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Jack Fids (Jack_fids)
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Post Number: 500
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Posted on Wednesday, February 16, 2011 - 6:58 pm:   

So, I took a cruise over to another URL.....
I'd probably take some heat if I referred to it as
The Dark Side... (so I won't)

Something struck me....
When I see a list of RULES
posted at the front of an establishment
I get the impression that the patrons of such a place
NEED to be kept orderly,
that they lack a certain decorum
that the owners have found to be lacking
in their clientele & expect to maintain.

It speaks to the Owner/Operator's expectation of perfection...
for whatever reason

I don't believe "expectations" are any better for me
than fantasies
I ain't perfect, I'm human...
I usually take the hint and
seek another establishment
one with a more mature, open & relaxed atmosphere....
like this one.

...the expectation of perfection
is about as smart as
expectations of Politicians ......
everything going your way....at ANY time
and surely no one here has ANY of those ideas

EXPECTING the world
or any facet of it
to conform to YOUR rules, YOUR DESIRES
always seemed to me to be unreasonable...
Like diggin potholes in the road in front of you
you make life less smooth.

There is a vast difference between making a comment or joke
and "hijacking" a thread into a different topic...
something seldom seen here.
Silliness is met with silliness however!
(and likewise the reflection of tolerance)

The Latitude Ian allows us here
is rather refreshing
don't you think?
or don't you?

There is a time & a place for rigidity........
for me
it arrives after I suck my last breath...

You can go Rig a race
a Boat and a Tortoise
but you only get one chance
to go Rigor Mortise

don't tempt me to Rhyme
Orange & Purple
or I might try to
arrange your maple syrupull...
HEY BW, WILKE & RJ...are you still lookin for this tripe?

Dal Farnworth (Dallas)
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Posted on Wednesday, February 16, 2011 - 7:52 pm:   

Is that like a Mortise and Tenon?
Jack Fids (Jack_fids)
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Posted on Wednesday, February 16, 2011 - 8:07 pm:   

More like mortified & tedium...

.. actually that reply disappoints me Dal,
I thought you were a better shot than that
didjah have to hock your big gun?
or are you saving ammo for the end of March...

Dal Farnworth (Dallas)
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Posted on Wednesday, February 16, 2011 - 8:15 pm:   

Just being lazy...they frigid weather is about to kill me.
Did you know it was only 78° here today?
I just about had to put on a long sleeved shirt.
Jack Fids (Jack_fids)
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Posted on Wednesday, February 16, 2011 - 8:25 pm:   

I hear your pain and feel it too
in Tucson today
it was only 82!

...do you know what Penguins were UNDER their Tuxedo's...?
les marston (Les_marston)
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Posted on Wednesday, February 16, 2011 - 8:52 pm:   

All right now!
both of you guys can just shut the heck up about the weather.
It hurts my feelings when you talk about it. I think we should have a government inquiry into why the weather is warmer in the south and so much colder up here, after all THATS NOT FAIR! If I had a congress man I would write him and complain about... well something that is bothering me right this minute and that I spent absolutely no time thinking about and made no attempt to understand or deal with my self because after all IT ISN"T MY FAULT.

Sorry I just had a small out of character experience. I am back now
Jack Fids (Jack_fids)
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Posted on Wednesday, February 16, 2011 - 9:23 pm:   

I remember you..!

was there a thaw I missed...?

(Message edited by Jack_fids on February 16, 2011)
Jack Fids (Jack_fids)
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Posted on Wednesday, February 16, 2011 - 9:27 pm:   

Anybody here ever hear about something called

I went looking for some of my more
professorial efforts from 10 years ago...
and by chance ...
I found this little gem that you may want to peruse for some possible future reference.....


Dal Farnworth (Dallas)
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Posted on Wednesday, February 16, 2011 - 9:31 pm:   

vest and cravat
Jack Fids (Jack_fids)
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Posted on Wednesday, February 16, 2011 - 9:39 pm:   

AaacKKK..Wrong Sherlock!

