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John Jewett (Jayjay)

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Posted on Sunday, June 12, 2005 - 10:37 pm:   

For those of you who haven't spent much time on the road, you may want to "hide" your washer and dryer (assuming you have them), and refrain from bragging about them when in a park. Strange things happen to park operators when they realize you may be "wasting" their precious rescources...i.e. money. Rates go up and in extreme cases you will be denied entrance, or if thoroughly ensconsed, asked to leave. Once, when told to leave I quite emphatically said "no". Consequently, a half hour later a Deputy Sheriff showed up and informed me I had 1 hour to load up and get out, or I was going to jail and he would have the bus towed to an impound lot. If all else fails lie about it! Cheers...JJ
John that newguy

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Posted on Sunday, June 12, 2005 - 10:48 pm:   

Hide the fur bearing animals also, if you're headed to a State
campground.... (We had to leave Long Key SP after they
saw our pet rabbit)

No RVs over 35'? My MC9 is 35'! Count the windows and
multiply by the window width of 4'... add the front and rear
areas... 35'...

I'm goin' to hell anyway... It's too late to start tellin' the truth.
Chuck Newman (Chuck_newman)

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Posted on Sunday, June 12, 2005 - 10:55 pm:   


Very good point. I don't give strangers too much information. Strange attitudes develope, leading to amazing circumstances (some as you describe).

We are designing a fully enclosed bath room (like a house) and the W/D will be there. But your observation sparked a question: The dryer vent is a giveaway. I was considering a blow down outlet over the center of the drive axle as the W/D will be two feet away. What is your opinion on that?
Is their a better way?


Chuck Newman
Oroville, CA

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Posted on Monday, June 13, 2005 - 1:45 am:   

Equator and similar units use a condensor and do not require venting. We have been using one for a year and a half.
john david lebrun (Davidlebrun)

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Posted on Monday, June 13, 2005 - 8:12 am:   

Where's the park, and it's name?
Dale Waller

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Posted on Monday, June 13, 2005 - 3:32 pm:   

Hey John that new guy, You have to watch, a local park near my home the park police (manager) actually went and got a 25' tape measure and looked at my bus. Guess I have a face like a crook.
John Jewett (Jayjay)

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Posted on Monday, June 13, 2005 - 9:57 pm:   

Chuck... my dryer vents through the floor, and I've had no problems. Be sure and put a removable screen on the opening to stop the local rodentia or serpents from moving in. They can't get inside the dryer, but good god what a mess when the fan eviscerates them. With that much heat they begin to smell in a matter of hours. ...JJ

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