Ian Giffin (Admin) (
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Monday, October 11, 2004 - 10:49 am: | |
Hi Folks, Tim Strommen, an avid BNO viewer and conversion enthusiast has given us a gift in the form of a Heat & A/C Calculator for the use of our viewers. You can download the calculator HERE. In order to use the calculator you have to have Microsoft Excel on your computer. If you don't have that programme, you can use Microsoft Works' spreadsheet programme, but the calculator may not work on all computers. If you want to see what the calculator looks like, but don't have Excel or Works on your computer, you can download a free viewer from Microsoft here: Excel Viewer. The following is the email that Tim sent to us: "Hi. My name is Tim, I live in CA. About three years ago, I was asked to help a friend redo the electrical system in his 1968 Wayne/Dodge 30' Skoolie. I had always been very interested in buses, and last October I finally picked up a 40' transit from an auction in Oregon. I've been VERY slowly taking the bus apart and prepping it for a roof raise, ETC. One problem I was running across was determining how much A/C or heat to use, and what the effects of different insulations would be on my aplication. To make a long story short, I've been scouring the internet trying to find the math to get a system designed. The Excel file I've attached, is the result of about two to three weeks of research, and one full night of Excel programming. Now that it's done, I figured that you might want to post it for other people to use. One simply enters the known information into the green boxes. I have foud your site to be most usefull in all aspects of my conversion so far, and I take this as an opportunity to give back to you guys and help anyone else on their way to conversion. I hope you find the tool useful, and any comment/changes you'd like to make , please drop me a line. Tim Strommen tim292stro@yahoo.com"
Thank you Tim, very much, for having provided this tool for all converters. There are many who receive great information from this bulletin board and I hope this calculator works out to be useful for those needing heating and air conditioning calculations. Warmest regards, Ian Giffin www.busnut.com |