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George Martinez (Foohorse)
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Username: Foohorse

Post Number: 432
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Posted on Monday, March 21, 2011 - 1:49 am:   

Changed my mind. If you can't say something nice don't say anything at all. Grandma's wise words

(Message edited by Foohorse on March 21, 2011)

(Message edited by Foohorse on March 21, 2011)

(Message edited by Foohorse on March 21, 2011)
Len Silva (Lsilva)
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Posted on Monday, March 21, 2011 - 10:54 am:   

Good choice!
R.C.Bishop (Chuckllb)
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Posted on Monday, March 21, 2011 - 12:12 pm:   

Amen...and AMEN....:-)

Why can't we just stick with buses? Not a place for diatribe, me thinks. One notes many posters who consistently and willingly provided helpful comments are no longer a regular part of the forum. I understand their probable reasons....quite often nothing much of interest to "talk about"...respond to...get involved in. :-(

The price paid for gas is pretty high.........

Jack Fids (Jack_fids)
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Posted on Monday, March 21, 2011 - 12:33 pm:   

I don't think anyone wants this forum to turn into
the equivalent of a "Geek Board for Busses"
because collectively we have so much more to offer than
" Bus Geeks" could or would....
how can one be "into Busses" & fail to be attracted to the people that own them?

I want to KNOW the guy who is offering advice,
do they own more than a pliers for tools,
do they do their own repairs
or hire wage slaves to do them,
do they have reasoning abilities & accurate diagnostic skills
or are they just a "repeater".

Information is only as good as the delivery system & the people who offer it.....
R.C.Bishop (Chuckllb)
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Posted on Monday, March 21, 2011 - 2:58 pm:   

............Proverbs 18:2 comes to mind.....:-)


(Message edited by chuckllb on March 21, 2011)
Jim Shepherd (Rv_safetyman)
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Posted on Monday, March 21, 2011 - 3:23 pm:   

Well Jack, I am one of the folks who like to share MY OWN knowledge. I contribute heavily on the other boards and am a frequent contributor to Bus Conversions Magazine.

I have seen this board degrade into the toilet with at least half of the threads being diverted to nonsensical posts about penguins and other drivel.

Yes, like Sean and others, I am probably a geek. Kind of proud about that at my age.

So, I still visit this board in case someone needs some real help, but every time I do, I regret wasting my time.

Len Silva (Lsilva)
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Posted on Monday, March 21, 2011 - 3:54 pm:   

The way I see it, is that the questions still come and they still get serious consideration and answers. And, when a serious questions comes up, it gets everyone's attention and the joking around stops for a while.

It's when there are few bus related questions that some of the lighter banter takes place. For those who object, would you prefer that the board just goes quiet?

I think of these boards as being more like gathering around a campfire or hanging out at the garage. Lots of joking around and non bus related discussions until there is work to be done, then everyone jumps in and helps.

There are lots of places on the internet to discuss religion or politics, but with most of them you are either preaching to the choir or fighting the enemy. What makes these boards different is that we already respect each other because of our common interest in buses. Because we consider each other friends, we can be a little more comfortable exposing our beliefs and emotions.

(Message edited by lsilva on March 21, 2011)
Jim Shepherd (Rv_safetyman)
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Posted on Monday, March 21, 2011 - 4:32 pm:   

Len, I guess that sounds good - at least from a text book point of view.

The issue, is that I have seen good threads go in the crapper because of what you call campfire humor/banter.

I have seen many folks with good knowledge, knowledge that I respect, back off posting anything here. Like me, they probably still visit once in a while, but you really do not see much in the way of technical responses by the folks with good knowledge to share.

Assuming the rest of the group feels that this is a campfire chat group, then I will back off and spend my limited time on boards where folks want their bus related questions answered without having to sort through the campfire drivel.

