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Posted on Monday, May 19, 2003 - 5:46 am:   

Most of the official doors have been slammed shut on finding, or ever seeing again, my great big, beautiful RTS.

After the Phoenix Police was notified, I contacted the FBI and the US Customs office. It
seemed reasonable to me to think that a stolen vehicle, especially one as big as a 40-ft bus, that may have traveled across a US border into Mexico, would be of interest to them. It certainly interested me! Can’t I say that at least some of my tax dollars went to fund these agencies, and now I would like for them to be interested in my problem?

Well, they’re not. US Customs did say they would contact the Border Patrol to see if a Valley Metro transit bus happened to pass through one of their ports. There has been no follow-up. On the other hand, the FBI did call back to advise me that unless I can demonstrably show a connection with Organized Crime, they weren’t interested. Well, they didn’t actually say they weren’t interested, but they passed the buck back to the Phoenix Police.

The Phoenix Police definitely are not interested.

However, Valley Metro, formerly Phoenix Transit, graciously searched their records to find the serial number of the engine in unit 4504 when it went to auction. I tried to give that information to the Stolen Vehicles detective assigned to my case, but he declined to take the information. He also told me he contacted by phone all of the leads from the initial police report. That list included the second Randy, the third Randy, the landlord, the tow driver, and a material witness. But, Randy Fulkerson, the third Randy, told me he was never contacted by the Phoenix Police about anything.

Unfortunately, the detective did speak with the second Randy. It’s only unfortunate because the detective apparently came to the conclusion that he was a charming, sweet fellow, definitely not someone who would steal a bus. Somehow that wonderful-sounding guy convinced the police that he was all but Santa Claus himself. Wow! (We all know that Santa doesn’t steal people’s buses, don’t we?)

Well, EXCUSE ME, but I don’t buy it! Where upon the officer reminded me in no uncertain words that The Police does NOT have the authority under law to BEAT a confession out of somebody.

OK. I’ll just put out some milk and cookies.


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Posted on Monday, May 19, 2003 - 5:52 am:   

SEE? It' even confusing to me, the first Randy. Fulkerson is the second Randy. The other Randy is the third Randy.

Sorry about that.

David & Lorna Schinske (Davidschinske) (

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Posted on Monday, May 19, 2003 - 8:11 am:   

Gee, if you find the bus yourself and drive off in it , do you think the cops will arrest YOU!? I've been robbed twice. Both times the cops did absolutley nothing. So why do I waste my time with them. The only thing they are good for is writing traffic tickets and busting meth labs. Although they must not be too good at that since one keeps setting up shop in the woods near our house (gets busted and just sets right back up!). Makes me wonder if the cops here might not be just a little crooked. Wonder how they can all afford to drive Landrovers? Maybe the same way the cops in Macon County, NC can afford to live so high. I know those guys are crooked. You don't deal drugs in Macon County with out the cops getting their cut.

I am sooo disillusioned. Does this mean there's no Santa Claus, Easter Bunny or Great Pumpkin???

Quest (

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Posted on Monday, May 19, 2003 - 8:14 am:   

I am sorry to hear of your loss. At this point, I can only hope that you didnt have much work into it.
I have had some dealings with Law Enforcement and FBI on a couple of occasions, and I have come to the opinion that the only time that they are moving toward a goal is to issue tickets for city income or pulling people over for undisclosed Crimes.
I had a streak where I was pulled over every other day for over a week, never issued a ticket but they come up with every excuse to stop me that they could think of including "A dirty License Plate". Imagine that! The last guy took my license and went back to the car. I think he was upset because he couldnt find anything wrong cause when he came back, he handed over my license and when I tried to take it back he wouldnt let go, like it was a $10 dollar bill or jelly filled donut. I finally just pulled harder and it slipped out of his fingers. I'm wondering what this guy is doing when he says to me that he could give me a ticket if he wanted then asked if I wanted a ticket. DUH! I said no, he continued to speil a speach for a couple minutes and finally let me go.
Another time some tools were stolen from my yard, I tried to turn it in and the interest was nil. It seems that they are highly interested in high profile thefts, my tools were not of high interest as I am not high enough profile, so they will ask for a report and then tell you to turn the report in to the insurance company.
I guess I sound like I am bashing but it is a fact that lawenforcement will go after certain thefts with a vengence, usually high profile, and all the others are lucky to get off of the desk.
Again, its a very unfortunate circumstance that your bus has been taken and we all offer support. I hope you can find a way around the red tape that you are now being strangled in. As I said before, Hopefully you have not done a lot of work in it and your loss will be what you paid for the shell.
Obviously, the only chance in hell you have of finding it would be of your own detective work and a stroke of luck, as the cops will have little interest.
Good luck in your endeavours
pete (

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Posted on Monday, May 19, 2003 - 4:49 pm:   

Ed Jewett (Kristinsgrandpa) (

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Posted on Monday, May 19, 2003 - 7:31 pm:   

