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Posted on Thursday, July 07, 2005 - 11:26 am:   

Hi all,

I've removed two windows on my MC-8 in preparation for skinning. I reinstalled the drip rail with plastic over the windows to keep out the rain. I forgot to check on the rivet sizes used before I covered the holes with the drip rail. So, does anybody know the sizes and types of rivets used above the windows that go through the edges of the roof, window frame, and into the frame? Also, I'm unsure of what size holds the bottom of the window frame to the uppper part of the painted side skin. These are under the side trim. I've looked in the manual and don't see the rivets listed. If anybody knows what sizes I need, please let me know. Thanks!
Doug Wotring

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Posted on Thursday, July 07, 2005 - 11:35 am:   

I have an MCi Rivet sheet with samples...... would need to know the part # from the parts book to tell you

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Posted on Thursday, July 07, 2005 - 11:40 am:   

I didn't find them in the parts manual. I checked in the section 3.20+ (I think that's the section) that dealt with the exterior panels. I'll look again tonight. Thanks a lot.
Ray Lala (Rayshound)

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Posted on Thursday, July 07, 2005 - 12:29 pm:   

Under the drip rail holding the roof edge to the upper frame is 1/4" structual type rivet. The original was a bucked rivet. I choose to use a structual pull type rivet called a mono bolt.It exceeds the shear strength required.
Ed/Jefferson bus

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Posted on Thursday, July 07, 2005 - 4:21 pm:   

If you have a maintance manual there is a chart
that has all the rivets on by part#,size & type


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Posted on Thursday, July 07, 2005 - 9:23 pm:   

Thanks for the feedback. I didn't check in the maintenance manual. I figured they'd be in the parts manual. I'll look there.
Jim Ashworth (Jimnh)

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Posted on Friday, July 08, 2005 - 7:58 am:   

The parts listing for rivets is in MCI's "Standard Hardware Manual". Their part number wss 3K-15-897 for the 1990 version. Don't know if that is still the same number today. This has all the fittings, grommets, screws, bolts, etc. that MCI uses on all the coaches. This is essentially section 19 of the parts book. The part numbers begin with 19-.


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Posted on Monday, July 11, 2005 - 2:56 pm:   

there is a drawing in the maint man that shows
the part number,the size and type at every spot on the bus that uses a rivet,then you can order out of the std hdw book by number

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Posted on Tuesday, July 12, 2005 - 8:39 am:   

I've looked again in my manuals and don't find much in the way of rivet info. There's a section that shows the type of rivet that holds the stainless siding on, but that's all I see. The rivets that go along the lower edge of the roof skin (through the window frames) are 1/4 inch, but I guess the question now is what length rivet I need. If anybody can tell me what length rivet they used to go through the roof skin, window skin, and into the upper wall frame, that would be very helpful. Thanks!

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Posted on Tuesday, July 12, 2005 - 9:33 am:   

If nobody gives you the correct info, you can determine the length by putting a bolt through a hole and tighten a nut on the bolt. If you measure how much bolt is sticking through the nut, you can determine the rivit length. A buck rivit should be one and one-half diameters longer than the set length.

Example: A 1/4" rivit that will be holding four 1/8" thick panels should be 1/2" plus 1/4" plus 1/8" for a toral length of 7/8". When properly set the upset will be 3/8" in diameter.

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