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Posted on Wednesday, June 04, 2003 - 7:13 am:   

Just got back from the DD Jewelry Store with a lovley new $ 75.00 thermostat.(one of two needed)

Decided to look it over for a temp range , and only found ,


Made in Krautland I could stand, but CHINA?

jmaxwell (

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Posted on Wednesday, June 04, 2003 - 10:38 am:   

And what isn't made in China? At the rate it's going we'll all carry citizenship cards from there in a few yrs. Try shopping Mohawk for some of the more common parts==2 stats, 92 series, 180 degrees, $56.00, Assembled in Mexico (stamped as such) from parts made in China or Malaysia, (probably)!
Peter E (Sdibaja) (

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Posted on Wednesday, June 04, 2003 - 11:42 am:   

I am very glad that the Mexicans get some cash for those things us gringos are too darn proud to do. They are a humble and hard working people…
the only reason that they have not smashed us harder (other than the government) is of their philosophy of “family first” and “work to live, not live to work”.

Yes, I am quite biased, I live in Baja: these are good people.

As for the Chinese... it is clear they are soundly smashing us in the new world market place... sounds like Detroit all over again.
Jim-Bob (

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Posted on Wednesday, June 04, 2003 - 7:44 pm:   

Peter E, it sounds like you are quite pleased that 2nd & 3rd world countries are "smashing us".

The only area that they are smashing us in is the "I work for $1.50 per month" area. NOBODY has beaten the productivity of the American worker. The only reason jobs are going overseas is because FOR NOW, folks in other countries work cheaper than we do. We HAVE to make more dollars to pay for the wonderful life style we enjoy here. (Including buses, How many Mexican and Chinese workers explore their countries in converted Greyhound buses loaded with Harleys, entertainment systems, etc? Damn few!)

The big corporate robber barons move factories around the world, taking advantage of cheap labor 'till that country's standard of living rises near ours, then they move on like locusts not caring about the damaged lives of the employees they leave without jobs.

If you think the Chinese and Mexican economies are so great, why don't you move there and see what the standard of living is like. Find out what life is like without our legal, healthcare, EPA systems, etc.

I, for one DO know how lucky we are to live here and I am sickened when our elected officials make treaties that export jobs & import materials made with cheap labor to compete unfairly for the American consumer's dollar.
Peter E (Sdibaja) (

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Posted on Wednesday, June 04, 2003 - 10:09 pm:   

Jim-Bob: I wish you had thought to use an email address, I would have replied to you off the board. But, perhaps others misunderstood my comments too.

I am Not pleased that 2nd & 3rd world countries are "smashing us".

The area we get smashed in is our low productivity for the dollar. They work cheaper because it costs less to live in many parts of the world. Expectations of what life “owes them” is much less.
My own kids (young adults) think that they “need” so many things, things that did not exist when I was a kid. They own newer cars and have more toys than me, but they are consumed with debt… I have none.
Many of our toys do not enhance true quality of life.

I will not dispute your comments about the “big corporate robber barons”; that has been a fact since before I was born. It is part of our capitalistic system; it works darn well. We would not be able to afford many of our luxuries if they were all made in the USA.
I will comment that it is darn hard to get a gringo to do many “menial” tasks; too proud, does not pay well enough.

I made no comment about the Chinese other than they are spanking us good, my opinion, my observation. My comments about Mexico were about the people, not the economy.
I don’t need to move to Mexico, I did years ago… first because of the cost of living and weather, but I stay for the life style. (I also maintain US holdings and property there, but I consider this my home).
I do know the standard of living here very well. Baja is by far the richest part of Mexico, but many live darn well on $30 a day.
Many of my Mexican friends went to the States at some point to do it our way, but returned for the life style.
Our legal system? I lived in it, it SUCKS. A self feedig monster! In Mexico people take care of themselves ... suing someone for some little CS problem, does not happen.
Healthcare here is excellent, no FDA to run up costs and delay introduction of needed treatments, no malpractice costs… just good care. Free for the Nationals!
EPA! What a bureaucratic nightmare that is, we do need more controls here, but only a small fraction of the US system.

I too DO know how lucky we are to live in the US, and I too am sickened with our elected officials. But not all treaties are bad, and not all export jobs.
Compete unfairly for the American consumer's dollar? What is unfair about an arms length transaction, we call that Capitalism!

Yes, I know I live a bit of a double standard, but never forget “work to live, NOT live to work”.

Blessing on you all, it will all work out…
Peter E
Frank Allen (

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Posted on Thursday, June 05, 2003 - 12:54 am:   

Jim bob said it all, think everytime you go to wal mrt and buy that chineese junk. And we dont have any business giving any jobs away whaen so many are out of work. Our politicians sold us out plain and simple. GREED, MONEY
Frank Allen
brandon s owen (Brando) (

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Posted on Monday, June 09, 2003 - 6:41 pm:   

what makes me greeved (s.p.?) is all those ameican flags walmart is getting rich off of that were made in china or somewhere other than here. . bye the way, are we suposed to be suportof of a symbol or of our fellow man. it would make me feel better if i bought one of those flags or thermostats knowing that the hand that made it was as free as me.

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