the same company as JCW!"

"J. C. Whitney" was founded by Israel Warshawsky; he wanted a name that sounded more "American" so he came up with "Whitney" but decided that "Isreal Whitney" wasn't exactly what he was looking for. So, J. C. sounded simple and plain enough (there's a rumor that it was taken from "Jesus Christ" but I wouldn't bet the farm on that) so J. C. Whitney was born.

The company (and family) still do some business under the Warshawsky name.
john w. roan (Chessie4905)
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Posted on Tuesday, March 24, 2009 - 7:09 pm:   

2007 catalog? Everything is going up in price nowadays at a pretty good clip. Of course, the govt. says inflation is low.
Chuck llB, please don't send that penny postage collect!
Gus Causbie (Gusc)
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Posted on Tuesday, March 24, 2009 - 7:12 pm:   


You owe it to us to tell the name of that helpful and well priced vendor! I have a '64 CJ5 so I can use all the info I can get.


Thanks for that useful history lesson! I recognize that name but hadn't thought about or seen it in many years.

I remember when JCW filed for bankruptcy many years ago that they reverted to Warshawsky for a short time but eventually went back to JCW.
don goldsmith (Bottomacher)
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Posted on Tuesday, March 24, 2009 - 8:28 pm:   

Years ago (50's) Warshawsky used to be the wholesale division; you couldn't order unless you had a business. I stole a copy of their catalog from the gas station where I worked and tried to order stuff for my model A- they wouldn't do it. I later found a JCW catalog and realized it was the same stuff, but different prices (retail). I sorta lost my interest in them after that. But Pep Boys was still fun then, and they filled the gap.
R.C.Bishop (Chuckllb)
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Posted on Tuesday, March 24, 2009 - 10:34 pm:   

Gus...I did post that info, but it either did not make thru the process...or the Boss Nut did away with it.

I thought it was Antique Jeeps or something like that but turns out it is Vintage Jeeps...and, walla...I lied.

I did not save $7.50 as posted...only $6.32...:-( :-)
SS income makes a big difference in a few bucks....I'm cheap, when I can be...:-)

I had a '68 CJ5 and really liked it... easy to work on, fun to drive...especially in the Mountains of Colorado, where I lived...:-) :-)

Sorry about the post missing....??? BTW...JCW charge is still pending.....!!


(Message edited by chuckllb on March 24, 2009)
R.C.Bishop (Chuckllb)
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Posted on Wednesday, March 25, 2009 - 10:31 pm:   

I got the JCW charge wiped off...:-) Thank you very much!!.

Ian...I noted last time I posted...above..that JCW is a client of yours... Did not know; sorry about that, but they stepped up to the plate. :-) Vindication!!

Thanx JCW and thanx,Ian!
:-) :-)
R.C.Bishop (Chuckllb)
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Posted on Thursday, March 26, 2009 - 8:34 pm:   

Gus...the Catalog is the best I have seen on Vintage Jeeps...( and ///that's their name)


Kevin Black (Kblackav8or)
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Posted on Monday, March 30, 2009 - 9:26 pm:   

Did you search Amazon.com? You would be surprised what parts you can get on there and often the shipping is pretty reasonable. Pretty much the entire Grote catalog is available there among other things.
Gus Causbie (Gusc)
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Posted on Tuesday, March 31, 2009 - 10:02 pm:   

RC,,Try to keep in mind that Geitner inherited this mess from people you neglected to mention.

I agree that Pelosi hasn't done much to help.

If Geitner and Obama manage to straighten out this mess it will be a miracle. They have now had just over two months to try. Do your best to give them a bit more time.

It took those other guys(I forget their names now, thankfully!) eight years to make this big mess and it may take eight more to straighten it out.
R.C.Bishop (Chuckllb)
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Posted on Tuesday, March 31, 2009 - 10:09 pm:   

Huh???...Gus are you on the "thread? you intended?...somehow I am missing some information. :-) :-)

Gus Causbie (Gusc)
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Posted on Tuesday, March 31, 2009 - 10:26 pm:   


Just look back at your second post on this thread. Have you forgotten what you posted already?
R.C.Bishop (Chuckllb)
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Posted on Wednesday, April 01, 2009 - 11:00 am:   

Yep...sure did, Gus...!! That was eons ago...when you get to be my age...u'll understand.:-):-):-)

Gus Causbie (Gusc)
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Posted on Wednesday, April 01, 2009 - 9:01 pm:   


I've been known to do the same thing a few times!

I probably passed your age quite a while ago!
R.C.Bishop (Chuckllb)
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Posted on Thursday, April 02, 2009 - 10:46 am:   

Could be, Gus..
I was of the WPA era.." brother can you spare a dime..",the CCC, soup kitchens and Shirley Temple. Wizard of Oz was a Johnny come lately...:-) :-)

...ahh. those were the days ...(SURE)
john w. roan (Chessie4905)
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Posted on Thursday, April 02, 2009 - 6:03 pm:   

Chuckllb, some years back, a guy at work gave me an old catalog that he used to get Jeep parts from. Don't know if the company is still around.
4 Wheel Parts Wholesalers 3818W Inglewood Highway, Inglewood, California 90303 313-678-8545 or 1-800 421-5906 Catalog is dated 1977. ??? FWIW
R.C.Bishop (Chuckllb)
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Posted on Thursday, April 02, 2009 - 8:37 pm:   

Thanx, John....I'll check it out...could be 30+ years late, huh? :-)
Gus Causbie (Gusc)
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Posted on Thursday, April 02, 2009 - 9:59 pm:   


If you participated in those things you have a few years on me!

I knew about them at the time but was a youngster then. People my Dad's age worked on the WPA. Sure saved a lot of my fellow rug rats from going hungry.
R.C.Bishop (Chuckllb)
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Posted on Friday, April 03, 2009 - 11:07 am:   

Gus...seems we're approximately the same vintage,,albeit not the same barrel>>:-) 1934.

I indeed participated in many of those things, as a child of parents who lived it! And we think we have tough times now. Frankly, our opulence as a society, one of the things that brought this country to our knees, is most probably one of the best things that has happened to us since that Great Depression.

I see folks daily who now appreciate and are learning to like, apparently, "the simpler life". Who knows...we may not be such an obese country in the coming years, for instance. I can remember my dad saying he was "happy as long as I have enough for today....tomorrow will take care of itself".

Gus Causbie (Gusc)
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Posted on Saturday, April 04, 2009 - 2:34 am:   


I knew you were a young whippersnapper, I have four years on you! Just two old farts in buses!!

The wealthy and greedy I have no sympathy for, it is the young families out of work that I worry about. The lessons are going to be very expensive for them.
R.C.Bishop (Chuckllb)
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Posted on Saturday, April 04, 2009 - 12:27 pm:   

:-) .......thanx, ole' man!...sheesh...you ARE older than dirt!

Gus, like fine wine. we improves with age! :-) :-)

Thanx for the exchange. BTW, my dad was born in Waldron (Winfield).


(Message edited by chuckllb on April 04, 2009)

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