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Skip Sahler (Skip102dl)

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Posted on Friday, May 26, 2006 - 7:07 pm:   

I know this subject has been discussed befor, but I would hope to get as current info as possible. My cell phone service is T-Mobil. It has been very adequate internet service when I have a signal. We spend a good amount of time in So.Az. within a few miles of Mexico where service is intermitant. Looking at the verious cell amplifers on market and am having a difficult time deciding. I would prefer a wireless amplifier as the Motorola V-180 I use seems to not have any antenna adapters available. What are actually in use and how successful is it. THANKS FOR ANY AND ALL YOUR HELP! Skip Sahler
james dean boggs (Jd_boggs)

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Posted on Saturday, May 27, 2006 - 12:02 am:   

This what I currently have it works well with my cell phone. They also have a large variety of adaptors to different phones. You can also get antena for it at major trucking fuel stations like Pilot. It's called Wilson cell amplifiers.


Hope it works for you.
Ed Jewett (Kristinsgrandpa)

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Posted on Saturday, May 27, 2006 - 1:50 pm:   

Mr. Boggs, I'm glad your Wilson amp. works for you because mine didn't work for me. It was $308 and wouldn't do a thing. As a matter of fact the phone did better with the roof mount antenna alone than with the amp.

So my advise to Mr. Sahler is to only buy with a return privilege. Mine came from ALF Enterprises in Arlington Wash. and was returned within the 10 day limit imposed by them. I never did get the $308 from ALF so I would avoid them like the plague.

I called Wilson and talked to a tech. for over a half an hour trying different things and never could get it to work.

james dean boggs (Jd_boggs)

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Posted on Saturday, May 27, 2006 - 9:49 pm:   


I'm not an analog guy so I realy can't say that my gain due to the amplifier and antena is exactly 37db. All I know is that my signal is more stable than before. And I don't have the equipment necessary to measure the effect of the amp/ant combo on performance. Also, my best friend passed a few years ago and would probably tackle this question with precission. He was an analog guy.

Boy I realy miss him now.

Sorry if I over stated what I experienced and hope you have better luck. Did you find another vendor that sells cell amplifiers?
Stephen Fessenden (Sffess)

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Posted on Friday, June 23, 2006 - 12:53 am:   

You can also find a Yagi antenna (looks like a TV anatenna) that should do a good job where you are close enough to line of sight to a tower. Cell phone frequencies do not work well over the horizon even if you had a 1000 watt amplifier.
A good antenna and 3 watt amplifier should really only give you a few more miles, not the fifty some ads claim, unless you are on top of a mountain looking at a tower that is fifty miles away. Most of the time you would not be in an place where the amp and antenna could reach a tower.

You might try a Yagi mounted to an old winegard crankup TV antenna base for fixed base operations at the near fringe. You could crank it up and aim it from inside the coach when parked. Aim by the signal strenth that shows on the phone.

Some RVers in the West were using Direcway satellite internet connection and Vonnage internet phone. The advantgage was that they could use it anywhere. Only affected by trees and clouds.
Stephen Fessenden (Sffess)

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Posted on Friday, June 23, 2006 - 12:55 am:   

The intermitant service may be from weather conditions (and heat) that cause a slight advantage just beyond the horizon at times. Line of sight is the key.
Stephen Fessenden (Sffess)

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Posted on Friday, June 23, 2006 - 1:14 am:   

This Ebay store has food and accurate information on the use of a Yagi.
http://cgi.ebay.com/YAGI-ANTENNA-USA-MADE-BY-ANTENNA-GEEKS_W0QQitemZ5794615044QQihZ008QQca tegoryZ20380QQtcZphotoQQcmdZViewItem

Ian, this does not belong in ebay section. The page has good information on subject.

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