Thanks for playing, you've been a wonderful contestant
I'm sure the folks at home would agree!

The Beautiful Nellie will escort you off stage where

you will receive some FABULOUS parting shots

and be relieved of all your valuables by Security..!


will you sign in PLEASE?

(Message edited by Jack_fids on February 16, 2011)
Buswarrior (Buswarrior)
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Posted on Wednesday, February 16, 2011 - 9:59 pm:   


I think not.

Therefore, I am not?

happy coaching!
R.C.Bishop (Chuckllb)
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Posted on Wednesday, February 16, 2011 - 10:08 pm:   

Never mind.....


(Message edited by Chuckllb on February 16, 2011)
marvin pack (Gomer)
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Posted on Wednesday, February 16, 2011 - 10:39 pm:   

Just thinking and I will keep all thougts to myself as not to reflect any negaitive thought about my intellectual abilities.

les marston (Les_marston)
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Posted on Wednesday, February 16, 2011 - 11:49 pm:   

.do you know what Penguins were UNDER their Tuxedo's...?


And Fids. It is spelt " wear"

(Message edited by les marston on February 16, 2011)
Jack Fids (Jack_fids)
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Posted on Thursday, February 17, 2011 - 1:10 am:   

Believe it or not....
when I went looking for a .gif file on the web
that opener was posted near a file that I "liberated"
for my own selfish & despicable use....
I should be & am ashamed of C&P'ing
without looking or proof-reading

See the wages of cyber sin...?

Public humiliation at the hands of MooseMeat

Lady & Gentlemen...
I can only do the honorable thing to do
throw my self on the mercy of the court...

(and hope that the wisdom I have seen demonstrated on these very pages
by these wonderful hard working kind folk
with deep values, these members
will surely exhibit an equal amount of wisdom
when it comes to the application of justice
the way our great & wise forefathers
meant for us in the free land they bequeathed to us
when shed their blood
on this hallowed ground oh! so long ago...)


I'll be HOPING for that for a millisecond and then...

I'll just ask for a do-over.....

or go hiking The Appellation Trail...

Does anyone think Les will catch THAT entendre' or just the misspelling....2-1 he does!

(Message edited by Jack_fids on February 17, 2011)
Jack Fids (Jack_fids)
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Posted on Thursday, February 17, 2011 - 1:14 am:   


(Message edited by Jack_fids on February 17, 2011)
Austin Scott Davis (Zimtok)
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Posted on Thursday, February 17, 2011 - 10:45 am:   

Did you know that the price of tea in China has absolutely nothing to do with what has been discussed here in this thread????

And did you hear about the traveling salesman with a small mean looking guy sitting on his shoulder that walked into a bar and started to order a drink when all of a sudden Jesus, Buddha, and Alla walked in carrying golf clubs talking about a Priest, Rabi, Pastor and a Boy Scout in an airplane that was about to crash only to find out there was only 1 parachute........

Jack Fids (Jack_fids)
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Posted on Thursday, February 17, 2011 - 11:57 am:   

...another refugee from The Dark Side looking for guidance...?

all you need Zim is a little therapy....
come to FRANKLIN for the free Clinic,
you'll leave a different person!
(maybe you'll leave as NELLIE...!...someone has to!!)
marvin pack (Gomer)
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Posted on Thursday, February 17, 2011 - 12:38 pm:   

what are we talking about? Does anyone have a clue?? I'm totally confuseedd. I hope it don't show!!

Luvrbus (Luvrbus)
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Posted on Thursday, February 17, 2011 - 12:47 pm:   

Needs his meds changed
Jack Fids (Jack_fids)
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Posted on Thursday, February 17, 2011 - 1:19 pm:   

I'll be holding tutorials on DIESEL CHAT tonight....
be there or
remain equidistant on 4 sides.
Dal Farnworth (Dallas)
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Posted on Thursday, February 17, 2011 - 2:29 pm:   

I'm trying to talk Jack into using BCM chat instead.. at least you don't get booted so often.