George Martinez (Foohorse)
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Posted on Monday, March 21, 2011 - 5:00 pm:   

Jim can you point out exactly why a bit of conversation in a thread in your opinion turns it into crap, if the topic is discussed or the solution is found why is interaction amongst friends seen as crap?. there seems to be a certain arrogance in that position akin to a full of himself teacher that wants a quite class room while all the students sit in awe of his or her brilliance and omnipresent power. Len I'm obviously in your corner on this but it is sad that this issue even has to come up.
George Martinez (Foohorse)
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Post Number: 441
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Posted on Monday, March 21, 2011 - 5:00 pm:   

Jim can you point out exactly why a bit of conversation in a thread in your opinion turns it into crap, if the topic is discussed or the solution is found why is interaction amongst friends seen as crap?. there seems to be a certain arrogance in that position akin to a full of himself teacher that wants a quite class room while all the students sit in awe of his or her brilliance and omnipresent power. Len I'm obviously in your corner on this but it is sad that this issue even has to come up.
George Martinez (Foohorse)
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Username: Foohorse

Post Number: 442
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Posted on Monday, March 21, 2011 - 5:02 pm:   

Jim can you point out exactly why a bit of conversation in a thread in your opinion turns it into crap, if the topic is discussed or the solution is found why is interaction amongst friends seen as crap?. there seems to be a certain tiny bit of arrogance in that position akin to a full of himself teacher that wants a quite class room while all the students sit in awe of his or her brilliance and omnipresent power. Len I'm obviously in your corner on this but it is sad that this issue even has to come up and corners have to be chosen.

(Message edited by foohorse on March 21, 2011)
Luvrbus (Luvrbus)
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Posted on Monday, March 21, 2011 - 6:18 pm:   

One thing I have noticed lately is all the cross posting on the boards now.
I have been here a long time that never happen much in the past some guys post here first then the post heads south so they go to the BCM board it is extremely hard to try and help here now with out the question getting off track.
I still like this board only one time has Ian deleted a post of mine and I was in the wrong but he is older and he can tolerate more nowadays lol

(Message edited by luvrbus on March 21, 2011)
R.C.Bishop (Chuckllb)
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Posted on Monday, March 21, 2011 - 8:21 pm:   

Jack Fids (Jack_fids)
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Posted on Monday, March 21, 2011 - 8:34 pm:   

I agree.

And I'd rather parse thru a few snippet's of personal chat
than to read whining or someone wrong advice....
or worse....

Don't forget
when you offer thanks for advice
according to the unstated rulez
you are in VIOLATION..
- it's not tech talk..!
and neither is opinion, which is speculation
not FACT..
either we all tolerate community talk
or we beg for the Topic Police to rule the roost...
and to Police threads for pleasure & Brownie points..

Friendly chat or lurking enforcement...?

R.C.Bishop (Chuckllb)
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Username: Chuckllb

Post Number: 1473
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Posted on Monday, March 21, 2011 - 8:59 pm:   

Goooood grief!!!!
marvin pack (Gomer)
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Posted on Monday, March 21, 2011 - 9:05 pm:   

I have always said, It is better to remain silent and thought a fool, than to open your mouth and remove all doubt!! No pun intended!

Buswarrior (Buswarrior)
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Posted on Monday, March 21, 2011 - 9:10 pm:   



happy coaching!
latvia-69 (Latvia69)
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Posted on Monday, March 21, 2011 - 9:36 pm:   

thank you Chuckllb,RV Safetyman,Luvrbus and Buswarrior for wanting to talk buses. Automatics, manuals, 40 footers,35footers, tires,engines etc. it does my bus heart good,and elevates the hobby. Can i second the good grief? and please show your approval or disapproval by voting on the content of the various posts. this might! send a message?

