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macgyver (91flyer)
Registered Member Username: 91flyer
Post Number: 548 Registered: 11-2004 Posted From:

Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Sunday, November 15, 2009 - 1:31 am: | |
Well, looks like I've found someone willing to take on the 4905. This is good, since the city gave me "notice" that they will tow it on the 22nd if it's not removed from the premises. I guess they have forgotten about my previous promise to defend my property with force if necessary the last time they "gave me notice"... The bastard even tagged the Flx... I hadn't had time to get the tags done until late in the week, and the day I'd planned to get it done was a Federal holiday, so the DMV was closed. I'm not the only one that got tagged though. The "City Inspector" has been coming through the neighborhood tagging anything he didn't like since so many houses in the neighborhood were damaged in the tornadoes a couple of weeks ago... Many people are pretty pissed about his behavior, and it seems I'm not the only one that is threatening to shoot them for trespassing... Even if they have a Gun and Badge, the behavior and threats after such widespread disaster is unacceptable and won't be tolerated. Fortunately, it seems it may not come to that. The guy who wants the 4905 also has a 4107 that he intends to use as a parts bus and wants the extra space the 4905 affords him. I turned him onto this site, and he's been doing a lot of reading... I don't think he's yet posted himself yet, but... He's here. He's going to come up from Florida, but can't afford the price I was asking for the bus... We've worked out a trade of sorts, which still leaves me short on paying Wayne the full amount I still how him ($1500), but... I'll give him everything I can and get it at least half paid and get the rest to him when I can... The primary thing I'm happy about is that Phoenix won't be scrapped. I've been talking with the buyer extensively and have relayed what needs to be done to bring her back on the road. Between his 4107 and the 4905, there's more than enough parts to resurrect her. I'm going to see if he'll keep the Phoenix name, as it's a fitting name, but... She'll be his baby at that point and can name her as he chooses... I'm just really glad he wants to resurrect her. She may be "just another 4905", but she's special because she's of a rare vintage... Only 331 made for 1970. I'll be helping him get the windshields in and get the lights, markers, turn signals, etc working as well as getting the interior cleaned out while he's here to reduce the amount of work he'll need to do once he's back in Florida with her... I know she'll make the trip just fine as nothing mechanical was damaged in the fire. So... You haven't seen the last of the old girl, and we've gained a new member and follower in this crazy hobby of ours! I just wanted to let everyone know about it, and even though I won't be getting the money I'd hoped for, the most important thing to me is that she doesn't get scrapped. I just hope he'll follow through, as I'd love to see what kind of butterfly she turns into. -Mac |
marvin pack (Gomer)
Registered Member Username: Gomer
Post Number: 673 Registered: 3-2007 Posted From:

Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Sunday, November 15, 2009 - 7:52 am: | |
Mac congratulations on this!! What part of Florida is it coming to? I am still in Ocala and if he needs anything on the road let me know. Gomer |
macgyver (91flyer)
Registered Member Username: 91flyer
Post Number: 549 Registered: 11-2004 Posted From:

Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Monday, November 16, 2009 - 5:14 am: | |
Uhh... I don't remember where he's currently at... But he'll be chiming in soon enough to tell you. I spoke with him about the name and showed him this post... He's decided to keep the Phoenix name for the same reasons I named her Phoenix. He'll be here Wednesday Afternoon and is bringing me a new companion. He's aware of what happened to our home and the animals we lost in the blaze... He's bringing me one of his baby Marmoset monkeys... I've never had a monkey, and a Marmoset fits my needs to have another "Shoulder Companion" since Baby (my parrot) died in the fire. I'm pretty happy about this, as I've been pretty lost without my shoulder pal... Baby was one of the sweetest little birds you could have ever had the pleasure of meeting and loved to peek out the front of your shirt when she was held... Of course, she only had eyes for me and we had a pretty close bond... I did hand raise her after all... She looked at me as her mate (in a literal sense). She was always trying to get me to breed with her... Silly little girl, but that's how they are. I miss her. Anyway... He'll be here Wednesday around noon and has already booked his ticket with Greyhound. I'm just really glad Phoenix is getting a new home with someone that wants to save her from the scrap heap... I didn't have her very long before she burned, but she was special to me... I know she's going to a good home with someone that sees her for what she is too and I'm glad he has another bus to use for parts, but I'm also sad that another bus must be cannibalized in order to save this one. We'll see what happens... He'll be documenting his adventures here as well now that he knows of us. He's been doing a lot of reading and wants to read a lot more before he begins posting his questions. I've answered a lot of the Q's he's had so far, and pointed him to the archives for other answers as well... But I'm sure he'll have other Q's for those more experienced than I am in this crazy hobby. Since I know he's here, lurking... I'll say this now... "Welcome to Crazytown. Your bus has arrived!" ;) -Mac |
Nellie Wilson (Vivianellie)
Registered Member Username: Vivianellie
Post Number: 396 Registered: 11-2008 Posted From:

Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Thursday, November 19, 2009 - 1:35 am: | |
Gosh, Mac, but that sounds like an AWFUL town. Why not just move... after you shoot them, of course. Nellie Wilson |
macgyver (91flyer)
Registered Member Username: 91flyer
Post Number: 557 Registered: 11-2004 Posted From:

Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Sunday, November 22, 2009 - 7:34 pm: | |
Phoenix made her way off today. After a few days of cleanup and running new wire for marker, turn and headlights, everything is back in working order. We put in the new windshields too, pretty easy as long as you use plenty of soapy water! She cleaned up pretty nice and she's now a bare structure. The new owner drove off a couple of hours ago with her and has 1200 miles to his home from where the fire happened... Although I had a number of people asking me for parts, and I could have gotten much more for her if I parted her out... I decided to hold out for someone willing to take her intact (such as she is). The new owner left today quite happy with his new shell, and I felt good about not sending her to the scrap yard, even if I did lose a lot money wise in the deal... It just didn't feel right to part her out when she is mechanically sound and just needs some windows and electrical work. I'm happy with my "new" old bus too... The Flx is what I've wanted for years, now I have one. Granted, she needs just as much work (if not more) than the 4905, and she's a LOT smaller... There's just something about the old Flxibles that make them special... Now, if I can just find a replacement intake/exhaust manifold and get a carb replacement, I'll be able to actually drive her around town! Oh, and I found "true" first gear finally after fiddling with it... The switch you press to put her into reverse... If you press it and shift the other way, it shifts into a REALLY low gear and she seems to pull herself quite well, but that's a story for another post, just wanted to mention it while I was posting. Phoenix's new owner should be back home Tuesday night / Wednesday morning. I'm sure he'll post the story of his adventures once he has time to recuperate. I also have a photo with the new owner, myself and Phoenix that I'll post when I get a chance to resize it. Cheers!! -Mac |
John and Barb Tesser (Bigrigger)
Registered Member Username: Bigrigger
Post Number: 301 Registered: 9-2007 Posted From:

Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Sunday, November 22, 2009 - 7:37 pm: | |
Congratulations Mac and best of luck to the new owner. I'm glad you found someone who is going to restore it. Too many of these old girls are going to the scrappers. John T |
ED Hackenbruch (Shadowman)
Registered Member Username: Shadowman
Post Number: 191 Registered: 11-2003 Posted From:
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Monday, November 23, 2009 - 8:45 am: | |
Mac, check with other Flx owners, one of them might have the parts you need or know where to get them... some of them may have gone thru the same or similar thing and done the legwork on parts sources. |
macgyver (91flyer)
Registered Member Username: 91flyer
Post Number: 560 Registered: 11-2004 Posted From:

Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Tuesday, November 24, 2009 - 7:49 pm: | |
Our new friend and savior of Phoenix has arrived at home... He was harassed by the cops only once and ticketed for no tags... Should be easily dismissed. Louisiana DMV themselves told me that out of state purchases don't require tags, only insurance... Something about Federal Interstate regulations and such... He just has to get the paperwork done, get the tags and show that he got the "problem" resolved... On my way back with the Flx, I had two stops in two states for the same thing and I kindly informed them of the law they themselves should have known... Though, I couldn't cite the law itself (would have been helpful to have looked that up)... In my case, they backed down... Not so with him though... That's alright. He should easily defeat it... Anyway, I'm just updating that he's arrived home (sometime between 8am and 9am Central) this morning and I've spoken with him since then... He had no mechanical troubles, but my wiring job on the lights shorted out on one of the points I secured the main wire to... He snipped the zip tie and continued on his way with no further issues. Temporary wiring... Meh. What can ya do? At least he's home with the old girl and his new project and he seems pretty happy with what he got. I'll let him post his own story though, I don't want to ruin it. Cheers! -Mac |
George Martinez (Foohorse)
Registered Member Username: Foohorse
Post Number: 1 Registered: 1-2010 Posted From:
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Monday, January 18, 2010 - 6:08 am: | |
Hello folks. Well it has been a very difficult uphill battle for me to enter this hobby / lifestyle. mostly because I did not know about this site I'm sure. first of I over paid for the 4107 because it was so beautiful sitting there in need of a complete restoration, then meeting Kevin (Macgyver) and seeing his lightly charred 4905 only made things worse "buslust" had to have it. brought it home to introduce it to the 4107 and let nature take it's course. all was good in my world but little did I know of the darkness that was looming. the quiet laid back township of unincorporated fort Lauderdale was recently annexed by Dania Beach and now code Nazis have begun roaming our streets sticking their noses in everyone's business. I have 3/4 acre with several really nice old cars 7 dogs 3 cats 9 marmoset monkeys and two buses. the Nazi was drooling. I am in need of help so Kevin said I should start here perhaps anyone might know where I can place my buses until find suitable commercial property. or I will have sell or part out one, or lastly and most tragic scrap. the 4107 is listed on Ebay now. very sad indeed |
Jack Fids (Jack_fids)
Registered Member Username: Jack_fids
Post Number: 439 Registered: 1-2009 Posted From:

Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Wednesday, February 09, 2011 - 4:56 pm: | |
Look where you are just a year later..... it's been an interesting experience TowelBoy? The sooner you get here the sooner we'll be having fun in the "Stinkin Hot" sandbox. |