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BNO BBS - BNO's Bulletin Board System » THE ARCHIVES » Year 2004 » October 2004 » Just a useful link « Previous Next »

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John that newguy

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Posted on Sunday, October 31, 2004 - 2:37 pm:   

I@n, you should really have a "useful link" page.


Ian Giffin (Admin)

Rating: N/A
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Posted on Sunday, October 31, 2004 - 5:05 pm:   


I do. It's called the BNO BBS. You should check it out.

Gary McFarland (Gearheadgary)

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Posted on Sunday, October 31, 2004 - 6:37 pm:   

I was thinking there was this thing called the Internet that had lotsa handy stuff too.

John that newguy

Rating: N/A
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Posted on Sunday, October 31, 2004 - 7:35 pm:   


There's been quite a few URLs that I wish I had saved, but are now
lost to your archives. There isn't any way to search your site for a
specific URL that someone's posted regarding something that may be
slightly off topic (or on topic).

A visitor would have to search though all the posts regarding light
bulbs, to find the one that lists the URL for the rare site that
lists an interchange for light bulbs used in truck/bus service.

One needn't be a total gear head, nor feel like a total gear head,
if they have a problem locating desired data on the web. The new
algorithms some of the search engines are using, aren't turning up
the desired data they once had been. Consequently, we're ending up
with a bunch of gear where we once had usable links.

Just my personal opinion, of course. If I'm alone with my interest
in seeing a section devoted to links of use, well....

If there are others that would love to have a page devoted to
links that would be of help, maybe they'll speak up?

But hey... You've devoted plenty to this "hobby" already and
I certainly wouldn't blame you for not desiring to add more.

Your site is a wonderful resource to have at our disposal and I,
along with all others, thank you sincerely for it.
Ian Giffin (Admin)

Rating: N/A
Votes: 0 (Vote!)

Posted on Sunday, October 31, 2004 - 10:41 pm:   


I feel that BNO presents a much more honest view of what links should be included on this web site by having them referred to by our trusted viewers rather than to attempt to pick them by myself. It eliminates any of my own biases and prejudices, besides.

That's why you will find dozens and dozens of references to MAK but you can go to his web site at www.busconversions.com and not see any links to BNO.

That's why you can see over 2 dozen references to Craig Shepard's web site at www.gumpydog.com here but can't find one to BNO on his mother of all links pages.

That's why Tom Hall's web site at http://users.cwnet.com/~thall/ is listed several times on this web site, but you won't find a link from there to here.

That's why you can type in "Luke at US Coach" in this board's search engine and find hundreds and hundreds of messages with his name in them but you cannot find an ad on this web site for US Coach. Where else on the Internet can you find THAT kind of "rating" system?

And, JTNG, there are hundreds of other links in this bulletin board's 41,000 messages, too. All due respect; you'll just have to work a little harder to find them. Or go to WoBN's The Flea Market and ask for a source of supply for your topic-du-jur.



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