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Bryce Gaston (Busted_knuckle)
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Posted on Tuesday, September 04, 2007 - 9:09 pm:   

Hey everyone Dallas & Cat's Rally @ my place is started allready! The Photo Pro aka Gary & Linda LaBombard & Puppies have arrived and set up! Gary has also starte taking PICS! See tose of you who can make it here this weekend! BK
Dallas (Dal300)
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Posted on Tuesday, September 04, 2007 - 10:32 pm:   

And a fine time is being had by ALL!
Nick Badame Refrigeration Co. (Dnick85)
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Posted on Tuesday, September 04, 2007 - 10:57 pm:   

Hi BK & Dallas,

Do me a favor, Put Gary's Brown and Brown S&S over your pit and jack it up real high. Then slide one of your busses under it. Roll the whole shabang out to where he's parkin, then wake him and Linda up about 4 am. and tell them to come on down for coffee.
The poor guy is just hurting to be on a bus!!! so, see what you can do for him. Tell Gary I'm looking out for "My Friend".

Gary LaBombard (Garylee)
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Posted on Wednesday, September 05, 2007 - 5:38 am:   

Thanks Nick,
Dallas said I am driving Frank & Sue's bus to the casino's on Friday with 43 passengers on it. Hope it is insured, I only drove 100 miles in a bus with me as the driver in it so far!!

We look forward to seeing more new friends arrive here by the end of the week, we miss that pool we had to use in Delaware. We are now using the pond next door but have to share it with 8 donkeys. If they don't mind, neither do we!!

Tell the Delaware boys & Gals we said hello also. We are lonesome without our little Ashleigh with us, she is in school and this is our first rally without her. It's like we don't know what to do all alone,-------- Yea we do!!! We gonna have fun!!
Take care.
Dallas (Dal300)
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Posted on Wednesday, September 05, 2007 - 7:07 am:   

Hey Gary!
You don't have to go without a pool!
There's one down behind the house.
You know, where Kumho goes to cool off!

Of course there might be a few MC8 parts still laying around in it, but I think we got most of them after we dragged Franks bus out of there backwards by the left front axle.

That bus still looks kinda funny with one tire going straight and one headed east! LOL

Austin Scott Davis (Zimtok)
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Posted on Wednesday, September 05, 2007 - 1:51 pm:   

As close as it is I cannot make it,,, BUMMER,,,
We have gigs all week and into the weekend.

If you get down to the Memphis area look us up at one of the gigs.

Gary LaBombard (Garylee)
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Posted on Wednesday, September 05, 2007 - 3:30 pm:   

God Austin, I sure wish we could of planned this trip longer and had come to see you perform. I have been watching you on the board and want to see you perform and meet you also. Sorry you could not come here this weekend to Dallas & Cats Rally at BK's.
Dallas (Dal300)
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Posted on Wednesday, September 05, 2007 - 3:49 pm:   

You know you are welcome up here anytime! You don't have to wait for a rally, just hop in the car and come up for the day.
Next week there are going to be a couple of buses staying over after the rally to get some work done,
Come on up and see what's goin' on!
Austin Scott Davis (Zimtok)
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Posted on Thursday, September 06, 2007 - 8:57 am:   

Thanks for the invite Dallas.
Maybe after things slow down a bit I'll make a run up your way. Doing 3-5 gigs a week and having a day job M-F keeps me fairly busy. Maybe next year you can book us for a gig for the rally. (given enough notice)

Your welcome, as is everyone, to come to any of our gigs as you pass through the area.
By the way, I don't perform, I just drive the bus and run the sound gear. (you can see me in the "Gig Set-up" video on my YouTube site)

Have a great time and post some photos.
Gary LaBombard (Garylee)
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Posted on Thursday, September 06, 2007 - 11:28 am:   

The band can only sound as good as the important sound man makes them and in your case how comfortable they were on their way to each Gig. Without the sound man / driver they are on their own, I will still plan on coming to see you guys and you do your job making the band please all our ears. I am a real strong Merle Haggard fan myself, songs from the heart and life are heart warming to perform and listen to.

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