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Dal Farnworth (Dallas)
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Posted on Monday, February 07, 2011 - 12:33 pm:   

I'm not certain what to think about this guy. He has only bought 2 items and sold 1 item since he became a member in 2002, with no feedback left since 2007.
I emailed him with some questions about his bus and he wanted me to email him off the eBay site.
He may be genuine, but to protect myself I declined to do so.
Update a few minutes ago:
He has posted a few of the questions he's gotten, but always refers them to his phone number.. at least he gave me his email address.
I think I would be a bit leery of this seller if I were interested in buying.

The Auction number is: 200573302508
Jack Fids (Jack_fids)
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Posted on Monday, February 07, 2011 - 1:43 pm:   

If that Crown was Track Driven I'll bet Les would be ALL OVER IT!
He needs a Tucker Sno-Coach!

(Message edited by Jack_fids on February 07, 2011)
les marston (Les_marston)
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Posted on Monday, February 07, 2011 - 7:18 pm:   

I have no idea what anyone would want with that old hunk of junk.
I doubt that we could even import it to the socialist republic of Canada
Unless you just wanted to park it somewhere, pretend to work on it and never drive it anywhere....
marvin pack (Gomer)
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Posted on Monday, February 07, 2011 - 8:27 pm:   

Maybe you could make the rear section into a refer and store penguins? Just a thought????

Dave Walker (Chrome_dome)
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Posted on Tuesday, February 08, 2011 - 12:04 am:   

Gomer go to your Bus, SIS,SIS,SIS

Jack Fids (Jack_fids)
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Posted on Tuesday, February 08, 2011 - 3:07 am:   

"Maybe you could make the rear section into a refer and store penguins?"

Your lexdysia is showing again GoMer...

Dint you mean to say....
Maybe you could make the rear section into a Penguin and store refer?

....and come to think of it,
how come SMOKED Bird hasn't become the topic au currant' here....?
Buswarrior (Buswarrior)
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Posted on Tuesday, February 08, 2011 - 6:57 am:   

Just post the link, the games are long over... a%3A80%2F%3F_from%3DR40%26_trksid%3Dp5197.m570.l1313%26_nkw%3D200573302508%26_sacat%3DSee- All-Categories%26_fvi%3D1&_rdc=1

Some of us got stuff to do!

happy coaching!
marvin pack (Gomer)
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Posted on Tuesday, February 08, 2011 - 2:46 pm:   

OK BW!! I thought it was for auction and realized it is only but it now! WOW

Buswarrior (Buswarrior)
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Posted on Tuesday, February 08, 2011 - 10:40 pm:   

There's a pretty clear line between a sales listing that might be of interest to the busnut community, and someone promoting their own wares for personal advertising and profit. There's a FREE classifieds here at BNO to do that anyway.

And if Dallas was really selling these poor old bastard buses that have been glued together, I'm sure Bossnut |@N would be quite willing to let him break the code of conduct.. out of pity!

happy coaching!

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