(Message edited by latvia69 on March 21, 2011)

(Message edited by latvia69 on March 21, 2011)
Jack Fids (Jack_fids)
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Posted on Monday, March 21, 2011 - 10:11 pm:   

What you that are doing
is forcing an issue that has already been taken care of...
if you can be patient a bit longer
you'll have that what you wish for
all Bus tech talk
in it's own place
with it's own rules
where you can play topic police mind games
with people who are like minded..
maybe if you offer to PAY Ian
he'd hustle...
but I doubt it. the meantime
acting like adults is still required.
George M. Todd (George_todd)
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Posted on Monday, March 21, 2011 - 10:21 pm:   

Jack Fids,

You are the only person who has ever had to post the rules of this board to support your position.
You are also the only person to receive the number of negative comments you have, AND NOT TAKE THE HINT!
I personally will not tell you to cease and desist, because I simply ignore your posts, as they don't contain anything helpful.

It doesn't take any talent to do what you do, and when you deliberately sabotage someone elses' thread, you decrease the chance of their getting help, because now everyone else says "oh no, not AGAIN," and doesn't read any further.

I had personally hoped you would tire of this and go away, now many of us hope you won't go away mad, just go away!

You are welcome to post all the mindless drivel you want, just leave other people's threads alone!

Unfortunately Jack, you do not practice what you preach!
George Todd

(Message edited by George todd on March 21, 2011)
George Martinez (Foohorse)
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Username: Foohorse

Post Number: 444
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Posted on Monday, March 21, 2011 - 10:33 pm:   

This seems like the problems of a growing club that needs more room in order to accommodate its members that behave like friends and those that want a class room. Ian perhaps your decision/ action is needed soon here before things start to get foul.
Donald P H (Eagle19952)
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Post Number: 58
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Posted on Monday, March 21, 2011 - 11:59 pm:   

talk about high on ones self....with a single patronizer....get a life.

Teresa (Happycamperbrat)
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Posted on Tuesday, March 22, 2011 - 1:45 am:   

Boy I sure opened a can of worms :-( There has actually been more posts made by more people arguing over OT subjects then people posting about anything else in the last 24 hours!

My take on it all is in a board like this (where there are not separate sections for OT) that people could have threads to talk about whatever is on the mind at the time and also have threads that are just for technical stuff. People are free to click what they want and comment on what they want. But my understanding is that some people would prefere there be no posts that arent technical talk? That seems pretty boring to me....... informational, but boring nonetheless. And without talk that isnt technical, how do we get to know eachother and share marshmellow roasts?

Politics and Religion is a fact of life. Where it gets bad is when people see their own opinion as fact and the only one that matters IMO. But when people understand that other people may not agree, then they are adult enough to talk about these subjects IMO. If they just want to fight to try to prove their point and pound their opinion into someone else's head, then they are not mature enough to discuss it IMO.
Jack Fids (Jack_fids)
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Posted on Tuesday, March 22, 2011 - 4:06 am:   

Teresa, it wasn't a can of worms,
When humans sit too long in one place
a certain asset, as it were, tends to swell with inactivity
it causes discomfort, impaction & downright orneriness.
If not treated quickly & properly, hemorrhoids require surgery.

Every 12 months or so.."The Seasonal Sickness"befalls some,
cabin fever just hit a few harder this year than usual.

Sometimes people with preoccupations
let them get get in the way of rational thought
under the stress of winter, financial disaster
or bad marriage, Politics, Tsunami, full Moon
or the anniversary of the death of Elvis....
they just lose it.

When the Sun shines again
they crawl out of the darkness, stop foaming at the mouth
& find the usual distractions waiting for them & they drift off....
then it returns to normal & we can all go back
to being friends, family, familiar & facetious instead of factious.

the reasons for some to have their undies bundled so tight
is amusing if not insightful.
We owe China & India everything in our country,
we're neck deep in 2 wars
& can't afford to pay to have our roads paved ....
and yet there is the priority & time
to create dissension for the sake of convenience or personal preference...
pitted canned cherries over fresh with pits...
go figure..

