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Jack Perry (Jpwinks)

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Posted on Thursday, October 28, 2004 - 9:18 am:   

Topic: Computer Assisted Drafting/Drawing applications.

Hello and good morning. I hope and pray this finds you all healthy and in good spirits.

I know from reading these boards over the years that a few of you have a thorough understanding of such applications, and I am soliciting your opinions regarding which one might be the more uncomplicated and straightforward to use.

I have virtually no experience running or operating any “CAD” application, and I really don’t want to invest 20hrs or 40hrs to get up and running with only rudimentary proficiency.

I want to make some very simple but professional floor plans for a single story home…sort of like a bus conversion but without the wheels and tires. I would like to set the scale and drop in the interior and exterior walls as well as the windows and doors, and then finish up with the elevations.

I need basic and ease of use vs. the WOW look what this thing (application) can do!

If you can offer a application by name or a web site with details I would be forever grateful.

Thank you,

1983 MCI m-9
South Padre Island Texas

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Posted on Thursday, October 28, 2004 - 10:53 am:   

Auto-CAD would give the best results in my opinion but, you are correct, it would take a while to get good on it. It is also a high dollar program. So, if you use a "legal" copy, plan to spend big bucks. I should say that the program has gotten easier to use these days. The 2-dimension stuff is pretty straight forward. I find that drawing in 3-dimension is quite a bit more challenging. The use of layers and dimensioning is very powerful in ACAD and, once the basic drawing parameters are set, it's very easy to draw to exact scale, have actual dimensions show, and resize and redraw things easily. This is the only CAD program I've used so I don't know how to compare it to others. But, it is the industry standard still, I believe.

Gary McFarland (Gearheadgary)

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Posted on Thursday, October 28, 2004 - 10:54 am:   

You can't learn how to use autocad in 20-40 hrs.

there are other drawing programs out there like Home Design 3D (something like that) and I use Visio, but that is too expensive for the casual user.

there are a variety of "Floorplanning" tools out there that are cheap and easy to use, stay away from actual CAD systems.

In addition to AutoCad, I support Mechanical Desktop, Catia, Unigraphics and Helix systems for the automotive industry. the operators of these systems do nothing else but operate these systems, it is a big deal.


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Posted on Thursday, October 28, 2004 - 11:18 am:   

Try DeltaCad..I've used it for years for simple stuff. It provides all necessary information to do the kind of work we do on coaches. I agree with the others, Autocad (used it for years as well for other applications) is many ways.

'64 Crown
Gary McFarland (Gearheadgary)

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Posted on Thursday, October 28, 2004 - 1:29 pm:   


Is DeltaCAD one of the Shareware CADs?

Ian Giffin (Admin)

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Posted on Thursday, October 28, 2004 - 1:48 pm:   

Hi Jack,

I did my rear deck with Broderbund 3D Home Architect Home Design Deluxe 6 which you can find at

As usual, if I can make it work, you can make it work

Good luck!

Dave Wheat

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Posted on Thursday, October 28, 2004 - 3:00 pm:   

Concur with Ian regarding 3D HOME ARCHITECT. Very easy to use and fun too.
Jack Perry (Jpwinks)

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Posted on Thursday, October 28, 2004 - 3:42 pm:   

Thank you all for sharing your experience and opines.

My m-9 “Mańana” is finished about 95% (well…they’re never “finished” finished) and I have way too much free time on my hands, so…I am undertaking another building design project; a small single family, single story adobe hacienda.

I have decided to tread forward and look at using “3D Home Architect Home Design” or “DeltaCad”, rather than try to develop a workable level of proficiency in the industry bench-mark “Auto-CAD”. I’ll keep you posted as to what I finally decide on and why.

Thanks again…

1983 MCI m-9
South Padre Island Texas
Sojourner (Jjimage)

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Posted on Thursday, October 28, 2004 - 4:10 pm:   

CAD drawing is state of art tool to prepare layout of anything you can think of.
Whether using the old fashion way or new way, both is capable to do same thing except faster.

Those using card board or cut-out template is fine if you want spend time doing it & redoing it.

In cad, you can make template of chairs, tables, sofa, refrigerator, toilet, shower, sinks, bed, cupboard and many different shape of furniture.

You move the template around over your cad layout to your desire.

Then check passage clearance using “people” template.

Example about toilet-stool fixture, I design an overhead view of fixture with “reading newspaper” clearance.

So I move & turn “toilet” to be in most practical location.

Also I can see before hand where or change door opening in hallway to most practical advantages.

Do whatever you prefer the old or new, cad will be many time faster and accurate every time. And it is filed for future uses anytime. And you know the rest of the story.

However I have what I@n suggested and great for house design but limited for bus conversion, because it default to house size door & toilet fixture and more unrelated size fixture. No plumbing piping or any others design that not use in house.

