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Buswarrior (Buswarrior) (

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Posted on Monday, December 24, 2001 - 6:00 pm:   

To all the busnuts:

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Especially, we are thankful for another year of BNO and Ian's careful stewardship.

Thanks Ian, and keep up the good work in '02!

happy coaching!
R.C.Bishop (

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Posted on Monday, December 24, 2001 - 7:20 pm:   

Thanx, Ian! and all who have been good enough to share information that is so valuable. And in the hustle, bustle and rovin' of the season, remember the reason; the birth of God's Son, our Lord and Savior. A fascinating and beautiful story in Luke, Chapter 2.

Merry Christmas and to all.....a happy and safe holiday season.

Keep tight wheels!

Mike Eades (Mike14905) (

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Posted on Tuesday, December 25, 2001 - 12:48 pm:   

Thanks Ian And you and your's have a great Holiday Season. Mike4905
Linda4104 (

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Posted on Tuesday, December 25, 2001 - 8:20 pm:   

Ian, thank you for everything!! Best wishes to you and Maisie for the happiest of holidays...

Linda & Kirby
Ted Calvert (Chowbus) (

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Posted on Wednesday, December 26, 2001 - 8:45 am:   

and I belatedly second all of the above!

Ian Giffin (Admin) (

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Posted on Thursday, December 27, 2001 - 12:07 pm:   

Hi BW, RCB, Mike4905, Linda & Kirby, Ted and all,

Thank you, friends, so very much for your most kind and welcomed thoughts!

Thank you to the 236 bulletin board "members" who have submitted 1,025 messages and to the countless "non-members" who have written an additional 3,611 messages, for a total of 4,636 board postings this past year.

Thank you, also, to the over 750 people who visit BNO every day! It truly is a privilege and an honour to know that you have made my world better by having shared some of your time with me at my web site. I'll never take that for granted. I wish I could meet every one of you to thank you personally.

Now, come and sit here beside Uncle |@n. Come on… just a little closer.

You know… something happened a few months ago that absolutely shook my world and the world of everyone that I know - shook it to the core. Is there ever going to be any good that comes from that? For the families of about 3,000 people, there may never be an answer; there may never be peace; there will never be justification.

But, you know what - and I say this to you all because I know you are my friends - please know that when I see you write something here, or send me an e-mail or any time that I think of you visiting my web site, I now pause to think of who you are and the immense gift you are giving in taking the time to share something with me and the friends I know here and the friends I don't know here.

Sadly, the incalculable losses of 9-11 may never be replaced. But for this individual, it has certainly heightened my thoughts of humankind. I'm glad to be here with you all. If I don't get a chance to say, "thank you - you have made a positive difference in my life", please allow me to say that now.

At this time of year - Ramadan and Eid-Ul-Fitr, Hanukkah, Christmas - it is appropriate to reflect on both a religious and spiritual level. Peace, love, joy, happiness, prosperity - these things I wish for you this Holiday Season and in the New Year. Thank you for being here and thank you for your friendship.

Warmest personal wishes,

Ian Giffin
Ace Rossi (

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Posted on Thursday, December 27, 2001 - 4:34 pm:   

Thanks Ian! That means so much. It really hits home. I know we have had our differences in the past, but one needs to realize that life is way to short to carry a grudge of any kind!

Happy Holidays to you and yours!

Ace & $usan
dougthebonifiedbusnut (

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Posted on Thursday, December 27, 2001 - 8:39 pm:   

what a fortunate bunch we are best wishes to all
RCBishop (

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Posted on Thursday, December 27, 2001 - 10:07 pm:   

Ian, your thoughts surpassed those of Rudy today. Your warmness comes thru loud an clear and I feel very fortunate to "know" you, even at long distance. Thanx for your words, your kindness and your definite indulgence (tolerance) of a sometimes waysome and, perhaps dubious, public benefactor.

Best wishes for the coming year.
Bill Gerrie (

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Posted on Friday, December 28, 2001 - 3:09 pm:   

Your posting couldn't have said it any better. All the best for a happy and prosperous New Year to your family and all the busnuts out there. I don't get on the internet much as we do not have it in the country but when I come to Toronto your site is the first place I look at. Keep up the excellent site Ian. Bill

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