When I bought my coach it had agency numbers on it. Even on the roof. The one on the roof was 3' high and could probably be seen from 4000'. The State Patrol here in OH check speed from 3500' with a small Cessna 172 and can see the lines on the road placed there for that purpose. If yours had a no. you could see it from the air if it was a big as mine.
If the people you got it from had the serial no. from the motor block then, if it was numbered, they could tell you.
Take a good camera.
Smoky (

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Posted on Monday, May 19, 2003 - 8:15 pm:   

if you can afford it sometime a private detective has contacts and ways of finding information that the average person would never consider. I was always skeptical whenever I would see their add in the phone book (like a tv show) but I saw one that my employer hired as a last resort crack a case wide open in about a weeks time I think maybe he was a little hungary? anyways maybe its worth a shot

Best of luck, Smoky

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Posted on Tuesday, May 20, 2003 - 5:48 am:   

To modify this thread a bit , what do folks do for theft controll?

MY Way is the door lock system I used came with spare cylinder inserts ( to change everything in the truck) so I bought a key switch & use the common key.

The rear start has intentionally been bolixed , in a few min. I can get it to work , but anyone with the ability to troubble shoot it wouldn't be a Thief.

The stock 06 door push to open triggers the 12V cattle fence shocker ( on till disconected), a loud siren and the CB pager that works for about a mile.

Works for ME

But then I was born in NYC ,

David & Lorna Schinske (Davidschinske) (

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Posted on Tuesday, May 20, 2003 - 8:05 am:   

David used to work in Home security. If a thief really wants it they can usually get it. Fortunately, thieves tend to look for easy picken's. The more difficult it is to steal the less likely they will steal it. This is why sometimes just an Alarm sytem warning sticker will deter SOME thieves. It is also why sometimes a lesser valued thing is stolen over a higher valued thing sitting right next to it. The higher valued thing may have been just a bit more difficult/complicated to steal. To biggest goals of most thieft deterrent systems is #1 make noise or anything to attract attention and #2 slow the thief down.

Sam Sperbeck (

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Posted on Tuesday, May 20, 2003 - 9:44 am:   

In our area of small town America the car alarms false alarm so often that no one pays any attention to them so I don't see any value in making noise as a deterent. My idea would be to have a recording of the sound of a pump shotgun being cocked. I know that would get my attention.
Thanks, Sam Sperbeck
Phil (

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Posted on Tuesday, May 20, 2003 - 12:51 pm:   

Don't ever believe noise has any effect. I watched a motorhome trying to leave a rest area on I95 in the Carolinas with the alarm going full tilt. The driver (I think he owned it) stopped and was working on trying to shut it off under the hood. At least three people stopped and offered assistance!!! If he was a thief I don't think the alarm helped the owner.
John Feld (

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Posted on Tuesday, May 20, 2003 - 1:45 pm:   

A simple modification to the air brake system would "lock-down' all axle's. Plumb in a seperate air valve mounted in a place out of sight in reach of the driver. Even if they start the engine they ain't goin' no where!

Easy to do, cheap, and effective.

John 4104
David & Lorna Schinske (Davidschinske) (

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Posted on Tuesday, May 20, 2003 - 2:40 pm:   

I agree with John. Put a "kill switch" for one or more of the systems in an unlikely spot that isn't in full view of the driver's seat. I'm sure that there are several methods that can be used. I jsut wouldn't go posting on a personal webpage the "How I did it" type stuff or go into too much detail. Never know when your neighbor (or one of their "guests" will decide to rob you...no joke, I think I was robbed by a neighbour once).

bster (

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Posted on Tuesday, May 20, 2003 - 7:51 pm:   

i was robbed buy my motherinlaw 27,000 lawyer fees her public defender more of my money droped the case 1 week before superior court put lock out for batterys and lock on door. no juice no start.
Jack Conrad (Jackconrad) (

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Posted on Tuesday, May 20, 2003 - 8:13 pm:   

We have done a couple of things. 1st thing we did was what we did on our 5 horse gooseneck horse trailer. We painted our state registered cattle/horse brand on top of the trailer and our bus. The Lightning Bolt-C is real easy to spot from the air. The other thing we did was to install a fuel line shut off valve when we installed the 382 fuel fliter. Bus will run about 1 1/2 miles before engine dies. Just enough to put them out on a road in traffic when it dies. Jack
Johnny (

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Posted on Sunday, May 25, 2003 - 11:19 am:   

Mine has a key start (albeit an easily-bypassed dash-mounted one), but I plan to add at least one kill switch (probably on the ignition circuit). I also have an anti-theft gizmo on the parking brake that cost me about six bucks at Wal-Mart. With it in place a thief could start the engine, but wouldn't be going anywhere.
Frank Zsitvay (

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Posted on Wednesday, June 11, 2003 - 8:12 am:   

I pull the emergency release on the rear exit door. This disables the throttle and sets the rear brakes. Even if a thief did manage to start the engine and build air, the bus won't go anywhere.

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