Oh, and what about a parallelogram?
Laryn Christley (Barn_owl)
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Posted on Thursday, February 17, 2011 - 7:25 pm:   

Buswarrior (Buswarrior)
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Posted on Thursday, February 17, 2011 - 9:21 pm:   

If, where, go, until, approach, exit, then, golf, twist, hammer, develop, help, latitude, kangaroo, police, insane, juvenile, denial, mature?

That is the question.

happy coaching!
Jack Fids (Jack_fids)
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Posted on Thursday, February 17, 2011 - 11:42 pm:   

sure, here, stay, depart, enter, now, seriously?, cajole, divest, always, self-reliance, aren't we all, infantile, 80% are why not me too?,when it's required.

those are responses
free word association of course
(for those playing at home)

latvia-69 (Latvia69)
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Posted on Friday, February 18, 2011 - 12:01 pm:   

read with interest your post about rules! did it include bus related info? information,how to,how you did it,, traveling news etc. etc.etc.
les marston (Les_marston)
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Posted on Friday, February 18, 2011 - 2:48 pm:   

PLEASE!!!! Chill out!
Lots of other bus related threads going now as well as this one that is just sort of for fun.
Join in, make others laugh a little.
Poke fun at Jack Fids (the rest of us do)
It doesn't diminish from the value of the bus info available on this board.

We now return you to our usual programming of silliness on this thread
marvin pack (Gomer)
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Posted on Friday, February 18, 2011 - 3:35 pm:   

Latvia; Everything that is said,done,solved,questioned about, whether it is checking out others problems,helping solve them or just jabbing on Penquins,horses,or whatever is all related to valuable info of how to be a SANE BUS NUT. For some it is becoming questionable of their mentality to absorb this vast array of knowledge tho, as you will find out as you venture here on the WONDERFUL WORLD OF BUSNUTS!! Oh BTW Welcome to you!!

Dal Farnworth (Dallas)
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Posted on Friday, February 18, 2011 - 4:04 pm:   

So, Well then Lativa,
Tell us about your coach and your needs as to information for the area and feeding of it.
Maybe you had a bad day? Maybe you are afraid to ask any questions? Maybe you just don't have any way of expressing your problems?

We are here for you and we will support you in anyway we can.

Just start a new thread with what you want to know... we'll do our best to try and help you with your problems.

Good luck, and I'm glad I didn't post what I was originally going to..... I didn't want to seem like an internet bully.
les marston (Les_marston)
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Posted on Friday, February 18, 2011 - 4:43 pm:   

you were doing so well till the last line
Len Silva (Lsilva)
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Posted on Friday, February 18, 2011 - 4:57 pm:   

Speaking of penguins, just what type of grease SHOULD you use?
les marston (Les_marston)
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Posted on Friday, February 18, 2011 - 5:57 pm:   

Don't know what kind of grease is called for but as they once said..."A little dab will do ya"
PA Doug (Padoug)
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Posted on Friday, February 18, 2011 - 6:42 pm:   

I'm glad for the silliness.

If it weren't for the Busnuts, and a few of these guys in particular, I wouldn't have been inspired enough to follow through and get my bus license.

And instead turned into a bus NERD. (You know, the little guy who sits in the front seat licking the window!)

-Wait..I WAS that kid....Did I grow up or something?

Thanks guys.
les marston (Les_marston)
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Posted on Friday, February 18, 2011 - 8:16 pm:   

you may need to get older but you never have to grow up
Jack Fids (Jack_fids)
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Posted on Saturday, February 19, 2011 - 2:03 am:   

'51 Stude- 48 Pass. Schoolie
Robins egg Blue w/ White Stripes

Cold weather grease is considered proper
from an epicurean perspective..!

