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Posted on Wednesday, May 18, 2005 - 9:39 pm:   

I'm thinking of adding two stock bus seat sets over the front wheel wells on my newly purchased 4104.

Has anyone done this and how do you like it?

Are these seats reasonably easy to find? I assume that there are thousands in landfills and here this one weird guy wants two sets (Four seats)!!

What could I expect to have to pay for seats in good condition?


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Posted on Thursday, May 19, 2005 - 5:36 am:   

Dont know about the 04 , but on the 06 there are stock GM seats that can swivel , as a set so the folks could play cards or...

The are GM built so when locked facing fwd or aft there even safe for the 300lb guests.

We have 2 sets and can turn the fwd ones aft to make a small salon .
GM had drop in tables too , but I have only been able to locate the wall mounts , but not the tables . So I just built a set.

Works great as the Orig GM seats were built for the passengers to sit , sometimes for 24 hours , so are ergonomicly far better than most RV takeouts.

The max recline angle is adjustable for your taste.

Superior MH had fine seats that could face fwd or aft or be a bed , but not as comfortable afer a couple of hours on a rainy day.


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Posted on Friday, May 20, 2005 - 12:59 am:   


You are doing just what I want to do.

Do the seat bottoms rotate 180 degrees or do the backs move fore and aft? Not quite sure what you mean. I remember some RR car seat backs just moved fore and aft but they were one piece backs and seats for two people.

I assume all bus seats except the rears are individual seats for one person but connected in twos?

Do you think 1406 seats will fit an 04?

RJ Long (Rjlong)

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Posted on Friday, May 20, 2005 - 3:21 am:   

Gus -

IIRC, the 4104 does not use a seat-track system for mounting it's seats. I believe they had studs that the seats were placed over, then bolted down - at least on the aisle side.

OTOH, the 4106 uses a track with sliding "t-bolts" to secure the seats. This also allowed carriers to adjust the spacing between seats, something that couldn't be done easily on an '04. This may have changed during the '04's production run, but I just don't recall. ("Senior moment"!!)

As for the swivel seats FF's talking about, the seat pair is mounted to a locking swivel mechanism between the frame that bolts to the floor and the seat cushion/backrest frame. Pull the pin, and swivel the seats around, horizontally. An analogy would be your swivel recliner in the den, or the swivel chair in your office.

Finally, yes, most charter/tour/linehaul seats are two individual cushions/backrest combinations siamesed onto a single frame. Unbolt a "seat", and you actually remove two seating positions.

4106 seats may fit a 4104, but you'll neet to get at least one seat to check. MCI seats may also fit your '04, and be more readily available, but IMHO they're not as comfortable as the American or National models used in the GMCs of '04 & '06 vintage. You can also find the swivel seats for MCIs, too.

Seats are heavy and awkward to ship. Best to try and find some locally. Call charter bus companies first, then used bus dealers. Watch and/or search this BBS, often people end up giving away or recycling the seats.


Fresno CA

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Posted on Friday, May 20, 2005 - 6:16 pm:   

Thanks RJ, I'll send you an email.
JAMES R. RINK (Fakeguy)

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Posted on Thursday, May 26, 2005 - 12:47 pm:   

i have two front seats (swiviel) from pd4106 that i am getting ready to pull and will be available
Fred Robbins (Stardust)

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Posted on Saturday, May 28, 2005 - 5:15 pm:   

May be interested in the seats ... Where are they located and what is your asking price . E-mail me @ stardustcoach@msn.com . thanks
Tom Caffrey (Pvcces)

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Posted on Tuesday, June 07, 2005 - 11:09 pm:   

James, I would be interested in the details, if you are willing. The location, condition and asking price would help.


Tom Caffrey PD4106-2576

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