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BNO BBS - BNO's Bulletin Board System » THE ARCHIVES » Year 2011 » April 2011 » New reply ? « Previous Next »

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Bill Gerrie (Bill_gerrie)
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Username: Bill_gerrie

Post Number: 485
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Posted on Saturday, April 09, 2011 - 8:36 am:   

Is it just my computer or is something going wrong? There is no indication as to which replies to a thread are new.
Software glitch?
Luvrbus (Luvrbus)
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Posted on Saturday, April 09, 2011 - 9:26 am:   

Must be on your end no problem here with the little arrows
ED Hackenbruch (Shadowman)
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Posted on Saturday, April 09, 2011 - 9:31 am:   

Sometimes it takes a minute or two before they show up when i pull up the page. I just go to one or two of the topics that i am interested in to see if there are new posts. Usually after i do that the arrows will pop up if there are any other new topics.
Bill Gerrie (Bill_gerrie)
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Posted on Saturday, April 09, 2011 - 10:36 am:   

Thanks guys.
I will see what has happened.
Teresa (Happycamperbrat)
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Posted on Saturday, April 09, 2011 - 11:20 am:   

I often have the same problem.....
Dave Walker (Chrome_dome)
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Posted on Saturday, April 09, 2011 - 12:52 pm:   

Bill try to defrag and then do updates on your computer. We go to Starbucks or outside a grociery store for wi/fi outside and do updates because it is free and a lot of bandwidth is used up for updates. Why use ours eh!


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