(Message edited by Jack_fids on February 19, 2011)
Buswarrior (Buswarrior)
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Posted on Saturday, February 19, 2011 - 9:26 am:   

from http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/epicurean


fond of or adapted to luxury or indulgence in sensual pleasures; having luxurious tastes or habits, especially in eating and drinking.
fit for an epicure: epicurean delicacies.
( initial capital letter ) of, pertaining to, or characteristic of Epicurus or Epicureanism.

an epicure.
( initial capital letter ) a disciple of Epicurus.

1350–1400; Middle English Epicurien < Latin Epic ( us ) of Epicurus (< Greek Epikoúreios ) + -an

—Related forms
non·ep·i·cu·re·an, adjective, noun
un·ep·i·cu·re·an, adjective

2. gourmet, luxury, lavish, deluxe, rich.

2. austere, simple, plain, modest, frugal.

Dictionary.com Unabridged
Based on the Random House Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2011.
Cite This Source

Related Words for : epicurean
bon vivant, epicure, foodie, gastronome, gourmet

happy coaching!
PA Doug (Padoug)
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Posted on Wednesday, February 23, 2011 - 6:17 pm:   

'51 Stude- 48 Pass. Schoolie
Robins egg Blue w/ White Stripes<<

Okay Jack,

I've been weighing in on this one a bit more..

I love your "sports" bus. Sounds classic. Except you described it is blue, not skoolie yellow. And we know who the little blue buses are for...

Now I have to fess up: I enjoy watching Hockey when I get the time, Penguins specifically.

But alas, though I am getting married, wife-to-be accepts the family dachshund as a mistress of whatever lair and living being her little eyes happen to behold. (Almost like a cat!)

We need a hockey team matchup. Something like the "Dayton Dachshunds vs. The Pittsburgh Penguins". I almost called it "Dallas Dachshunds", but then I'd be offending my cousins in Texas.

As far as offending OUR Dallas here on BNO: Well, just look at his hair. He needs to get rid of those cats...

A dog would do him good.
Jack Fids (Jack_fids)
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Posted on Wednesday, February 23, 2011 - 6:47 pm:   

that Studie was the Bus my Dad screwed together & I grew up in.

"Sportscar of Coaches" is a term of someone else's origin ..
I co-opt'ed it as a device to maintain a false sense of superiority
over those poor Souls who'll never know the thrill of owning a GM Coach from the magic years of Dee-troit.
Teresa (Happycamperbrat)
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Posted on Friday, February 25, 2011 - 12:37 am:   

I dont usually like to ruffle feathers, but in the penguins case I guess you are used to it lol
Jack Fids (Jack_fids)
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Posted on Friday, February 25, 2011 - 3:14 am:   

They're tuff l'il critters
and quite hard to ruffle
harder still to swallow
even with stuffel .....

....It's called a "Poetic License"
you can buy one at Wall Drug in South Dakota
for a dollar US.

(Message edited by Jack_fids on February 25, 2011)
PA Doug (Padoug)
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Posted on Friday, February 25, 2011 - 6:09 pm:   


Nice to see a Penguin in tails and a tie, but you need to put a Pittsburgh logo on that little fellow.
He looks a little naked without it.
Jack Fids (Jack_fids)
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Posted on Friday, February 25, 2011 - 8:11 pm:   



OH yah...that town ...
it's in Pennsylvania ...right?

I think the guy who built our town's Lie-bury came from there..

Andy Carnegie ...hell of a Mason he was!

Did he build a Library in Pittsburgh too?

George Martinez (Foohorse)
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Posted on Saturday, March 05, 2011 - 1:53 am:   

Sitting here in the tuxedoed ones lair I can see the poetic license in live action. Vewy insterreshting. can't wait for tomorrow I am going to get up early and cut up and dispose of my first corvair.
Jack Fids (Jack_fids)
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Posted on Tuesday, March 15, 2011 - 5:16 pm:   

The EMERGENCY ROOM at the Crash House gave me specific instructions .....KEEP HIM AWAY FROM POWER TOOLS, anything with sharp edges or points and above all keep him from coming into contact with any thing flammable or explosive.

I told them I would shorten his chain by 2 feet......

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