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Simon Ayriss (Design_dog)
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Posted on Friday, March 16, 2007 - 3:44 am:   

I should have said General Ramblings not General Questions.

I'm new owner of a 77 MC8 and I am just getting over the "what was I thinking" "what the heck did I do?" new purchase phase. I think.

It's been a while already but I bought it without even getting it started and on the road (bad start cable and batteries, been sitting for a while) but now I have gotten it roadworthy and to the point where I understand most of the problems or "issues" it has with it.

I'm very happy about the purchase so far and love the bus. It has no rust and 500miles on an out of frame overhaul. Happy to say that the engine is the least of my problems. So far. I have yet to see it pull out any smoke and it idles like a top.
All the seats are out and it's really just begun.

Anyway. Not sure how to do this posting thing so I'm just going to jump right in. I have a number of questions not sure, but I figured I'd put them all in one post, rather than a whole bunch for now and if I get any useful info I'd be a happy camper. Later on I'll try one post at a time like "normal" people. heh.

So. After getting it started and moving (which was a long process to find a good diesel mechanic out near Victorville, CA., Should have posted here now that I think of it.)
I finally took on the challenge of the questionable task of getting it through my front driveway gate and past the house into the back lot, which I should mention got all the neighbors out and everyone sitting around watching telling me it wasnt going to work (of course, no one guiding me in correctly. Geez.) Well. I made it work. Only I caught the aluminum overhang on the roof a little and gouged in a few side windows. :-) But I think I got the whole driveway thing figured out this time. Yeah right. Anyway. After the anger I realized it doesnt matter because - I'm taking those middle windows out anyway! duh. SO. First question.

Anyone know the difference or best way to side the bus where the middle or all the windows come out. I know a lot of people use what stainless steel sheets and then I think a rivetor vs. I have seen other people do it with RV Fiberglass type Roll I think. Whats the diff and best way on this? money ease and durability.

Next question is: I got it already titled under I think "Private Bus" which I read you could in crazy state of California. Which means I have personal plates and its non-commercial. Next-stop soon hope to get MotorHome status. Does anyone know if it makes a difference in terms of residential ownership. i.e. neighbor trying to get rid of your bus as "Private Bus" vs. MotorHome?" Not really sure of the difference. Both are non-commercial.

I am just going to run down the line here on questions, sorry for my informal ramblings, you can blame it on the bus fever.

Does anyone have a repair manual for a MC8 or best place to get one? Are their any good books worth getting? esp. manuals.

Where can I get bus parts out here near Los Angeles, CA?

Alternate parts vs. actual Detroit parts??

Is there a salvage yard out here for buses??

I guess they made MC8 some with power steering and some without? is that right or no? Mine surely Is Not.

Currently my bus issues are as follows:

Master Control switch up front is going bad / out and is buggy - needs replaced. May effect the turn signals and dash lights.

Speedometer doesnt work.

Front ignition and possibly cabling doesnt work.

Winshield front cracked - needs replaced.
(Anyone know someone good out here? or is it easy enough find and replace myself??)
Also wondering if best to wait and while windshield is out good time to put in refridgerator or large items. How do you get large stuff in? I know I will get flack for it later but at this point doesn't look like I am doing a roof-raise.

Back engine Kill Solenoid is not working properly. may leak. isnt it air pressure or no? Have to shut off engine manually with top lever. Replace?

Starter cable replaced. Looks like it needs a new Starter. Would figure definately get a factory Starter??

Lastly. I have slow and somewhere minor air leaks.
It seems to me that it takes way longer than normal to build up air pressure.
I have to rev it up for a while to build it until Low Air light comes off at I believe 90-100.
Rides good at around 100. Great at 120.
If I am too idle at start or for too long then its goes below 100. I dont think this is normal???
Is there a good way to trouble-shoot leaks or air lines? A mechanic told me for air bags a good way is to spray lightly some windex and look for small leaks. How hard is it to change an air bag?

Other than all that I got a nice bus so far.

Oh. Eventually I need new tires.
Wondering if anyone has insight as to economical way on tires. I know. I know. I'm going to get the get what you pay for speech but, eventually, soon I will need tires. How about most bang for the buck. No. not blowout. Meaning good value economical solution. Forgot to mention I didnt win the Lotto yet. Thinking maybe one set now. Then put on a super set after that?? I know people are going to love my tire comments. heh. Also, Someone out here in Los Angeles area is a plus but willing to drive. Is there such a thing?
My tires are good make still have treads but seeing some side cracking from sitting too long.

Well thats about it. Thanks for reading.

Oh forgot. If you want to see 'er, here she is parked outside the DMV. (figured if you put up with my ramblings this far, your entiled, and might just as well.)

There are some small links down at the bottom right of the page.

Thanks again.

