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Gary LaBombard (Garylee)
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Post Number: 192
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Posted on Sunday, April 26, 2009 - 12:50 pm:   

Hello everyone,

I am posting this information on the boards I frequent as I know a lot of "Smart" newbees now research before purchasing a bus or motor home. If you frequent (EBay) and wish to make a purchase, try to remember this situation posted by a person interested in purchasing from a Dealer!!==================================================

This post was forwarded to me by a friend as the sellers are located someplace near us. What my point is in posting this information, if you are purchasing a bus, motor home or anything from Ebay, you could have this same thing happen to you. I am the first to put out there in public any sour examples in my life that has happened to help prevent anyone else from following in the same circumstance.

My advice and I wish I did this is to always, always Inspect, Inspect, Inspect and have a purchase clause that if the product you purchase is not as promised on ebay or is misrepresented on ebay or Craiglist that all monies will be refunded to you after inspection. Be sure to offer to pay for inspection if professionally done by experts. Perhaps offering $100 only for their time and cost of posting on ebay etc. is sufficient but it seems everyone is just wanting to take advantage of the internet to misrepresent their products for sale and hope you are stupid enough not to inspect, inspect, inspect like I did not do.

Here is the post as written by the purchaser, or near purchaser.

1993 wanderlodge bought on e-bay for $51,300----
From: WanderlodgeForum@yahoogroups.com

What I thought could end up being a really good deal on a 93 wanderlodge ended up being a waste of time and money. Being the successful bider on e-bay my son and I left early Tuesday to go to Piedmont SC to pick up the coach. Karolina Koaches wanted me to wire them the full amount before we would arrive, I gave them a $500,00 deposit and told them I would hand carry a cashier check for the remaining amount.

When we arrived at their place in Piedmont on Wednesday morning we were met by Bob the sales manager who told us the coach was plugged in and ready to go. We went out behind the building and there was the 93 plugged in all the doors etc open plus air conditions, radios, light, televisions etc all turned on. Immediately we could see that the coach did not look very clean, covered with red mud and dirt. that part was ok so we started looking beyond this, It had been repainted and who ever painted it did not prep the surface at all, dings painted over instead for being sanded out etc. Lots of paint mission around rivets fiberglass cracked bumpers out of alignment etc. Three of the cargo doors would not close as the hinges were broken on two of them and a third one was missing completely. The generator auto-start control box was torn completely out of the bay wall and lots and lots of great stuff foam was used in the generator fan area to patch or ? something on the floor under the drivers seat. Upon further examination of the paint we discovered that half the paint markings on the side were vinyl decals which were cracking and pealing off. Lots of white rust. The engine compartment door would not latch. The engine compartment was a mess with lots of lose insulation hanging along with dirt and rust.

Now we decide to check out the inside, upon first look it appeared to be ok, some lights out and some drawers with broken hardware. I ask about the water system as there was no water coming from the faucets or in the toliet bowl. Bob said he would turn on the water pump, While we were looking at the safe that would not open although we had the key's we saw water start running down the isle. Water was running from under the cabinets and from under the bed in GREAT amounts. I thought he had turned the city water on and called for him to turn off the hose, but it was the coach water pumps running. The coach is flooded by now with water every where. Several cleaners come in with towels etc and start mopping up the mess. When we go outside water is running out of every crack in the coach and running into all the bay area's on the left side. After the water stopped and the mess cleaned up enough to go back inside and look around we found the broken pipe's under the bed (bacteria filter completely cracked in half) pipes under the sink dripping and the instant hot cracked and leaking. That's on the left side, because of the leaks on that side no water could get to the stool, washer, vanity etc so who knows how many breaks on the right side.

Ok, so now he says I guess the bank diden't get it winterized???I don't know who or what ever but I do know that the plumbing has big problems. He says he did not put that the plumbing was ok in the e-bay ad. and that I had bought it as is. and I replied that he was nuts to think I would take that coach and that it was totally mis-represented on ebay ( pictures of the exterior had to be touched up)
To shorten this story, I told him I would give him $47,000 and take it. He disappeared for a few minutes then came back and said " They would release me from the deal and write me a check for my $500,00 deposit plus give me money for my expenses. All they asked in return was a positive feed back on e-bay.

My son and I got back in the car and started home for Illinois , thinking about what a Junker the once lovely 93 bird had become and glad we were leaving her in SC.

Don't get me wrong, I knew there would be problem's with the coach, I've owned 4 bluebirds and feel that I know the birds well, and this bird had problem's that I could not over look or that I was willing to work on for the next year or years.
This coach will probably be back on e-bay when they get the plumbing put back together. What kind of job or repairs they'll do? who knows

I am still looking for a bird and hopefully a bargin but, in the mean time I still have my 06 PonyExpress Super C with the Duramax diesel and 10-13 mpg (anyone want to trade), ha

Hope I didn't bore anyone but felt that this story should be shared with the group. O' both primus boilers were bone dry and the radiator needed water and the generator smoked.......

Regards to the group..Bob..


Always, always, always "LET THE BUYER BEWARE". I hope this information helps others interested in our hobby to make a good purchase. Not everyone is out to take advantage but always be on guard.

Ian Giffin (Admin)
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Posted on Sunday, April 26, 2009 - 2:12 pm:   

Which of these messages would you like me to keep Gary? Are they identical?

Peter River (Whitebus)
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Posted on Sunday, April 26, 2009 - 2:15 pm:   

I bought my bus sight unseen, on ebay, from south carolina :-)

I guess I got lucky. But then, I didn't buy from a dealer (shudder) and I didn't buy from a fast talking private individual....
Clint Hunter (Truthhunter)
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Posted on Sunday, April 26, 2009 - 3:34 pm:   

...frozen plumbing will do that,,,
so did you take the salemans "generious courtesy refund" or settle for a "scumming rebuttal" ?
I don't know if you can advertise a class -C on here with the coaches, maybe if it was a part of a trade for a bus; but it would be advertising bucks spent here , which is better than spent on that E-place.
R.C.Bishop (Chuckllb)
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Posted on Sunday, April 26, 2009 - 10:15 pm:   

sheeesh!!! Not real sure I got the...uh, point! So...what is new? :-( :-)

Thanx....I think :-)


(Message edited by chuckllb on April 26, 2009)
Gus Causbie (Gusc)
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Posted on Sunday, April 26, 2009 - 11:14 pm:   

This is too often standard procedure for ebay sight unseen purchases, no surprises here.

I did the same thing with a dump truck once but accidentally ended up making $250 on the deal without ever taking delivery - which I never intended!

Never again, sight unseen is a crap shoot.
John Lacey (Junkman42)
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Posted on Monday, April 27, 2009 - 8:42 am:   

Bob, If You could I would appreciate a email as to the auction number of the bird in question! I have a Cousin that sent Me a picture of a coach He was planning on bidding on and I beleive it was the same one. In the pictures it looks pristine. I would like to be sure before I warn Him. Thanks,John

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