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Glenn F Campbell (Gfcgfc1)
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Posted on Friday, April 24, 2009 - 11:25 pm:   

Hello , I've never posted befor but have been 'lurking' and reading the archives etc. Purchased an MCI MC-7 shell.It was converted had a fire now basically a gutted shell , works for me. The one small issue is it is in N.Jackson Ohio near Pittsburgh PA and I live in Tempe / Phoenix Arizona . 2k trip new to me unit big shakedown trip! How can I shrink a photo to get it small to post? Will have more pressing questions later I'm sure. Pick it up this Sunday in Ohio to drive back .Looking forward to hearing from all ya'll Glenn
Paul Lawry (Dreamscape)
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Posted on Friday, April 24, 2009 - 11:43 pm:   

Welcome Glenn, Just size it to what it says in the Help/Instructions locataed at the bottom of the Forum Page. It might take a few tries, but you'll get it. If not send I@n a PM.

I bought our Eagle in Shelby Ohio and drove it to Burbank CA in 03, so I know what excitement you have in store for you. Just pack some tools, a manual and make sure your cell phone is charged in case you run into trouble.

Good Luck,

Bill Laird (Billaird99)
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Posted on Saturday, April 25, 2009 - 6:40 am:   

I downloaded the software from this site.


It will take any picture on your PC and can re-size to whatever size you want among a long list of other things it can do to pictures. Good luck with the trip.

Tim (Timkar)
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Posted on Saturday, April 25, 2009 - 10:11 am:   

Good luck with the trip. I know the feeling, we did 2800 miles across Canada in March 2005. Had a few problems, but was a great trip. My son still talks about it to this day. Hopefully you will have someone to share the adventure with.
Ian Giffin (Admin)
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Posted on Saturday, April 25, 2009 - 1:01 pm:   

Hi Glenn,

Thank you for contributing and welcome to BNO!

Please feel free to send me your photo(s) for resizing for the site.

Best regards,

Clint Hunter (Truthhunter)
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Posted on Saturday, April 25, 2009 - 5:37 pm:   

the best prep for trip, preparedness wise, in a unknown coach, beyond the mechanic inspection is a good tow insurance and a cell phone.
macgyver (91flyer)
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Posted on Saturday, April 25, 2009 - 8:55 pm:   

You could also post to Flickr and let it do the resizing for you.... No software (other than your browser) needed. ^.^

Peter River (Whitebus)
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Posted on Sunday, April 26, 2009 - 1:11 am:   

My first ever trip in my bus was 2300+ miles, and it was an unforgettable adventure.

Anticipate a breakdown or two, bring a camera/video, and buy stuff along the way (and stay at all the walmarts) and it will be something you will always remember.
Patrick levenson (Zubzub)
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Posted on Sunday, April 26, 2009 - 7:09 am:   

Bring money :-) and patience.
macgyver (91flyer)
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Posted on Sunday, April 26, 2009 - 5:24 pm:   

As Peter said... Anticipate a breakdown... At least once.

I'll also say that I was VERY glad to have taken my own video camera with me, as it was invaluable in diagnosing why in the heck I lost 3rd and 4th gear at the same time... That's still something I need to fix more permanently... Zip ties only hold for so long. LOL...

Patrick's advice is good too... Whatever you think it's going to cost you for fuel, food and "stuff" on the trip back... Double it. It'll give you a nice buffer zone, but... Anything major will sink you... Not a fun feeling when you don't know anything useful about your bus yet....

Noone wants to get ya down about your new adventure... But... Practicality and reality often overshadow the dream on your first trip... A distance this far certainly counts. ;)

Good luck, and many of us have posted our numbers on the board... Might want to look for them and keep 'em handy!

R.C.Bishop (Chuckllb)
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Posted on Sunday, April 26, 2009 - 10:47 pm:   

Methinks Clint had GREAT advice....and if you don't want to carry a pocketfull of cash...a Credit card...or two.

Things happen...:-(:-)...not a "cheap hobby".:-(

BUT...., chances are....you'll LUV it! :-) :-)

macgyver (91flyer)
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Posted on Sunday, April 26, 2009 - 10:59 pm:   

lol... R.C.... I'm sure you're aware of most of my misadventures with the various buses I've gone to get.... No matter how many four letter words streamed from my wretched mouth along the way with every breakdown... I always ended up home... Most of the time because of someone here that decided to answer my calls of help while on the side of the road. ;)

The most important things I can say is... Take your time. Keep your cool. Don't be afraid to ask for help, and... Most importantly... DON'T PANIC!


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