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Nellie Wilson (Vivianellie)
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Posted on Friday, April 10, 2009 - 11:38 am:   

I'm full time in my bus now, happy as can be. One thing that I miss: Internet...

Is there anyone who would have any suggestion about which would be 'the' deal to get some wireless connection? I know there are different existing cards, but it's like shopping for toothpaste or soap... so many brands you don't know where to turn.

I finally got my clutch fixed! Well, Don fixed my clutch, and, surprise, I have an air-assist that actually works! :-) The air valve was shut down and the linkage needed some greasy attention. The clutch itself is in very good condition... almost new, Don says. But that adjustment wheel is still stuck, which we'll try to free up when I get her down to his shop. I'm still in Howard's driveway, but Don was kind enough to drive over and do what he could -awfully nice of him and much appreciated. Sweet guys, both of them!

I'm hoping to get out of here today, or tomorrow latest. I'm not keen to negotiate Beltway traffic during Friday rush hour, so I'm thinking more tomorrow? But now I can at least move the bus and give Howard back his parking space. Next step, get over to Don's and free up that adjustment wheel... and double-check everything.

Speaking of Don, he's got to be the ultimate 'Bus Nut'! I don't know how many buses he's got, but I'd guess around thirty or so? And they're all his 'babies'. I'll get some photos while I'm there -pretty amazing to see all these buses in one place.

Slowly but surely,

Clint Hunter (Truthhunter)
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Posted on Friday, April 10, 2009 - 2:43 pm:   

try heat on the adjuster mechanism , it does wonders for turning gritty old dry grease into a fluid again.
welcome to proper full timing vivia , I hope to be there some day. My year of "", well it is not a efficient way to live.
Isn't it almost the season to bus north again ? If only $$$.
ED Hackenbruch (Shadowman)
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Posted on Friday, April 10, 2009 - 2:51 pm:   

Millenicom. Jack Conrad brought this aircard to the attention of the boards and gave it a trial run a couple of years ago. As a result several of us are now using it. I have had it for about 9 months now and am very pleased with it. If you do a search on this and the MAK board you should be able to find out a lot of opinion on various aircards.
Jack Conrad (Jackconrad)
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Posted on Friday, April 10, 2009 - 3:41 pm:   

We are still using our Millenicom air card. They have raised their rates from 49.95 to 59.95 but it is still cheaper than Sprint, Verizon, etc. because they charge no taxes, just the 59.95 per month. it has to be billed through a credit card. There is no up front charge (except an Activation Fee) or long term contract. We spend a lot of time in some very rural areras and have always been able to get online (although sometimes the slower 1XRTT connection). Around cities, we almost always have the fster EVDO connection.
Dan West (Utahclaimjumper)
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Posted on Friday, April 10, 2009 - 4:15 pm:   

Try Lock-Tites new Freez-off for that wheel.>>>Dan
Keith Wood (Ft6)
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Posted on Friday, April 10, 2009 - 4:17 pm:   

I'll join the chorus for Millenicom. I bought their airjack ($99) and pay $59.95 each month.
Jack Conrad (Jackconrad)
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Posted on Friday, April 10, 2009 - 7:23 pm:   

I forgot to add, we installed a Wilson antenna in the roof of our coach that increases the signal strength, especially in weak areas. The cable plugs into our Millenicom air card.
Wilson also makes an amplifier, but I have not heard anything about how much difference the amplifier makes and it cost quite a bit more than the antenna.
Since Paula & I both have own personal laptops, we are considering buying a router that allows you to plug the air card into the router, then connect to the router wirelessly. I realize that if both are using the internet at the same time, our individual speed will be less. Jack
Buswarrior (Buswarrior)
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Posted on Friday, April 10, 2009 - 9:13 pm:   

Jack's external antennae is VERY important for cellphones and cell based internet.

The bus is the devil at soaking up transmissions and receptions of all kinds.

Get out to the fringe, no signal inside the bus, functional signal outside.

I am a fan of the Wilson products as well. The amps were a definite improvement in the analog days, however, and unfortunately, I can't find anyone with experience comparing amp or no amp with an external antennae in the post digital times.

As with all your mounted antennas, be thinking about tree branches cleaning it off. A through the roof model mounted midships in the shadow of a roof air might be a cautious choice?

happy coaching!
Clint Hunter (Truthhunter)
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Posted on Friday, April 10, 2009 - 9:34 pm:   

...some buses soaks up as much radio waves as a protective aluminum hat, so if your the type that needs to were one , you may go "aluminum hat-less" when your on board ! My bus even had a "no aluminum hat wearing" sign next to the no- smoking sign above the door handle. I think the school girls that use it for there drum & bugle band may have added it though.
Kasse Weikel (More_s_than_as)
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Posted on Tuesday, April 14, 2009 - 2:41 am:   

whoa whoa whoa, whos this Don fellow? thirty some busses in his yard?!? and he has a shop!!!!! i need to meet this man! where abouts is this shop? im in california, if luck has it out for me Don and his shop are near by??? i want to learn!!!!!!!!!!

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