There's joy in Mudville, oops, (I mea... Log Out | Topics | Search
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BNO BBS - BNO's Bulletin Board System » THE ARCHIVES » Year 2005 » March 2005 » There's joy in Mudville, oops, (I mean) Maryland tonight!!!!!! « Previous Next »

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Posted on Tuesday, March 29, 2005 - 9:37 pm:   

Thanks to you all, there's joy in Maryland tonight!!!!!!

The starter is out. Turns out my problem (a major one) is that the bolts head wasn't exactly where I thought it was. Rather then centered under the upper two bolts, the bottom one is directly below the bolt closest to the engine block. A piece of broken mirror taped at the end of a stick (like a giant dentist mirror) and a drop light suspended into that space made that fact immediately clear. I then was also able to see why (as I had been told here) that a short 9/16" socket would be necessary. As it turns out it was not required to grind down the socket. I decided to try getting it with a 3/8" drive socket. a 10" 3/8 drive extension, followed by a converter from 3/8" to 1/2" attached to a 1/2" universal joint to get me pointed up and around that corner by the exhaust pipe, then another 10"X 1/2" extension driven by a 1/2" air wrench. Used a piece of string tied to the end of the extension (right up near the socket end) to support it a the right elevation as well as to help guide it (with the help of the image in the mirror) onto the bolt head. The first try it would not turn. The problem was (I think) not that the bolt was too tight, but that the universal joint simply was absorbing too much of the energy put out at the air wrench. I shifted the arrangement around just a little bit to get as straight as possible arrangement and tried it again. The second time it spun off without apparent effort. Boy, was I a happy boy (and relieved too).

This was far from the easiest task I have ever encountered, but all in all it wasn't the worst either, that is once I learned were the @#$#@amed bolt really was.

I want to say for all to read that I really appreciate all the support (and help) I've received here., and those who populate its environment truly are in the true sense of the word a community.

Best regards,

Ian Giffin (Admin)

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Posted on Wednesday, March 30, 2005 - 7:10 am:   


I hope that Nels Hooligan fellow is happy about registering his domain so close to mine so as to confuse BNO viewers.

Time for litigation. The Palomino Ridge Ranch shall be mine!!!

www.busnut(no "s").com

(Editor's Note: The above was written in jest. Nels Hagan's web site,, is a very nice web site and contains an excellent links page. So, please go there... but please don't forget to come back. And Michael/MD, thank you for your very kind words about BNO and its viewers.)
TWODOGS (Twodogs)

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Posted on Wednesday, March 30, 2005 - 8:17 am:   

well feces.... I clicked on that & it locked my computer up....had to re-boot...%$#*&&%^...if you don't want that ranch...think I'll try for it

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