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Edward J. Sommers (Sommersed)

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Posted on Thursday, April 13, 2006 - 5:48 pm:   

One of the bay door rubber hinges was broken in half. Because of the problems others have had doing the replacement, I dreaded having to do this as I am alone out in the desert.

After looking at the problem closely,I saw no reason to dismantle the door from the bus just to replace the rubber. Now, I have a MCI5A, and I do not know if other rigs are made like mine!!

I took off the supporting hinge member,from above the bay door, and just slid it off the rubber. Then I grasped the old rubber with pliers and pulled it out of the door while it's closed (I had removed the two small screws holding rubber in prior to closing the door).

I then sprayed lubricant in both tracks, pulled new rubber into upper holder, then pulled new rubber with upper track installed, into the track in the door, opened the door and replaced the small screws. Done!Less than half an hour.

I must have missed something somewhere. Why is it such a pain for others?

Arnold J Molloy (Ayjay)

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Posted on Thursday, April 13, 2006 - 6:41 pm:   

Jake Brake Manuals;
Just a Cudo for Jake Brake, a few days ago I e-mailed them asking for the price and availability of the Service Manual for the 71/92 Engine.(The download copy is too black to be usable)
The e-mail was sent at 8:10 PM,last monday, at 8:20 tuesday morning I had a phone call from their Customer Service apoligizing for the poor quality, and what manuals would I like to have? NO CHARGE!
Today (Thursday) I recieved the parts manual, the installation manual, the service manual, and the operators manual.
Quite a different attitude from most companies today, where after the sale you cease to exist.

Kevin Hatch

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Posted on Friday, April 14, 2006 - 12:18 am:   

What do jake brakes have to do with bay door hinges?
Ian Giffin (Admin)

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Posted on Friday, April 14, 2006 - 10:02 am:   

Kevin, please, email me next time you see something that displeases you, ok?

AyJay emailed me identifying his misplacement of his message and asked if I would place it in its own thread where it belongs. I have done so elsewhere on the board. I know what you were trying to say, but it comes across as very critical.

Marc Bourget makes a point when he says that some former board contributors have left because of a constant barrage of comments like Kevin's. Why contribute anything if all anyone is out there to do is to criticize the author for his mere existance. And you know who's winning? Right. Those who do the criticizing.

How about let's use this board as it was intended. Let's respectfully read everything that appears here as we would expect everyone to respect what we write.

If you see an error, suggest the alternative(s) and provide substantive details to validate your suggestions, then sit back and revere the fact that this is an interactive medium where opinion is its lifeline and knowledge and understanding is its goal.

If you have something nasty or critical to say to anyone, or anything they write, think about going elsewhere, ok?

You see many kudos to either myself or this forum because of the quality of life it brings to its readers. Well, sorry, but I always remain humble about the very nice things people say about BNO because threads like these still creep in to knock some of the polish off.

Have a happy Easter folks.


PS. My apologies to both Kevin and AyJay for using this particular example to preach from my soapbox.

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Posted on Friday, April 14, 2006 - 10:35 pm:   

Hey there I@N! You and Maisey have a great Easter! You DO have chocolate bunnies up there in them parts don't you? Buy her one for me will ya?

Ya'll take care and say hello from Susan and ME! :-)

Uh, is this is the wrong place? Sorry!

Cliff (Floridacracker)

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Posted on Friday, April 14, 2006 - 10:45 pm:   

Has anyone ever put rubber hinges on there valve covers so it would be easier to do a Jake brake adjustment.

I thought it might be easier than trying to find an open store on Good Friday to get a new seal.

Just curious.:-)
Kevin Hatch

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Posted on Saturday, April 15, 2006 - 1:36 am:   

Sorry didn't mean it that way. I just thought it was funny. Figured it was a simple mistake. No harm meant!
Larry D Baker (Lbaker4106)

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Posted on Monday, April 17, 2006 - 10:25 am:   

I replaced a rubber hinge on my 4106 and it was just as easy. Thanks to Luke I did the cleaning of the door and bus hinges before trying to replace the hinge.

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