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doctor al

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Posted on Sunday, May 29, 2005 - 8:26 am:   

Can anyone tell me the correct way to check the trans oil in a 4905 w/spicer 4 speed and wet clutch? Also, what is the proper oil?
Thank you.
Doug Wotring

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Posted on Sunday, May 29, 2005 - 2:36 pm:   

sounds like you need the books

I beleive I have some if you are interested
TWODOGS (Twodogs)

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Posted on Sunday, May 29, 2005 - 2:52 pm:   

40 wt. motor oil

plug on left side of trans. half way up
RJ Long (Rjlong)

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Posted on Sunday, May 29, 2005 - 3:06 pm:   

Two Dogs -

Pay attention - Dr Al's asking about a GMC 4905, not an Eagle. They're different.

Dr Al -

There should be a dipstick tube on the RH side of the transmission, just inside the service door. IIRC, the "full" mark on the transmission dipstick matches the bottom of the transmission case.

You can use the same oil as in the engine (Straight 40 wt, API CF-2, 1% or less sulfated ash content). Some folk have included a couple of quarts of a synthetic in the mix, reporting favorable results.


Fresno CA
TWODOGS (Twodogs)

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Posted on Sunday, May 29, 2005 - 4:14 pm:   

are you saying there is not a plug on the left side on a 4905
Brian (Bigbusguy)

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Posted on Sunday, May 29, 2005 - 5:20 pm:   

The book says 30# motor oil thats what Im using so far working good. Also no grinding from nutral to first or any other gear when warmed up.

The dip stick should be marked also after refull run it and recheck.
I did not see any fill up to plug on the side of my trans.

Brian 4905 Klamath Falls Oregon
doctor al

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Posted on Monday, May 30, 2005 - 8:33 am:   

Thanks RJ.Just more things to learn, as we fulltime finally in the ole bus.Have logged 1500 miles so far, going to check out elkhart rv salvage tomorrow.Don't think I want to hang out at this truckstop waitin for books..LOL...2 qts of motor oil used, I believe mostly drips, although we run 65-70 towing a 20' enclosed trailer wit da lil black camaro asleep inside! Again, THANKS FRED HOBE, for the super made hitch, everything looks great, even up and down the blue ridge mountains!..catch y'all next stop. Al
Richard Moorhouse

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Posted on Friday, August 12, 2005 - 2:25 pm:   

Hi. This is still confusing to me. We just bought a 1975 4905 w 8/71 and 4speed manual and I was told by previous owner to put 90+wt. gear oil in it and only check it while Idleing! What damage is being done? We have driven from Quartzite to Oklahoma City and will be traveling to the Northeast Coast in the next week or so. It seams fine running down the Highway but around town, I have a hard time shifting. Reverse is a pain. Thanks, Richard

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Posted on Saturday, August 13, 2005 - 12:38 am:   

Richard -

90 wt gear oil is fine for the rear axle, but way too heavy for the transmission. Either straight 30wt or straight 40wt is fine. As posted earlier, some synthetic won't hurt.

Might want to stop at "Camp Luke" - US Coach Repair, Berlin, NJ - on your way to the NE Coast, and have Luke & his excellent crew service your coach for you. 1-888-262-2434 is the toll-free number, suggest you make an appointment.

Pay attention to the engine oil requirements, too! Straight 40 wt, CF-2, 1% or less sulfated ash content. Do NOT use multi-weight in this engine!!

Reverse shouldn't be a pain. From neutral, put transmission in first, hold switch on dash and pull back into second. With the wet clutch, it's often easier to put it in 4th, then slide it over to first. This applies all the time on this model.

For additional shifting tips, check out the "Articles of Interest" on this site off the main index page.


Fresno CA

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