Beale Point, Folsom State Recreationa... Log Out | Topics | Search
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BNO BBS - BNO's Bulletin Board System » PLACES WE STAY ! » United States » California » Beale Point, Folsom State Recreational Area « Previous Next »

Author Message
RLMiller (

Votes: 1 (Vote!)

Posted on Saturday, December 27, 2003 - 8:08 pm:   

This is a very nice state park for anyone staying in the Sacramento area, or foothill area east of Sacramento. We stay often in the winter when visiting relatives that live in the area. Nearly all sites will accommodate 40' motorhomes. All sites have water and sewer. The state has disabled the electricity. Fee is $12 per night, or 6$ with a Parks and Recreation issued handicap permit. Reservations are required during the summer month. There are also spots reserved for handicapped.

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