The pendulum always swings both directions equally in time, distance & momentum....
to expect otherwise is to fool yourself,
every glass of Champagne is worth a puddle of puke...
the trick is to be there to enjoy the toast
while avoiding & ignoring the puddle
or creating one...
don't drink!

(Message edited by Jack_fids on March 22, 2011)
George Martinez (Foohorse)
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Post Number: 446
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Posted on Tuesday, March 22, 2011 - 4:46 am:   

IF YOU WOULD TELL ME HOW TO BLOCK YOUR POSTS I WOULD,NOW THAT WOULD BE CONSTRUCTIVE. GOD what a dumb ass. It's real simple you idiot. don't read and move on. seems simple yes?

(Message edited by foohorse on March 22, 2011)
George Martinez (Foohorse)
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Post Number: 447
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Posted on Tuesday, March 22, 2011 - 4:48 am:   

Sorry Grandma I tried.
Jack Fids (Jack_fids)
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Posted on Tuesday, March 22, 2011 - 5:17 am:   

George Todd..
I dint use the rules to support my position,
(and since when is using the rule to support an assertion a violation of anything?)
I used them to remind someone
that the rule they assert does not exist...!
..sorry you missed the point, my fault for making an assumption.

As for when, how & why you you feel the way you do
and act the way you do...
it impacts & affects me none...
this is the first time you have addressed me since 2001
& in return I have treated you equally & respectfully the entire time.
Why the sudden meltdown.

belong on a form
for people who have your problem,
not on a Bus forum...
and the same goes for
the perennial self victimized (that means the "poor me's")... fwiw.

My Email address is in my profile
it is there for MEN & Women to communicate to me,
I've received about 3 dozen in appreciation & support in the last year...
and not one in disagreement...

...there's something black & white
in the Chicken Salad...
it ain't the salad dressing.......
and it don't pass the smell test either..!

I came for the company of like mined people
the kind who aren't sheep
but control their future, location
and life at will
or are trying to & looking for support...
not Bus restoration experts, mechanical groupiedom or "look how I spent my money" consumers
not the narrow minded single issue people
or their fan club.
latvia-69 (Latvia69)
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Posted on Tuesday, March 22, 2011 - 8:31 am:   

were trying to control our future on this site, but the ones we would like to rein in just dont get it. the complaints on this board have wiped out your 3 dozen personals by now! to bad there is no charge for excessive words . were are all those supporters now? must be on bus trips! latter,goin fishing again and exercising my bus,35 miles out 35 miles back.
Van (Van)
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Posted on Tuesday, March 22, 2011 - 10:56 am:   

Well,from the looks of this thread, the annual migration of Internet Hemorrhoid's has begun! a good soothing anal ointment, will cure any feeble thoughts you may have of controlling the free exchange that exists here for all who participate!
Quit blaming the boards (2), because you cannot enjoy your first cup of Jo in the morning, change the Friggin Brand!!! Grow up!! and quit yer Bitchin!!!! Nuff Said outta me!! I'm sorry too Grand Ma.

You got a better chance
of controlling a fart bubble
in a tub of water,IMHO, FWIW, Blah blah blah!

(Message edited by van on March 22, 2011)
Donald P H (Eagle19952)
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Posted on Tuesday, March 22, 2011 - 11:25 am:   

The ass speaking here,I guess you didn't comprehend,I know how to ignore, you ass.
I am pleased tho that your drivoulous excrement is primarily being confined to your chosen recepticals.Hail the Society,something has been accomplished.
PS My youngest learned not to poop in the bath water 35 years ago.
PS.Get yoUr free sample of Preparation H here.
Donald P H (Eagle19952)
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Posted on Tuesday, March 22, 2011 - 11:37 am:   

ps i like an OT as well as the next,what should be obvious by now is that Sheening someone elses post is assinine,I guess youens needs to be good at something :-(
THATS why i post my thoughts in these OT'S or start my own,thnk-u.
How bout doing the same ?
Dal Farnworth (Dallas)
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Posted on Tuesday, March 22, 2011 - 12:49 pm:   

hey guys.. disagreeing is one thing, but come on, lets not get really hateful and cause some really bad feelings to ruin a good thing.

