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Gary LaBombard (Garylee)
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Username: Garylee

Post Number: 148
Registered: 3-2004
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Posted on Tuesday, July 24, 2007 - 1:45 pm:   

Well after many hours yesterday and today I am finally done getting my albums all done with the photos I took at "Kyle's SC 2007 Summer Bus Gathering" at Palmetto Park in Cleveland, SC this past weekend.

I give you no BS, this was a great park, great people that run it and thanks to Kyle and his family for making it all possible and I hope we get to do once or twice a year from here on out. The scenery cannot be appreciated until experienced, the sites were great, 30 / 50 amp service at 148 sites, and al-together have 23 acres with many of them available as over-flow if we get a big rally. To be truthful, the smaller rally's are so great and we hope many others will do the same for those within a 150 miles which is affordable to most no matter if a S&S or great bus.

Paul's Texas Rally should also be a success and there is no reason others cannot indulge in such a good time which also clears your head and lets you get away from any problems and allow you to enjoy the old bus and great friends as well.

Well, Here is my website once more if you do not have it posted in a favorite, There is 8 new albums I posted today also highlited with the word "NEW" in front of them. There is about 140 photos total, some labeled with text. When you go to my site there should be a button to activate that will allow you to view the albums you click on in a (Slide show) which they do a nice job at. Click on only one album at a time so you do not overwhelm your computer and get really mad at me. There is a total of 95 albums at this site, the one's I am talking about here are at the begining so you do not have to search for them.
go to http://community.webshots.com/user/converter101.

Hope you enjoy the long hours spent doing this on my computer. 11 hours so far.

Jeffrey Smith (Greenhornet)
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Posted on Tuesday, July 24, 2007 - 9:30 pm:   

WOW! That was fun, thanks for sharing them. Love da pics!
JR Lynch (Njt5047)
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Username: Njt5047

Post Number: 173
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Posted on Thursday, July 26, 2007 - 9:59 pm:   

Hi Gary, wish I could've visited! We have most weekends booked thru the end of October...bummer..not really. A least boredom isn't a problem!
I've looked thru some of the photos..see a lot of familiar faces. As usual, you've done a great jobs getting the pix posted.
Terri had cataract surg two weeks ago, was doing well...except the docs confused her new IOL with something better suited to the Hubble telescope. So, yesterday we (she) had the pleasure of fitting IOL number 2. The second isn't as much fun as the first. She's doing very well. This one is correct. She already sees better than I do.
We did a bussin' thing the week before T's first surg. Had a good old time.
I believe Kyle is discussing another bash..I'll see what dates he comes up with. I'll be there if we aren't booked for a gig.
BTW, Anita and John are spending more time in Brevard than here. They are moving up there, as soon as their home sells down here. Hate it!
Come see me some time! JR
Gary LaBombard (Garylee)
Registered Member
Username: Garylee

Post Number: 153
Registered: 3-2004
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Posted on Friday, July 27, 2007 - 8:22 am:   

Great to hear from you JR, looks like a possibility of October 12-14 for "Kyle's Fall SC Bus Gathering" and we sure hope you guys can come. Glad to hear Terri is doing better, I just know if you guys come and Jack & Paula, and it looks like Sam & Sandy, I bet Leroy & Lila will be there and most of those that attended last week, it looks like we got us a good one again just starting right now. I sure hope Anita & John also can come, you know how I enjoy Wynona and her singing.

Everyone, please give kyle a heads up if you can come in October for a head count to be sure we can have "Kyle's" fall gathering at the most beautiful park you will find.

Take care JR, give Terri our best and do all you can to commit to coming to "Kyle's" gathering in Oct.

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