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Joe Shelton (

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Posted on Friday, May 03, 2002 - 12:44 pm:   

My 4106 has an automatic line/generator switch (MagneTek ATS 50). the box contains 2 contactors, one for shore and one for gen. the shore contactor is shorted between the 2 input hot lines, L1 & L3. it doesn't look like the unit was built for replacing a single contactor as they are riveted to the box. contactors are both Cutler-Hammer C25DNF340. I found a replacement contactor for $85 but haven't bought it yet.

I have 2 questions:

1) should I bother replacing the contactor or should I replace the hole unit?

2) should I try to find why it failed? And where should I look? I suspect it just wore out but I'm ignorant.
Tom Caffrey (Pvcces) (

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Posted on Friday, May 03, 2002 - 10:13 pm:   

Hi Joe,

It sounds like dinosaur wiring to me. Have you looked into an upgrade that might be a little more suitable for your needs?

I would think if your unit looks worn out, it was worn out when installed. I can't imagine that you have used it enough times to have worn it out if it was rated for the work that it was doing.

Ordinarily, the manufacturer would take great care to prevent a failure that would result in a short between L1 and L3. I would want to know the cause of the failure.

Modern, low cost inverters contain a fully automatic transfer switch that eliminates a lot of wiring headaches and charging headaches at the same time.

I hope this helps.

Tom Caffrey PD4106-2576

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Posted on Saturday, May 04, 2002 - 5:00 am:   

The other system , of just using a plug , and actually moving the plug from the Shore socket to the Gen socket never fails ,never needs troubble shooting and only costs a couple of bucks.

I would venture you will have more total time buying , installing and repairing this "Automatic " feature , than you would spend in a lifetime of pluging in.

YOUR WAY will be whats best for YOU!

Joe Shelton (

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Posted on Sunday, May 05, 2002 - 12:34 am:   

I think I agree Fred. I am going to investigate eliminating the auto switch. How do you switch from one to the other in your bus?

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Posted on Sunday, May 05, 2002 - 5:23 am:   

There are Two 50A 220V std RV sockets on either side of a 220V (2 110 legs) marine circuit breaker pannel.

The pannel has a ganged 110V breaker for each 110 leg.

Breaks power and neutral.

The two ganged breakers get flicked to off,
the Std RV 50A 220V plug (the coach) is connected to the pannel with a fine Anchor 6gage 4 wire yellow maring grade power cord , about 18 inches long.
( These are thin multi stranded inside , so can take a bit of flexing}.

The plug is pulled from one socket and inserted in the other, at which point the two breakers are flipped back to on.

The pannel is inconspicus behind the dining table .

The gen set 6,5 OHNO Propane is on slide in drivers blower bay, and is connectrd to the Gen socket.

The shore power is fed from the old air cond compressor location , thru a switched circuit breaker box , to a 6 ga 4 strand wire that runs thru the old floor air delivery duct , to the shore socket.

The old air cond location now has a ply floor so holds the 120, power cord , the heavier and seldom used 220 power cord and the various plug end converters ect.
( as there was extra room there is a 7-11 style floor safe that is accessable from under the bedroom floor sharing the cables space.)

When in a 120 campground the std RV 120 cord plugs into an adapter that has 120 plug married to 240 socket and the Red and Black joined inside.

Thats the ENTIRE system , to get the power in.

Distribution is from the circuit breaker panel, with Anchor Boat Cable .
Tinned 3 strand wiring , the best that can be bought.

Mike Eades (Mike4905) (

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Posted on Wednesday, May 15, 2002 - 9:53 am:   

F.F How do I put a good plug on mt power cord? I have tried all of the replacement plugs and the

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