Rich International Bus & Parts
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Wednesday, January 04, 2006 - 5:06 pm: | |
I've said it a thousand times, "Bus Nuts are the greatest people you will ever meet". On our trip to our family Christmas vacation in Ohio I found a great person. Pulling off exit 5 in GA. 10pm on the Thurs. before Christmas. 31 degrees out. (5) kids, (2) with the flu. I heard a strange noise coming from our trailer. Was meeting Leonard Yeomans, a bus nut I had only met on the phone. He also heard the noise & we knew there was a problem. The rear tire was held on with (1) lug nut, that was almost off!!! (3) of the holes in the rim were all stretched out, lug bolts & nuts missing. Before I could hardly get to the back of the trailer Leonard was on his back, under the trailer, assessing the problem. Before I even had time to think, he was already offering his trailer for us to use........He does'nt even know me......... He was under the trailer helping me to fix the tire to get me to the next exit where there was a WalMart. Was able to get a new tire, rim & back on the road. Anyone who comes in contact with Leonard Yeomans, tell him thanks again from Rich. |