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Gary LaBombard (Garylee)
Registered Member Username: Garylee
Post Number: 220 Registered: 3-2004 Posted From:
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Tuesday, February 09, 2010 - 12:08 pm: | |
Hello Everyone, Ahead of time I will make you aware that this post may be lengthy, what else is new eh?? It is my way to support our love for bus conversions and having our busnut family grow each year that passes. This post will be posted on the three busnut bulletin boards I frequent each day for my daily fix!! He-he In about a month bus rallies will begin on the East Coast and we wish for anyone, anywhere to please plan to attend one or all of our scheduled rallies. Time passes so fast, don't let wonderful memories with friends at beautiful campgrounds pass you by. Our (Eagle) bus as you already know is still not operational but we do not let it stop us from attending any rally posted and this goes for all that read this. There is 3 rallies I know of that are posted and to help prevent anyone from procrastinating about attending please look at your calendars for the availability for you to attend one or all of these rallies now scheduled. There may be more, you have to frequent the Calendar Page of the bulletin boards for any changes and for rally information such as cost, dates, areas of rallies to be held and any requirements involved - (Rigs to be totally self contained) etc. Rallies are scheduled by volunteers that work very hard to arrange for us to congregate at and enjoy weekends with those we love to continually see and visit with as well as for us to enjoy looking at progress of our bus conversions. There is too many regulars to list by name that attend these rallies that make these rallies so pleasant to look forward to attending just to see everyone again. It would be difficult to list all those you enjoy seeing each time you do, everyone is on the same level of enjoyment of seeing each time. Rallies pass by us so fast so attending as many as possible does much to keep the Adrenalin flowing that only true busnuts can relate to. It is important that you plan now and contact those sponsoring any of these rallies so they can make reservations for our attendance, food preparations for meals to be shared, receive any rally cost for attending to pay ahead for us to attend. Again, these rallies take much time to arrange, please plan on attending and scheduling these rallies in your schedule to attend with all preparations done ahead of time as needed by rally organizers. Here is a the present list of known rallies to be held on the East Coast known to be scheduled this year (2010) & those rallies at this present date are: 1) Santee, SC, "Cooling it in the Carolina's", March 19 - 21 2010 with early arrivals allowed on the 18th. This rally organized by John & Tara Mellis for all (Eagles International) bus converters with all welcome regardless of model of conversion or type class of vehicle. John Indicated that there was going to be short seminars also presented by Eric Brown and hopefully Manny Monticeto of FL. Anyone else wishing to have seminars of any interest is invited to schedule such information for all to enjoy. Get to gether for ladies and if wanted for children also is encouraged so that this is not presumed to be a (man cave type) of gathering. By the way there is quite a few converters scheduled to attend that live west of the Mississippi which is what I am talking about. Stretch the legs of your bus and mingle with those that frequent these boards daily and you have never met but may wish to. Do not procrastinate, attend a busrally before it is too late!! 2) Palmetto Cove Campground, Cleveland, SC. "Spring in the Carolina's, April 21 - 25, 2010 sponsored by "Southeast Busnuts" organized by Mike & Carol Heron. Beautiful Campground with God Like Scenery from your camping spot to view. This Spring rally offers truly organized information seminars to all members of this club. The attendance increases each year because of word of mouth attendees having such a great time each time we gather. Great food is always planned with involvement from all attending campers, music is normally offered for those enjoying the Bluegrass music of Jr. and Friends on a scheduled evening. This is very professional music that you could never grow tired of listening to. Amateur music is also scheduled by "Gary Lee" normally backed up by Glen Rice, (I hope in 2010). Tours are also being scheduled to area attractions to break up a day or so if wanted. ("MW Plant Tour", "Local Winery Tour and lunch. Perhaps a short trip to "Aunt Sue's Mini Craft Mall & Restaurant" & perhaps an evening at a local Grand Ole Opry type of restaurant having professional entertainers perform during your evening meal. Here is a video previously posted on Youtube of area attractions we wish to have you attend if possible while at the April Rally at Palmetto Cove. Have to post a link, the video will not copy here from youtube? Here is link: 3) Fayetteville, NC Koa Campgrounds, "Bus Nuts Gathering", May 21 - 23, 2010, sponsored by Gene & Francis Lewis. This is a continuation of the rally held by Cat & Dallas Farnworth held at Timmonsville, SC a few years ago. The Lewis gathering is always laid back offering a most relaxing camping atmosphere and for a few days all negativity in life's challenges are left behind. Food offered and much of the time prepared by Gene personally will surely satisfy anyone hunger pallet. Again, all these rallies take much planning, please do your part and make definite plans to attend at many times reservations can not be made on the fly or last moment for your attendance as other campers also want to enjoy the facilities and the opportunity for you to attend lessens with no planning. If you snooze you may loose as the old saying goes. Suggestions from those attending rallies for seminars, tours, entertainment, anything you do not normally see or do at a rally is encouraged by all organizers of these rallies to make your visit with us all more pleasant and eventfull with memories of each rally more different than the previous one. Photos and now Video's are being done by various volunteers to document who was there, what they arrived in and in cases where possible the documentation of any conversion changes made since the last visit. I told you this would be long but I believe you get the idea of this post. Lets plan to help rally organizers with their attendance expected list, cover all cost ahead of time if any is involved, get your rigs spring ready with Oil changes etc. needed for a pleasant minimized worry free rally. Gary. (Message edited by Garylee on February 09, 2010) (Message edited by Garylee on February 09, 2010) |
Dave Hartshorne (Yeeolde48)
Registered Member Username: Yeeolde48
Post Number: 70 Registered: 12-2004 Posted From:

Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Wednesday, February 10, 2010 - 8:19 pm: | |
Hi Gary, We have had our bus for about 8 years and never had the opportunity to attend a rally. We are hoping to make the Scenicruiser gathering in TX in April, but where do I find the Calenders you mentioned, I would like to see if there are other rallys within reach of us this year. We are in based out of Cincinnati. Dave |
Gary LaBombard (Garylee)
Registered Member Username: Garylee
Post Number: 222 Registered: 3-2004 Posted From:
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Friday, February 12, 2010 - 12:09 am: | |
Hello Dave, Thanks for your reply above. It sure would be great to see a couple of these beauties like you own at one or all of our rallies. Hope you have a website we can visit to see your bus? The (Calendar) for rallies that I know of is on the (MAK)board or also known as (Bus Conversion Magazine) bulletin board at this address:;www The Eagles International bulletin board also had a calendar section for bus rallies. This bd'd is intended for Eagle owners but I know all are welcome: Joining as a member takes only a few minutes if you are not a member at this time and costs nothing but the value of belonging is at times priceless. I am not sure of any calendar section for rallies on this BNO board and hope to be corrected if I am wrong you have information from all 3 bb'ds I frequent mostly. Don't forget to send us a visiting website to see photos of your bus. I am not sure if this post will show you a link after I finalize it or not, if not just copy and paste the links in this post to get to the starting point of both bb'ds. Dave, we look forward to you also on these other boards as a fequent poster with much appreciated information for others. Good Luck, Gary |