"Clasic Coach Works / Lakeland Florid... Log Out | Topics | Search
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BNO BBS - BNO's Bulletin Board System » THE ARCHIVES » Year 2003 » June 2003 » "Clasic Coach Works / Lakeland Florida" good/bad ?? « Previous Next »

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Pete RTS/Daytona (

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Posted on Monday, June 16, 2003 - 6:15 pm:   

Hi All

Anyone have any experience with "Classic Coach Works" of Lakeland Florida ??

Pete RTS/Daytona
Ace (

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Posted on Monday, June 16, 2003 - 7:34 pm:   

Yes I have in an about way!

Not sure on work as all I saw in his shop was high end motorhomes, NOT busses! He contacted me to do his carpeting as he did a friend of mine to do his ceramic tile. We both went at different times to talk to him and both left with the same opinion. Thew guy got really upset that WE wouldn't do his work based not only on his offer to us but his time line or schedule. Have I done work for him? NO and won't!
From what I've been told he acquired the business from another guy who got took for a ride! The owner now actually knew nothing about the business before. It was a business deal gone bad for the original owner. He says he has a schedule he sticks to religously but I know better! He supposedly specializes in ceiling's that are glitsy and twinkly with mirrors and lights. If it were me, he would never work on my MH or coach just from my opinion of his fast talking ways!

bill keel (Crptklnr) (

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Posted on Monday, June 16, 2003 - 10:25 pm:   

Are you a carpet man by trade? My screen tells you what I do !
Ace (

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Posted on Tuesday, June 17, 2003 - 7:30 am:   

Bill I am a flooring contractor, Yes! 35 years steady


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