You never know, the next rally you go to may have in attendance a whole squadron of the people you po'ed.

It could happen anywhere... At a rest area, at a convenience store, in the adult book store you like to frequent...........
Donald P H (Eagle19952)
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Post Number: 63
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Posted on Tuesday, March 22, 2011 - 1:15 pm:   

Jack Fids (Jack_fids)
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Posted on Tuesday, March 22, 2011 - 2:33 pm:   

It's the only tool they have in their box Dal, I can't fault them in their pitiful condition.
R.C.Bishop (Chuckllb)
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Posted on Tuesday, March 22, 2011 - 8:30 pm:   

Ditto, DPH....ditto. :-)
George Martinez (Foohorse)
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Username: Foohorse

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Posted on Tuesday, March 22, 2011 - 8:54 pm:   

Van that was hilarious. Ian's Idea is a good one, it can keep the dim happy and if something of interest that was sparked from a tech thread leads to interesting conversation those needing a bit more synaptic stimulation can start an OT thread where those foaming at the mouth wont enter. WIN WIN.
Jim Shepherd (Rv_safetyman)
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Posted on Tuesday, March 22, 2011 - 10:50 pm:   

Dallas, funny you should mention meeting someone at the next rally. As I recall, you deleted a huge amount of very valuable data that you posted on BCM and then waltzed out the door. Then you had the gall to go back on BCM like nothing happened so that you could announce your rally.

Well, if I ever get to see you at some rally (certainly not yours), we can discuss how outrageous your action was.

Donald P H (Eagle19952)
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Post Number: 64
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Posted on Tuesday, March 22, 2011 - 11:06 pm:   

You never know, the next rally you go to may have in attendance a whole squadron of the people you po'ed.

It could happen anywhere... At a rest area, at a convenience store, in the adult book store I frequent...........

I look forward to it.
Jim Wilke (Jim Bob) (Pd41044039)
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Posted on Wednesday, March 23, 2011 - 9:56 am:   

I weigh in as one of the people who sent Jack more than one personal message telling him I liked his humor & rhyme. I sent it to him 'cause I didn't want to start a bigger war on the BB.
I rarely post on the BB any more because it is often a battle of technical one upmanship. Since I do not feel the need to be acnowleged as being right, I just refrain & let the pack race by.
That being said, I enjoy the OT banter but it really annoys me when a thread is hijacked for "high school" exchanges.
Start a new thread under your own name if you want to do that. At least the rest of us will know what the content is and if we want to go there.
I'm off the soapbox now.
Jack Fids (Jack_fids)
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Post Number: 655
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Posted on Wednesday, March 23, 2011 - 1:19 pm:   


Oh Good...!
A cat fight between Dal & Don...
looks like a Promotional opportunity to me...

Anyone interested in a pair of ringside seats
to the big fight...?

This price will go UP as the event nears &
the interest expands....
get your tickets NOW!!

(we are in negotiations with an Adult Book Store as I write this, & there is even talk of a Pay per View TV deal...then straight to DVD)

(Message edited by Jack_fids on March 24, 2011)
latvia-69 (Latvia69)
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Posted on Wednesday, March 23, 2011 - 6:04 pm:   

ot,ot,ot your to skinny for an adult film,and then there,s the age limit.
George Martinez (Foohorse)
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Username: Foohorse

Post Number: 451
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Posted on Thursday, March 24, 2011 - 3:31 am: :-)
George Martinez (Foohorse)
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Username: Foohorse

Post Number: 460
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Posted on Monday, April 18, 2011 - 1:05 am:   

Hey Latvia what has happened to you, you sure seem quiet lately. In the words of the great WC fields I smell a Ubangi in the woodpile

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