Another word this bus conversion into motorhome, not with normal house thick walls, floor thickness and so on.

If you want to not limited to house design then others for nearly same price is must more practical to use.

About DesignCad, I have used this product since 1974. It was ProDesign Cad the first few years.

Again I am not affiliate with them anyway. Just a happy with it.

If anyone want some of my template or make new one for DesignCad user, just e-mail to above address and remove “X’s”.

Keep in mind, that I am getting ready to move back to Florida ASAP and have more template file there. So be patience if I don’t have it ready to send template.

Or if you wants “key stroke” short-cuts to get drawing done quickly, sent e-mail as per above paragraph. I can send this anytime.

Like what “VetteZ07” said about getting download trial;

There many low price cad program out but not as versatile as DesignCad.

I know friends use AutoCAD and beat them on speed for average drawing.

AutoCAD is bigger software than anyone-person’s needs.

Another word, many of extra features will NOT be use to average user.

You just learn the popular short cuts are the key to speedy drawing.

For what it’s worth.

Sojourn for Christ, Jerry
Gary McFarland (Gearheadgary)

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Posted on Thursday, October 28, 2004 - 6:03 pm:   

3D home architect, that Ian mentioned is the one I was thinking of. I just couldn't remember the exact name. I used it to design my house. Shoudl work fine for bus work too, it will do 2" walls.

DesignCAD, that's the shareware one (Used to be anyway) I used that a long time ago. but Jerry, you mean 1984 (Not 1974) right?


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Posted on Thursday, October 28, 2004 - 9:05 pm:, DeltaCad is not shareware. But not too expensive. It is produced by Midnight Software. Their web site is Frankly, had I known the site was different than the name, I would have offered that information on my first post......:-(

My latest version is dated 2000, but is very adequate for what I am using it for; the coach conversion and property renovation. I make cabinets, and other such and, as as any project goes, the "as built" is usually somewhat different than the drawing.

It is not sophisticated like AutoCad, but is basic, easy and quick to learn with a good reference manual. By now, they may have had many upgrades. Strange they do not notify subscribers of upgrades, but, mater of fact they never have.....somebody in marketing should pick up on this....:-)


'64 Crown

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Posted on Thursday, October 28, 2004 - 9:26 pm:   

You couldn't get proficient with AutoCad 14 in 300 to 400 hours, and the current cost is about $7,000.00 retail for a single-site version. They use 5 instructors when they give their classes. Use some of the excellent suggestions above. ...JJ
FishbowlBrian (Fishbowlbrian)

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Posted on Friday, October 29, 2004 - 1:30 am:   

AutoCAD is more like $3800 USD. Still not chump change, though. I use it daily (I'm an architect), but would concur that it's not for the casual user. Heck, there's stuff I'm still learning about on it and I've been using it for nearly 20 years.

SketchUp from @last software looks very, very cool for 3D visualization work... much easier to learn than AutoCAD for 3D, and especially good for "quick and dirty" ideas. It's about $500, so it's not a casual purchase, either.

But, if you're doing design work for a home (and not just the bus), you might spend a few extra bucks. Some of the packaged software I've seen at the office stores (3D Architect, et al) seem more geared toward visualization than drafting a set of construction drawings. I've heard good things about Chief Architect and DataCAD, but haven't used it personally.

Good luck,
Sojourner (Jjimage)

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Posted on Friday, October 29, 2004 - 8:27 pm:   

Gary....Yes 1974 ProDesign Cad using DOS system (no OS).

Thank to R.C. Bishop..about DeltaCad....That is great one for under $40 and more than good enough to do bus conversion planning.

It is quicker to get started and less to memorizing key stroke.

It all on “tool bar”…….take your pick to perform what you need to do.

Main reasons it easier to use then DesignCad due to fewer options available.

No 3-D, self-contain symbol, no modeling and many others that not so important to average bus-nut’s project.

If you ask me, I would go for it for those who are not sure which one.

You can’t go wrong to get a professional looking drawing for so little cost.

Remember it not to compare to limited Broderbund 3D Home Architect Home Design. Which is only for house building project costing more than DeltaCad?

Another word you are limit to household standard parts, not RV type walls, doors or bath fixture and so on.

Again no affiliate with DeltaCad, and It the simplest to start to finish professional drawing.

Try demo to get your feet wet.. It fun….

I think you never thought you could do it.

Thank R.C. Bishop and Jack Perry, I@n and all above posts keep me informed.

For what it’s worth.

Sojourn for Christ, Jerry

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Posted on Friday, October 29, 2004 - 11:19 pm:   

U R Welcome, Brother! Works for me!

Proverbs 3:5 :-)


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