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paulgossett (
Rating:  Votes: 1 (Vote!) | Posted on Monday, November 24, 2003 - 9:43 pm: | |
anyone ever converted a double-decker into a motorhome? Planningon buying one in CA. Special conversion problems needto be addressed. would love to talk to someone with more experience. |
RJ Long (Rjlong) (
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Monday, November 24, 2003 - 10:20 pm: | |
Paul - If this is one of the four-axle 48' footers at A-Z in Riverside, beware: ~ They're illegal everywhere due to their length - private property use only. ~ They spent their entire working career at the Kennedy Space Center in FL, exposed to salt air 24/7 w/o a good rust-prevention program. ~ A-Z's been trying to sell these monsters for almost five years now. . . no takers. What does that tell you? OTOH, if this is a standard 40' unit, then the above obviously doesn't apply. But be aware that Neoplan hasn't always had the best rust prevention program, altho it's gotten better in later years. But the coaches are built with a "birdcage" frame, similar to the old Eagles, so replacing stuff is doable. Plus there's the factory in Lamar, CO that's still chugging away, albeit slowly, like the rest of the industry right now. HTH, RJ PD4106-2784 Fresno CA |
paul gossett (
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Tuesday, November 25, 2003 - 2:15 am: | |
thanks for the heads up! I am so new to this. Yes, these are the same ones you are talking about. How expensive would it be to cut out 3' to make them legal? Only 3 remain out of I think 13. I am in the ministry and my wife and I are wanting to RV full-time. This seemed like an answer. I have negotiated a priceof $25,000.00. let me know your thoughts. |
Peter Broadribb (Madbrit) (
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Tuesday, November 25, 2003 - 3:15 am: | |
I am assuming that the $25,000 is for the remaining 3 buses? The last I saw they were having trouble getting $16,000 and they are not worth $6,000. Cutting it out isn't the hard part, it's putting it back together safely with all the controls, cables, wiring, etc having to be shortened. It would cost you more than the price of a good shell to cut it down. Then you have all the added maintenance of that extra front axle too. Can you imagine trying to get "The Alignment Guy" to align the front end with 2 steer axles!!! Good luck. Peter. |
NEO/Russ (
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Wednesday, November 26, 2003 - 7:34 pm: | |
Paul, I have a 40' Skyliner (three axle, same bus - double decker) that I've owned for a few years and I'm finally back at the conversion. I also owned one of the KSC 48'Megaliner (four axle like in CA) that I bought for parts in FL from A-Z after they took tranny and I stripped it there and took to the scrap yard. Yes they certainly rusted BADLY! If you haven't lost interest, drop me a line at XXrussbarnes@mindspring.comXX (remove X's). and we can visit off the board. I also know a guy in WI that bought one of the CA buses and drove it home, he's leaving it at least 45' and four axles and converting it. That doesn't mean cutting as many control items because the fronts are very long. BTW he was never stopped, except that the 8V-92 didn't make it past AZ and he had to take an engine there because nobody had one. (See guys, 2-cycles are getting harder and harder to find) There also is a group of us on Yahoo. Do a search for Neoplan Spaceliners. FWIW, the ten buses +/- that A-Z took back to CA, out of the dozen or so they bought in FL at auction, about 5-6 went through before OK stopped them and said "too long, need a permit." So it is an issue if longer than 45'. Big job, lot's of nay-sayers on all boards that will bring your dream back to earth, but in my case it's relaxing, a challenge and when I'm done it won't be another "me-too". Russ |
Gary McFarland (Gearheadgary) (
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Wednesday, November 26, 2003 - 8:04 pm: | |
Can someone post a Pic of this. I can't wrap my brain around what you guys are describing. Gary |
jmaxwell (
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Wednesday, November 26, 2003 - 10:32 pm: | |
Whatever the pros and cons of them, for sure, not a single one of them is worth anything near 25k. 5-6 maybe. Considering that they are illegal to operate on public roads just about anywhere in the USA, they have very little utility. Many yrs.ago on my 1st visit to Kennedy Space Ctr., I was fascinated by them, mainly because of their massive size and unique design. After getting a closer and good look at them at the A-Z lot in Colton, I quickly classified them with most of the other stuff A-Z sells; everyone of them had some real serious issues. If they were a legal bus in most places, it might be a different matter and worth doing some sharper negotiating, but they are not. Given tdy's market, your 25k will buy you a fairly good ride and will even go a long way in putting you into a nice ride that is already converted. |
Sean Welsh (Sean) (
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Thursday, November 27, 2003 - 12:17 am: | |
Paul, There's a bunch of discussion about these in the archives on the Yahoo Spaceliner/Skyliner group. (Gary -- there's a picture there also.) I would stay away from these unless you are a structural expert and have the tools and facilities to shorten one. -Sean |
paulgossett (
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Thursday, November 27, 2003 - 1:30 am: | |
hey everyone, I appreciate the information! I got in touch by phone with a man in the N>E> who has one of the 48'megaliners. He told me about the rust and the speed limitations, etc. He also told me of another megaliner in Louisville Kentucky bought from A-Z. He has $600,000.00 in the project....and apparently it is a mansion. Alas, he must have money to burn! I, as a lowly preacher do NOT. I found a Neoplan DDin Tulsa, OK that my son is looking inot forme. 40' and newer than the ones in CA. You guys don't know how much I appreciate your input! I may end up with another Eagle, (45' this time) but the Megaliner looked SO ENTICING! Keep the info coming.BTW, I joined the Yahoo group. Thanks! |
Gary McFarland (Gearheadgary) (
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Thursday, November 27, 2003 - 2:04 am: | |
Hey, there's a guy here in Alameda doing one of those. looks like a cool conversion. I dunno about being an Expert, but I do have the tools and facilities, and have done several frame stretches/shortenings, and I wouldn't touch it. sounds like something that could end up at a future burning man. Gary |
Sean Welsh (Sean) (
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Friday, November 28, 2003 - 12:08 am: | |
Gary, Where's the one in Alameda? I'm in San Jose -- it might be worth a first-hand look. -Sean |
Gary McFarland (Gearheadgary) (
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Monday, December 01, 2003 - 4:08 pm: | |
Last time I saw it, it was parked outside Grand Marina. I think it's a live-In conversion. He moves from place to place I think. gary |