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Posted on Saturday, July 09, 2005 - 3:00 pm:   

Howdy Folks

I own several buses, and have worked on a BUNCH of them. I have also dismantled 7 buses (one Crown, 4 Gilligs, 2 Fords) with these own two hands. I know a lot abut the machinery in general, since I started driving a truck when I was eighteen, and have been driving and working with buses for 14 years. And if I don't know the answer, I have several friends who are absolute experts on diesel that I rely on.

I use the buses to haul medical supplies, wheelchairs, tools etc. to Central America and Haiti.
Please take a moment to check out my web site. It is fast loading, and I hope, pretty interesting.
the URL is
and it covers 20 of driving buses into the war zones of Central America.

Ok just let me know if can help fellow bus nuts in any way. I can also find some parts, because a lot of friends of mine are diesel mechanics.

Patrick Young
Wheelchair Project
Fresno, CA
(559) 244-1042
(559) 251-3814
Brian Brown (Blue_velvet)

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Posted on Saturday, July 09, 2005 - 6:56 pm:   

Hi Patrick:

You live in the same city as one of the most friendly and knowlegable busnuts here, RJ Long. Maybe he'll see your post, also. Between you two, I think Fresno has the "bus know-how" cinched.

From viewing your site, it sure seems that you're doing some great things with busses to help folks. Thanks for coming aboard... and welcome!

Brian Brown
Longmont, CO USA
GMC PD4106-1175
Our Bus Site

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Posted on Saturday, July 09, 2005 - 7:51 pm:   

Brian...did you get my eamil?
Ian Giffin (Admin)

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Posted on Sunday, July 10, 2005 - 9:50 am:   

Thanks Patrick.

That'll be $199. each for the 3 ads you've run on THE BOARD; July 13/04, June 11/05 and July 9/05.


BTW, there will be no more ads posted in this section. Thanks.
Gary Stadler (Boogiethecat)

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Posted on Sunday, July 10, 2005 - 10:38 am:   

Over the years I've seen Patrick run similar posts/ ads on this board, and each time that I've responded to him he never replied. And when I was building my Crown that was actually quite a few times.
I tried and tried, even called his phone number more than once but quit wasting my time with him long ago...

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Posted on Monday, July 11, 2005 - 11:15 am:   

To Gary Stadler (boogie the Cat)

I am sorry if we somehow missed connection.. You are the only person who ever has had this problem. I do know I lost all my e-mail at my juno web mail, over 800 messages (ouch) and I also upgraded to a new computer about 6 months ago. and wasn't able to transfer my messages. that'w why I now have a Yahoo and Hotmail account, as junowas toounreliable.
Along with that, in the last two years I have made two trips to Southeast Asia and the Philippines, and one to Haiti, so maybe that is when you could not reach me.
I am sorry if you feel like you were "wasting your time" bu please be assured it was due to sone understandable situaion, not that I would ignore someone who needed my help.

I run a non profit, so you will see that I am not a money hungry bus hustler who rips off or abuses people; quite the opposite. I ave never failed to do my best for anyone who needed parts or advice, and can give you dozens of references who will verify this.

Happy bussing

Patrick Young

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Posted on Tuesday, July 12, 2005 - 12:47 am:   


Next up: Samual Walker.
Stephen Fessenden (Sffess)

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Posted on Tuesday, July 12, 2005 - 8:32 pm:   

Non profit does not mean OK as we all know. Some, may have HUGE salaries, leaving no profit, hence, non profit. I dontate only to a few charities and church related groups that I know are putting almost all the money to the stated purpose. I never, NEVER respond to a plea from a phone solicitor even for the most respected charities. The solicitor will invariably state that all the money goes to the cause even when the soliciting agency is under contract and giving as little as 5% to the cause.

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Posted on Saturday, July 16, 2005 - 4:50 pm:   

Stephen is right. That is why I rarely give money to any "charitable" organizations. I got started doing my work in Central America after we raised and sent $9000 to repair a destroyed hospital on the Niucarguan/Honduran border. the town was called Somoto.

What a surprise to arrive at the hospital after a 4000 mile journey, and find that no one received a penny, they had never heard of us, or the Northern California Ecumenical Council, etc. After that, I took the aid in person, driving Ford One Tons, U-Hauls, and finally switched to school buses in 1991.

I have been "handsomely" rewrded for my work. In 1988, I drove an F350 Ford with a trailer to our sister city called Telpaneca. I dropped off the Toyota pickup that I donated, after I had built a real nice flatebed for it at my high school's metal shop. I included spare tires, tools, and extra alternator, 2 caes of oil, belts, filters, etc.

They rolled the pickup 19 hours later, throwing me and about 10 people out the back at 45 mph, and putting my wife throgh the widshield., I had a compound fracture of the right leg, (and two more surgeries after the bone refused to grow) and my wife broke her collarbone.

Needless to say, the hospitals in Central America are horrible. For example, no pain medication after the surgery, one syringe for everyone, standing water and filth in the bathroom, that lacked toilet seats, the same beans and rice EVERY's not just a job, it's an adventure. But I did learn a lot as always.

I hope no one misinterpreted my post as soliciting funds for my work. (And since no one has ever offered, I guess the other bus nuts understand.)

My project, the Wheelchar Project, pays no salaries, I store the medical suppies in my den, bedroom, outside in the backyard, in my garage, I literally collect about 20,000 lbs of aid each year, and probaly discartd about 5000 lbs because I receive unwanted junk (and I DO MEAN junk)

the only property of the project that I spent project funds on is my Clark forklift, and a 78 Datsun pickup. And since my divorce, the CEO, mechanic, spokesman, and janitor is me by my lonesome.

