Where’s my bus? Part 7, As if I didn’... Log Out | Topics | Search
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Posted on Thursday, June 05, 2003 - 4:34 am:   

How shall I say this?

Let me think.


Once upon a time there was a…

You know that RTS I’ve been looking for, bus number 4504? I found it today.
That’s right! I found it exactly where I left it in January, sitting ever so peacefully behind my 4905, covered with a fine layer of Arizona’s best brown dust.

See? It could have been a good Banacek episode!

Throughout all of this aggravating malarkey, I have had the solace of mind knowing that, even though my RTS got ripped off and I may never see it again, I had another one just like it. Even better, it wasn’t missing any parts.

But try to imagine how shocked I was! Oh-my-god! The revelation that I actually had in my possession the very item I reported stolen and for which there was an interstate police hunt… I mean… How embarrassing is that??

Well… #4546 is the bus that got nabbed. It’s a 1982 model and does have a legitimate VIN consisting of about 300 numbers and letters and a few astrological symbols. (Later VINs also contained a recipe for chili.) This should make the police real happy; that is, after they get over the squinty-eye look they are going to give me…

Faulty memory. I just can’t remember every single detail about every single thing every minute of the day like I used to. I know that happens to other people, too. The old guy who previously owned The Salvage Yard on Wheels couldn’t remember to NOT hit every single thing in the road. So, in my mind, I thought the bus with the missing battery door was the older unit, the ’79 model.

I was wondering about the bus Randall Rubin tried to sell on eBay, #4412. Did it come from the same surplus auction as mine? If not, where did it come from? I got out the master list and searched for that unit number. It’s possible my eyesight is faulty, too, because I couldn’t find bus #4412; it was not one of the lot numbers. On the list, I had written defect comments next to each bus that I felt was worth bidding on and graded it from 1 to 10, then assigned it a bid amount. Next to bus #4546, the one I considered to be the second best bus in the auction yard, I had noted that the battery compartment door was missing. Uh-oh. I mean, UH-OH!!!

Think about it. If I had not been wondering about Rubin’s bus #4412, the police in Oregon would have come back satisfied that my bus was not among those identified in that area. We might have been back to square one, the investigation completely off track.

Tomorrow’s another day. (Who said that? OK, we all know who uttered those immortal words, but I will tell you who really said it: A caveman! You know, “Tomorrow’s another day. Me want food now!”) If I can again hurtle over the almost impenetrable obstacle known as the Police Department, we may have a handle on this disappearing bus business, if not a firm grip.

Bill Gerrie (

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Posted on Thursday, June 05, 2003 - 8:41 am:   

I can't believe that anyone could loose a thing as big as a bus. It makes me wonder about some peoples sence of humour. The only thing good that I see that came out of this whole thing is that it was nice to see bus nuts stick together when one of us could have been in need of help. Bill
Ross Carlisle (Ross) (

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Posted on Thursday, June 05, 2003 - 9:05 am:   

So if I read this right....You're still missing a bus, just not the bus you thought you were missing, right?

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Posted on Thursday, June 05, 2003 - 10:05 pm:   

Oh, yeah! There's no question about it: Someone drove away with a transit bus that didn't belong to them and for which they had no title.

That bus was reported to have been "sold" to a guy in Klamath Falls, OR, where witnesses have reported seeing Phoenix Valley Metro transit buses. One of those buses was spotted in Medford, OR, and is now thought to be back in Klamath Falls. It was reported that the Medford bus belonged to the same guy in Klamath Falls who was identified as being the guy who "bought" my bus in Phoenix, AZ.

But at least now we are searching for the correct bus. At this time, we still don't know conclusively who took it or where it is, or have any positive proof of the allegation. We only have someone's verbal account of events, which, considering the source, could be dubious at best.

Strangely, the greatest impediment to solving this mystery expeditiously has been the police. I will talk about that in an upcoming post. Before I do that, I will smack myself in the face real hard to make sure I am not asleep and just dreaming this nonsense.

Marc Bourget (

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Posted on Saturday, June 07, 2003 - 1:07 am:   

Let's hope that it isn't in the hands of a Marajuana cultivator and gets seized by the Narcs,

You think you're frustrated now!, Just wait till you can push your nose up against a fence and look at it for 4-5 years while the case grinds its way through the courts!

Onward and Upward

Marc Bourget
Chris Peters (

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Posted on Monday, June 16, 2003 - 3:41 pm:   

I still don't get it? You originally owned 2 RTS's and a 4905, one of the RTS's got stolen, and you reported it to the police. However, you mistakenly gave them the wrong vehicle information, and have corrected that now. Is this right?

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