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BNO BBS - BNO's Bulletin Board System » THE ARCHIVES » Year 2005 » November 2005 » Copilot foot rest « Previous Next »

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Larry & Lynne Dixon (Larry_d)

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Posted on Friday, November 04, 2005 - 12:28 pm:   

Hello everyone, winter is here time to build a footrest for the 4905. The seat mount is 5" below main level and over the entrance way, like a bird in a tree. Need lots of thots. What has everyone done for this problem? Thanks all
larry PS wife wanting to drive and I'm going to have to set in shotgun seat I'm afraid.
Jack Conrad (Jackconrad)

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Posted on Friday, November 04, 2005 - 12:40 pm:   

I welded a couple angle iron brackets to a set of drawer slides and bolted these to seat pedestal base. A footrest was built and attached to the over part of the drawer slides. A 12 volt linear actuator was added, controlled by a switch in the wall next to the co-pilots seat. An article about this was in Coach Builders Bulletin. Let me know if you want/need photos. Jack
Mike Eades (Mike4905)

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Posted on Friday, November 04, 2005 - 7:28 pm:   

Larry, I welded in two square tubes under the seat and used them as receivers.I then used square tubes that fit inside. I made a barber chair stile footrest. When we travel I side it into place. When we stop I reove it and it works real well. Just thought this was a low cost way to go. We have used it for six years. Just the waY i DID IT TO MY 4905. Mike4905
R.J.(Bob) Evans (Bobofthenorth)

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Posted on Saturday, November 05, 2005 - 4:20 pm:   

We have a panel that hinges on the bottom against the dash directly in front of the passenger seat. The back of the panel is finished to match the dash with a handrail for entering the coach. When the panel is folded down it acts as a floor in front of the passenger seat. Folded up it looks like part of the dash.

I don't have any pictures of it. If my description isn't sufficiently clear I could take some.

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