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Posted on Saturday, September 24, 2005 - 3:38 am:   

Took the coach out today or actually yesterday (Friday) and it ran Great. That is, after I installed 2 new group 31's. It appears a freind of mine left the main switch "on" and ran the batteries down so low that it wouldn't crank. Well yes, I could have charged them but I had to get the coach to Horizon before they closed at 4:30 or wait another week. It went in for service on the air dryer. Anyway, finally got going around 3:15 and I pulled in Horizon's lot at 4:45. It was a very pleasant drive to say the least. Bus ran smooth and fast, well at times it did (70mph) on the back roads at that! After seeing it parked amongst some very high dollar coaches, it has gotten me inspired to do even more work to it. Horizon should be done with their work easily this week and I have already made arrangements to return to the cabinet shop on the way back home to finish up inside! Oh the only real problem I had before leaving was my generator's electric fan motor wouldn't work up to speed. It ran slow and eventually the generator quit from getting too hot. That will be a priority fix when brought back! Other than that, we are off and running again with the conversion work. Glad it's cooler now so we can continue! Did I mention the recent hurricanes were the REAL inspiration to get this project under way again! Well, after some serious thought, we figured it would be good to get er done, just in case we have to leave home as others have had to do!
We hope not to use for THAT reason but just in case! :-)

Cliff (Floridacracker)

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Posted on Saturday, September 24, 2005 - 5:49 am:   

Hi Ace,

I have been having the same thoughts about the storms and even though I have been busier than ever at the paying job, I am extra motivated to get the conversion back on track incase I need it to evacuate or as a temporary home.

I also just had to replace the start batteries and a slipped timimg belt turned into a cam shaft replacement , due to a wallowed out key way on the cam pulley on my generator.

Must be something in the water here in Central Florida!

Of course I am more than happy to do a repair at the house, rather than out on the road.

Jack Conrad (Jackconrad)

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Posted on Saturday, September 24, 2005 - 6:29 am:   

Ace, Let me know what day you are coming down to pick up your bus, If I am off duty, we can do lunch and I can bring the satellitte receiver to you. Jack
PS: I am on duty Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday. Hmmm, I guess Tuesday and Friday are the only days open next week. Oh well, only 18 more shifts before RETIREMENT!!
Sojourner (Jjimage)

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Posted on Saturday, September 24, 2005 - 9:15 am:   

Good for you Jack!

18 shifts seem like a long wait but it is sooner then yaw think after working many years with PMD.

Congratulation Jack!

Sojourn for Christ, Jerry

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Posted on Saturday, September 24, 2005 - 4:03 pm:   

Jack if your in the area of Horizon, just go ahead and drop it off in the bus or give it to Ally, IF we can't hook up on those two days! I will settle the bill with you somehow afterwards!

Cliff I know what you mean. I really wanted to do the work here closer to home but that just didn't pan out too good so off to Horizon I went! This way I know that it will be done correctly and with a warranty. Everything they have done mechanical with my coach so far has been top notch work along with being courtyous and honest. The General Manager even came out and greeted me upon my arrival and said he was glad I made it. Even offered a cold drink since I rode 1 1/2 hours with no a/c. I guess it showed! LOL
I would recommend Horizon coach to anyone in the Florida area or southern states. It would be well worth your time and trouble to get there!


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