Stephen, if you have any questions about my non-profit, feel free to visit my web site or call. I am assuming that you are a man of character, and would not imply that I am a big crook like for example, the head of the United Way who receives a salary of $400,000 a year.

I earn Nothing, as a matter of fact these projects over the past twenty years have cost me probably 100,000 dollars or more. Who cares? It is my fun, my hobby, and I make 60,000 a year at my job, so it all works out.

My web site is

And once again, I am NOT soliciting funds. But you cannot control your desire to help, then by all means, emprty your bank account, and send me your credit cards too. Just don't blame me. :-)

Happy Bussin'

Patrick Young
1970 Gillig 1160 CAT 5 speed
Fresno, CA
Ian Giffin (Admin)

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Posted on Sunday, July 17, 2005 - 7:28 am:   


You leave me no choice but to charge you for this ad you have left here on THE BOARD. Your Invoice is in the mail.


Marc Bourget

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Posted on Sunday, July 17, 2005 - 11:21 am:   

Are True Colors are shining through? Say it ain't so, Ian!

This appears to be a low key, not for profit, charitable endeavor as compared to numerous references by other posters to "for profit" hobbies, businesses and retail sidelines that are similarly low key endeavors.

I suppose that were I to announce I was invitated to present a seminar on "All you never wanted to know about Bus Overheating, and more . ." I'd get a bill as soon as I posted where and when?

I've never seen you "hawk" those others, and you offered to waive the ad charge when I was organizing assistance to a recent widow.

Patrick's efforts are much more extensive and charitable than your and my gesture!

Onward and Upward
Ian Giffin (Admin)

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Posted on Sunday, July 17, 2005 - 6:56 pm:   

Oh, all right Marc. You win.

I'll send the invoice to you, instead!! Thanks!


John that ordainedguy

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Posted on Sunday, July 17, 2005 - 11:05 pm:   

The nice part of running a "non-profit", is using it to circumnavigate
the fed and state income taxes. Using one's "den, bedroom,
outside in the backyard, in my garage"
allows the home to be
claimed as "the office", and tax deductable/deferred.

I should really be ordained; I think there's a web site that can
provide the needed requirements.

Hmmm..... Much more than I thought, here!
pat young

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Posted on Sunday, July 24, 2005 - 7:19 am:   

I'm sadly not surprised that so much hateful and mistrustful stuff has come from people like the writer above. I guess after Jim and Tammy, Jimmy Swaggart, BEnny Hinn, et al, that has become the American way. I really can't blame foks for being somewhat suspicious.

It is not my fault that there are so many corrupt non-profits; I had a very bad experience with one in 1986, that involved me and my friends being ripped off for about $8000 in a project to rebuild a hospital lab in Somoto, Nicaragua. The person's name was Janine Chagoya, and the non profit sponsor was the Northern California Ecumenical Council.

Yes, I've run into a few myself, and that is why I started my own.

No, Mr. "John the Ordained Guy", I don't circumnavigate any tax laws, and I don't take any deductions for my work. It is much more trouble than it is worth. I don't report my non-profit work on my taxes, and could prove it by sending you or anyone else my 1040. You need to examine things more closely, or if you wish, contact me or those who know me before you say such things that imply I'm a crook. I am not.

Patrick Young
Wheelchair Project
Fresno, CA
(559) 244-1042 (559) 251-3814
pat young

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Posted on Sunday, July 24, 2005 - 7:38 am:   

Sorry to re-post again, but may I suggest to anyone who wishes to question (slander?) my work, please vist my web site. Either I am the world's greatest fake photographer, or maybe I actually do what I say. Maybe you would like to go with me on my next trip to Haiti?

Patrick Young
Wheelchair Project
Fresno, CA
(559) 244-1042 (559) 251-3814
John MC9

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Posted on Wednesday, July 27, 2005 - 1:17 am:   

Naww, not "hateful", Pat. Just cynical. And probably rightfully so.
When we've been giving to organizations that say they help the
needy, and find that only 1/200 of one cent actually goes to the
needy, while the rest goes into the pockets of the collectors, we
have a tendency to develop a cynical attitude.

Sorry to make you feel insulted, but I guess that comes with
the turf you've decided to walk across.

You've got a tough row to hoe.

Our blessings to you (cash withheld).
Stephen Fessenden (Sffess)

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Posted on Wednesday, July 27, 2005 - 10:44 pm:   

Patrick, please do not use this board to defend or promote your work. It may be good, but nothing on a web site would impress me. I visited a feeding station run by Mother Theresa's sisters and they allowed no photographs because photos had been taken and used for bogus feed the children type TV collections. So what could you put on your website that could convince us. If you are doing good work, God will look after you. If you feel you have to defend it it only increases suspicion. You are in with a lot of shysters if you are in the charity field. Even good people go astray there. We had one in Florida a few years ago that suddenly started misusing the money after years of good stewardship. Others took over the work and saved a good organization.

I would like to see your posts not include a link to your website with every post. Once every so often is enough.

Guys, again, my advice is give generously to a few charities and missions where you know the money ALL goes to the cause.

Patrick, the problem with misuse of trust goes back to 2000 years and probably more. It is not an American phenomenan.

Please don't let my comments make you feel unwelcome on the board. I am just a registered user. It is not my board. But if you post your web constantly, what is too keep the crooks from doing the same.

Your questions on the schoolie engine and radiator are exactly what the board is about and I bet you can answer a lot of questions on the types you have worked on.

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