Where's my RTS? Part 6: How HOT is it... Log Out | Topics | Search
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Posted on Monday, June 02, 2003 - 7:32 am:   

On Friday morning I got a threatening phone call from a man who said he was going to sue me for ruining his business. He then went on to tell me the city and state where my stolen RTS was located, the name of the man who “bought” it, how much he paid for it, and the name of his company. Then he gave me the man’s address, phone number and year of birth!

Holy Chatty Cathy, Batman!

What precipitated this incident was an email I sent the previous night to the man who sold the old Lincoln limo on eBay, the one I found in front of Randall Rubin’s house while tracking down a Phoenix Transit bus on eBay. He forwarded the email to AZPARKANDSELL who fired off an unsigned email to me saying, among other things, “...I am going to have my attorney sue you for slander and whatever else he can come up with.”

The man on the phone identified himself as Randall Rubin. (!) During our nearly thirty-minute conversation, of which I took copious notes, I asked him if he knew how to contact Randy Ford. He said no and changed the subject, apparently unwilling to discuss anything about Randy Ford. He went on to give me information that he could not have known unless he was there when my bus was taken from the lot on Grand Avenue.

I advised him to immediately give this information to the police detective assigned to my case and gave him that officer’s phone number. He said he was going to for his own sake.

Two hours later I was sitting in the main Phoenix Police station lobby with my notes in hand. The detective, who had never heard of Randall Rubin, had an understandably difficult time with the information he already had, so we started from scratch. (It really is a challenge juggling four Randys in the same cockamamie story. But I’ve seen a few movies. Isn’t this what detectives do? Isn’t that why they are called “detectives” and not, say, meter maids?)

Slowly it came together, and for the first time for the detective, the character of my case began to show some signs of life. After listening to my run-ins with Randall Rubin and reading my notes from the phone call, he finally concluded that something was not right. He excused himself to see what he could find out. I excused myself to pump more quarters into the parking meter.

He eventually returned, frowning and shaking his head. The man who we were told had “purchased” my bus could not be located. His phone was disconnected and the company no longer existed in the town we were given. Dead end? Apparently, completely bogus information!

The detective said, “Let’s go call this guy Rubin. Do you have his number?”

“No,” I said, “but I do have Randy Ford’s phone number.”

The detective said, “That’ll do.” He dialed the number.

“This is the Phoenix Police. Who am I speaking with, please? And how do you spell your last name? OK. What is your full name, Sir? Well, you can either tell me or you can tell the Mesa Police who are on their way to your house right now. If we can get this cleared up on the phone before they get there... Randall... Ford... Rubin. Thank you.”

The detective continued the conversation with Randall Rubin for about another fifteen minutes, asking him about his company AZPARKANDSELL and then giving him free business advice. I won’t be specific about that other than to say he mentioned three letters of the alphabet several times.

So where is my RTS? No one here knows.

It’s probably not in Klamath Falls, Oregon, where Randy Ford Rubin said it was. Whether or not it is in Klamath Falls doesn’t matter, it’s still GOOD news to me: At least he didn’t say it was in Mexico!

There may be more good news. The guy who supposedly has it is supposedly in the busconversion business. Bueno! Maybe I will get it back CONVERTED!!


Has anyone ever heard of or done business with a man named Thomas Bradley of Rhino Enterprises, formerly of Klamath Falls, Oregon?

Considering the unreliable source of this information, it is entirely possible he has nothing to do with any of this. But until we find out otherwise, for now, he is wanted for questioning by the Phoenix Police.

It's getting better, huh?

Peter Broadribb (Madbrit) (

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Posted on Monday, June 02, 2003 - 7:40 am:   


Wonderful news, at last you have the Police on your side. Good luck with the film rights.

Bill Gerrie (

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Posted on Monday, June 02, 2003 - 9:30 am:   

Stick to your guns. Keep them holstered!! The police dept should hire you as a detective. You are doing there work for them. If the RTS comes back converted I hope it is to your liking and properly done. Good luck. Bill
1badfish (

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Posted on Monday, June 02, 2003 - 10:43 am:   

check with r and m fiberglass,, they do the rts doors,, they are in that neck of the woods,, maby they know of somone in that area coverting one,, maby a shot in the dark but you never know
1 bad fish

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Posted on Monday, June 02, 2003 - 3:52 pm:   

Scott is on the right track ,

Are there any parts dealers that specialize in RTS goodies?

Was there anything on your coach that HAD!to be fixed?

Who sold the parts could lead you to,
a Randy or TWO .

jmaxwell (

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Posted on Tuesday, June 03, 2003 - 12:43 am:   

Send me an email with the possible bogus name and address u have in Klamath Falls, Or. I have a friend who lives there and I will try to get him to do some sleuthing. Klamath Falls is not that big, numbers wise, but spread out and maybe he can spot Rhino or a parked RTS. Anything distinctive would be helpful.
Tom Caffrey (Pvcces) (

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Posted on Tuesday, June 03, 2003 - 12:59 am:   

Randy, I just did a Google search "Rhino Enterprises Klamath Falls" and found the guy's web page. It would let you send an email, but that's all.

I suppose that the listed phone number and address are the ones that you already have, but you might want to check the page to make sure.

Good luck on your investigation.

Tom Caffrey PD4106-2576
Nick Black (

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Posted on Tuesday, June 03, 2003 - 1:33 am:   

When you mentioned Klamath Falls that make me think of this RTS now in Medford Oregon at a diesel shop. I know that this bus is From Klamath Falls and has been sitting at the shop for about three weeks now. Its white, green, and purple with "Metro" on the side of it.email me for more details.
Nick B (

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Posted on Tuesday, June 03, 2003 - 2:21 am:   

The RTS is located at pacific Detriot Diesel Allison. There # is 541-779-4622

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Posted on Tuesday, June 03, 2003 - 3:53 am:   

Everybody, THANK YOU SO MUCH!!

It's going to be a very interesting morning for me. My heart is already pounding!

I'll keep you posted. (It occurs to me that this may be the first time I ever said that and it actually meant what I said, you know...posting.)


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Posted on Wednesday, June 04, 2003 - 5:40 am:   

Just a quick update: Apparently, the Valley Metro bus in Medford was not #4504.

My thanks to Nick Black for his help in spotting the bus, reporting it here on the BB, and then making a trip to the dealer to verify the info.

And thanks to those who forwarded information to me by email, and to everyone who has posted helpful thoughts on the BNO Board.

Thank you!

jmaxwell, please email me so I can take you up on your offer. And thank you.

There's more to come...

Peter Broadribb (Madbrit) (

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Posted on Wednesday, June 04, 2003 - 8:13 am:   


We have the tree all picked out and the rope bought. Let me know and I'll make up the noose......... LOL.

pete (

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Posted on Wednesday, June 04, 2003 - 5:34 pm:   

i got the duct tape..a 30 foot cable to drag him with before you hang him..

RT...you have me ready to fly out there and help you track this @!#$&*%%$#@# down.

Chris (

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Posted on Wednesday, June 04, 2003 - 8:09 pm:   

Jeez, guys... I'm glad my name's not Randy...
Maybe Ian should change the name to "Recreational Vee-hidgeantis Online!" Seriously though, Randy (that's the "good Randy"), best of luck to you.. I'f I see any converted RTS's in Detroit, you better believe I'll Wyatt Earp their @$$.

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