(Message edited by Design Dog on March 16, 2007)

(Message edited by Design Dog on March 16, 2007)

(Message edited by Design_Dog on March 16, 2007)
jim morrison (Jim_morrison)
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Posted on Friday, March 16, 2007 - 5:46 am:   

hi Simon , welcome to the bus nut's help me board , or i know what that is board , good looking bus ya got , 1'st the side glass i found the best way was to remove the glass and cover with alm, sheet and insulate when doing interrior, rivits worked for me, check your starter connections and grounds ,could save ya some cash, master control switch same thing, do the roof raising before replacing windshilds , might save ya some cash and more replacing, lol, donot go under the bus for any reason withour blocking it first on all jack points , it could squish ya , as for leaking air lines and solenoids the spay thing will help to find leaks , hope this helps some have fun ...jim
jim morrison (Jim_morrison)
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Posted on Friday, March 16, 2007 - 6:08 am:   

oh i forgot get owner ship in rv asap, the bylaws cops can make you remove it for being a privite coach ,
Jerome Dusenberry (Jerry32)
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Posted on Friday, March 16, 2007 - 8:21 am:   

Hi Simon, I am a new bus owner too so will be doing work on mine when I get it home. For tires you might go to Les Schwab tires where they handle a lot of truck tirs as they have a selection of lower priced tires with good quality. You might check in on the other bus board as lots of info there too. They publish a mag for converting buses and are located in the LA area. For info just go to ebay and put MCI in the search box and you will find many mnuals and other misc parts. Jerry
RJ Long (Rjlong)
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Posted on Friday, March 16, 2007 - 11:36 am:   

Simon -

Welcome to the madness!!

MCI has a facility in Los Alamitos, parts and service. Contact info on their website:

Luke at US Coach is a great supporter of the busnut community. Parts and service, same day shipping, reasonable prices. 1-888-262-2434, M-F 9-5 Eastern. A good number to memorize!!

Since you have a new engine, DO NOT USE MULTI-WEIGHT OIL!! Detroit specifically says to use Straight 40wt, CF-2, 1% or less sulftated ash oil in these engines.

You will not find this oil on the shelf at WalMart. Most likely, you'll have to order it by the case, in 5-gallon pails, or 55 gallon drums from a fuel or oil distributor. Look in the Yellow Pages. If you buy it by the case, it's packed usually six one-gallon jugs/case. You'll need at least two cases, because the engine takes seven gallons with an oil/filter change.

Your coach DOES have power steering, all MC-8s came from the factory with it. It is not, however, like a typical car's. It is actually a power-assist unit - an hydraulic slave cylinder attached to the tie-rod.

Just a few thoughts to help get you going. . .

FWIW & HTH. . .

captain ron (Captain_ron)
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Posted on Friday, March 16, 2007 - 4:12 pm:   

If your removing all the windows and replacing with rv type windows I would definitely do a roof raise.
Hell it's so easy even a cave man can do it.

Simon Ayriss (Design_dog)
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Username: Design_dog

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Posted on Friday, March 16, 2007 - 5:23 pm:   

jim - I looked at all my contacts and unfortunately they are good and occasionaly on start up it does give that 'stcickrine' sound. I'm thinking I got a decent engine and I put in a new starter cable and a new set of 8Ds. Looks like the starter be replaced.

Thanks for the welcome to the board. It certainly is a blessing.
Also, like to know more but Thanks a lot about the 'private coach' status info. My neighbors a pain, one of those nothing better to do types, and I want to cover problems arising. I guess if its got plates, its no longer commercial and its not yet a HouseCar then its must be Private Coach.?

Jerome - Glad to hear your going to be in the same boat. heh. I looked up Les Schwab Tires. Says closest is 281 miles. I'll have to call them see what they say - thanks for the tip. Keep me post on your bus status, I'll let you know some of the things I come across.

RJ - Thats what I need. What was I thinking?? I'm near Los Angeles dont really know yet but figured there should be some resources out here. Los Alamitos is not far. Good to know.
On the oil. NOT to bring up the dreaded OIL DEBATE ISSUE heh. But Could we say it's safe to use Delo 100? I could buy it a truck stop supply store or ? WalMart wonder if they are cheaper.

I got power steering? Heck. I'll be like Popeye in a week. If I am understanding correctly. hydraulic meaning having to do with air pressure meaning the bus steers and operates optimimly at good air pressure rates. Seems like it steers easier when it gets on the freeway and air pressure is up? Maybe I am off. But I think I definately need to address the slow air leak issue.
This is good to know. On turns seems a little stiff at low speeds or pressure.
Good to know abut US Coach. I'm going to need part support.
Thanks for all that.

Captain Ron - O.k. I am glad you said that. This is what I needed to hear. I know. I know. I've read that raising the roof is highly recommended but to be honest this cave man has been lookin at it and just seems like a MAJOR project. I can weld, cut bars and paint rocks but I guess I really need to revisit what it takes to raise it. But I need someone to tell me its "do-able." I know I can do it. I just figured it would take - what a month or two off and on? I have to look around more and see more info and steps to raise it and determine the value VS. time-money. That is the question I am dealing with. I guess I'd have to see someones "raised" coach, (meaning inside) to appreciate it, or at least have some talk some sense into me reviewing the reasons why to raise it again. The height of the bus now doesnt bother me but I know the time to do it is now. Just wondering what did you side yours with aluminum? and what did you raise it 4ft? looks great.

(Message edited by Design Dog on March 16, 2007)

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