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Richard Bowyer (Drivingmisslazy) (

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Posted on Friday, August 29, 2003 - 7:38 am:   

I am unable to log in to edit mesages and am unable to send you an email using the link provided.
Can you help?
Ian Giffin (Admin) (

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Posted on Friday, August 29, 2003 - 1:47 pm:   


Please sit down... I don't think this will be good news for you...

I received your 2 e-mails and have reset your password for your profile. I wish I could tell you what it is, but I don't think your computer is operating properly.

I returned one of your e-mails explaining the above and included your username and new password. It was returned with the message that your mailbox is full.

I think I know why, and you should be sitting by now...

Either you or your ISP appears to have the newest "Blaster" or "HLLW.Deborms" virus and it has assumed your mailbox identity. Your auto-full mailbox message had "Part 1.2" and "Part 1.3" (which are the telltale virus files) files attached to it. My Norton AV scrubbed them so they are harmless to me, but you've already got something going on. Take your computer to your local computer shop and get it fixed.

Lemme know when you're back in business and I'll send you your password.

Remember, don't forget to check your ISP first.

Good luck.

Mark (

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Posted on Saturday, August 30, 2003 - 1:27 am:   

drivingmisslazy (

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Posted on Saturday, August 30, 2003 - 7:39 am:   

Thanks for the information I@N. Guess I better get both my computers down to the shop for a thorough washing. They are both acting wierd, so guess both are infected.
SLO (Slo) (

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Posted on Saturday, August 30, 2003 - 11:20 am:   

They arrested one kid yesterday, more to come arrest wise. 10 years in prison with a room mate called 'Bubba' should do the trick.....
Matt (

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Posted on Sunday, August 31, 2003 - 1:11 am:   

If you do not have a subscription to either Norton or McAfee virus scanners - I HIGHLY recommend you spend the $40-80 and get the subscription (prices vary on what package you get - more money is more protection...i.e. firewalls etc...). More than likely you received a copy with your computer purchase - and after a year it had asked you to sign-up again...many, many folks think it it is a gimick and skip it - but I assure you it is your best protection against getting hit with viruses. Not all are going to be stopped - but if you are diligent with downloading the updates, you are 95% ahead of the pack...

I have been sucking the knowledge from all you posters for over a year - and though I still have loads to learn before I can give back with respect to buses, I can assure you I know these computer issues (and no doubt there are others on this site that know as well).

If you are on-line - you have to have virus protection. Otherwise, you are vulnerable to being attacked, and all sorts of bad things can follow. If you have questions, fell free to email me direct. You have all helped me - the leastI can do is help provide some of the things I know!
(Still hunting for my bus...)
drivingmisslazy (

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Posted on Sunday, August 31, 2003 - 7:45 am:   

Matt, can you please give me a call. I can not sent an email because the server rejects it.
Thanks, Richard
Matt (

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Posted on Monday, September 01, 2003 - 1:37 am:   

I am in S.D....not sure where you are and since it is already 1030pm, I will call you Sunday.
drivingmisslazy (

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Posted on Monday, September 01, 2003 - 7:05 am:   

I am in WV. If you do not mind posting your phone number, I can call you.
Phil Dumpster (

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Posted on Monday, September 01, 2003 - 7:23 am:   

Remember, Sobig also assumes identities at random. I've been getting a number of mail reject notices in my inbox from systems that thought I sent them a copy of Sobig, when in reality it stole my address out of someone's disk cache. None of my machines are infected.

The nasty thing about Sobig and the "Microsoft Security Patch" attachments is their size - 100k for Sobig and around 250K for MSP. My Yahoo! mailbox is limited to 4 megabytes, which means it doesn't take much to overflow it and cause authentic email traffic to bounce.

I hope the critters who do these things not only have to spend 10 years in a cell with Bubba, but that they aren't allowed to have either Vaseline or condoms with them in prison.
Matt (

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Posted on Monday, September 01, 2003 - 1:33 pm:   

Here are a couple links...hope they can get you through it. In case this happens again, and you want to know what to do, take the file name (in this case WINPPR32) and type it into the search engine in Norton....if that gets you no where, use the regular internet search...you should get a bunch of hits.

From the Norton site:


It looks as they have a download that will fix your problem. It is about on the middle of the page. This should solve all your problems....appears this update is not on the auto-files we rely on...not sure why, but regardless, it appears your solution is at the Norton site.

The below link is another, more technical and "manual" method of removal. I.E. you need to get into the guts of the machines files....I highly recommend doing the automatic removal from the Norton site. But figured I would provide the link below to provide an example of the type of info that is out there.


drivingmisslazy (

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Posted on Monday, September 01, 2003 - 7:49 pm:   

Matt, thanks so much. I did as instructed and got rid of 10 infected files. My computer is now clean of the Sobig.F virus. Thanks again very much.
drivingmisslazy (

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Posted on Monday, September 01, 2003 - 7:50 pm:   

I@N, now that I am free of the virus, will you please send me my new password.
Thanks, Richard
Richard Bowyer (Drivingmisslazy) (

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Posted on Monday, September 01, 2003 - 9:49 pm:   

Thanks, I@N. I am now back in business.

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