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BNO BBS - BNO's Bulletin Board System » THE ARCHIVES » Year 2004 » October 2004 » An MCI question « Previous Next »

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redliteAL (

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Posted on Wednesday, October 06, 2004 - 4:00 pm:   

When MCI released/built the 102EL3 in 1997/98, this model was supposedly the "next" generation bus for both the line haul and charter businesses. Yet, it appears this model has had limited success, in comparison to the 102DL3 or 102D3 models. Why is this so? What are the known "drawbacks" to the Renaissance model?
Jim Ashworth (Jimnh) (

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Posted on Wednesday, October 06, 2004 - 6:03 pm:   

It didn't hold together. Plastic skin panels came unglued, among other problems. The outfit I drove for had ten 102DL3's and traded them for the E models. Reason for trade? D model had all sorts of problems. Wellllll... The E model was worse, so they traded the E's back for some more D's. As bad as they were, the D was better than the E.

At the time, they were running 20 MC-9s and 102C3's along with the D's and in three pages of "interruption of service" incidents, only one was an MC-9 bus. Seems the quality had deteriorated with Mexican ownership.

As a motorhome, they sure would be pretty, but I don't know if I could afford the repairs. To paraphrase Henry-- MC-9's forever!!

ChuckMC9 (Chucks) (

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Posted on Thursday, October 07, 2004 - 7:32 am:   

YEAH Jim! MC9's forever!

I bought my MC9 directly from MCI and got to know several of the mechanics while I was at their facility after hours days on end poking around the bus trying to get to know her. As the guys would come and go on shift changes they stopped by from time to time - to a person they all said that the new ones just aren't built like the classics. ('course they probably got kickbacks from mgt. to get me to go ahead and make a decision! ;)

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