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Rodger Manecke (Rodger) (

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Posted on Thursday, November 22, 2001 - 10:22 am:   

The six 11R22.5 tires on my '76 Prevost Champ are approacing replacement time. Lots of tread left but the sidewalls are getting checked. I don't know their age, the former owner was Canadian and there's no DOT date stamp on them.
No doubt the replacements will die of old age before the treads wear off, so top of the line, high mileage rated tires may not be cost effective.
Does anyone have a less expensive but reliable brand/dealer to recommend? I live in SW WA
Rodger Manecke
jimnh (

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Posted on Thursday, November 22, 2001 - 10:59 am:   

If you want to shop on price, look at the Hankook tires. I just bought one for a spare and paid under $250 for it compared to $450+ for a Michelin or Goodyear. I have seen a lot of them on trucks but haven't got a clue as to how they ride or last. But, for the savings, it's well worth checking out.

JIm Wilke (

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Posted on Thursday, November 22, 2001 - 12:17 pm:   

Hi Roger,
I have Power Kings & Sumitomos on my bus. 12R x 22.5 size. I have about 5000 miles on 'em and am completely happy with both. I got all balanced, not just fronts & bus rides like a car now at 70.
bobm (

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Posted on Thursday, November 22, 2001 - 12:54 pm:   

BF Goodrich tires are now made by michelin and cost about $100 less per tire. the best deal is to contact school bus operators in snowy areas they rountinely take off good radials to put on snow treads and the take offs can be had very cheap
Peter Broadribb (Madbrit) (

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Posted on Thursday, November 22, 2001 - 3:50 pm:   

I have Yokohamas on my MC-8 and they were around the $2300 mark for all 8 tires, including install and tax. Ride really good, but make sure you get the RY023 series and not the hard riding truck tire.
Mike Eades (Mike14905) (

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Posted on Thursday, November 22, 2001 - 7:33 pm:   

I bought all Kelly Springfields and the y ride really good. Less than three hundred mounter ans balanced. I htought was a good deal. Mike
Gary Carter (

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Posted on Thursday, November 22, 2001 - 10:52 pm:   

KUMHOs are Korean tires with a good reputation. 11R22.5 are under $250 and 12R22.5 are under $290.

My main advise is buy the cheapest you can get because with the amount of driving we do they will age out before wearing out.
Charley DeWalt (

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Posted on Friday, November 23, 2001 - 2:22 pm:   

I just put tires on my transit,40'flyer and in pricing,I found 11-24.5 "Double Coins" at Les Schwabs for $226 each.14 ply rating. They have a heavier side wall than other radials.May effect ride somewhat but trucker friends say they really like how thay wear.FWIW this is just another option.
I swiched from 22.5's to get more tire diameter and the tire size is available anyplace in the nation.22.5's are not always found when you get off the beaten path,as in Alaska??
Hope you all enjoyed your turkey,my wife said she enjoyed her's.That would be me!! haha
See me later,
Wulf P. Ward (

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Posted on Thursday, December 06, 2001 - 9:31 pm:   

If you are still looking, then I may have some tires and wheels for you. I just changed my 22.5X11's for 24.5X11's. I want to sell the 22.5X11'. They are Michelins with about 3000 miles on them. The Alcoa wheels are like new.
I have 4 tires on Alcoas and 2 tires on steel wheels. I paid $ 4,200.00 for all and I will sell them for $ 2,400.00 call me at 773-533-1061
Stephen Fessenden (Sffess)

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Posted on Thursday, October 21, 2004 - 10:12 pm:   

I am on my way to Niagra Falls, Ontario to trade in tires. I need to decide between Michelin XZ2s @ $412.50 ea and Hankooks @ $300 ea. I will be getting about $150 per tire trade in on my 5 year old Michelins. So buying the Hankooks will save me only $900 on a complete set. They are also worth $50 less at the next trade in. Any reason to buy Hankooks? Are they as good or better than Michelin truck tires?

I will be buying at Niagra Battery and Tire, Phone: 905-354-2182. I bought from them last time and was very satisfied.

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