Pirate attempted to stop us in Sparta... Log Out | Topics | Search
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BNO BBS - BNO's Bulletin Board System » PLACES WE STAY ! » Places To Avoid! » Pirate attempted to stop us in Sparta Georgia « Previous Next »

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Greg Roberts (Eagle 20) (Gregeagle20)
Registered Member
Username: Gregeagle20

Post Number: 226
Registered: 4-2002
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Posted on Thursday, June 19, 2008 - 10:02 pm:   

Last week we made a bus trip from deep South Texas to Eastern Georgia for a wedding. We picked up family in Tyler and drove straight through to our destination with only a couple of rest stops and a fuel stop.

We were just 20 miles from our destination and passing through Sparta Georgia late on Thursday night when an old caddy with no license plates suddenly approached from a side street and sped up behind the bus and started flashing brights attempting to get us to stop. Of course we pressed forward and then the driver sped around us and started pumping his brakes and stopped in the right lane.

I pushed the throttle to the floor and went around the car on the left shoulder. The car then sped back to the rear and started the bright flashing again.

Seconds later he sped around us again and started the brake pumping routine again. I hit the left side of the road and made it around him once again.

He again sped around me (even with me attempting to block him) and proceeded ahead until he reached the bottom of a hill where he slowed and stayed in the right lane. As I approached to go around him on the left, he flipped a Starskey & Hutch sideways move to block passage.

I had to slow the bus and then went around on the far right, just missing the rear of his car. Had he slide the car evenly across the road I would have been forced to a stop or to ram his car.

My choice would have been to stop and take his life in protection of my family and passengers. The good lord was really watching out after us and the person that night because the fellow gave up and turned around and headed back to Sparta.

I was able to avoid killing this guy and also avoid ramming him. This was a very unnerving experience for the occupants of my bus that were awake at the time.

I felt much comfort knowing that I was armed and alert and already had thought through any such issues and survival actions while traveling via bus.

I highly recommend that all of you avoid Sparta Georgia at all costs. Additionally, I highly recommend that you keep a loaded firearm in an electronic safe within reach of your fingertips.

By the way, the person was alone, had no license plates on his car and looked to be a mid-twenties slender black male thug. I am sure glad that I did not have to kill this guy because it would have really put a damper on the wedding.

Have any of you ever experienced such and what did you do? Are you prepared?
Wayne Ellenburg (Wlnburg)
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Username: Wlnburg

Post Number: 15
Registered: 6-2008
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Posted on Wednesday, July 30, 2008 - 11:10 pm:   

Thanks for sharing this story. You are to be commended for handling this the way you did. I just returned from my first real trip of 400 miles. I am a new bus nut so I would have never dreamed that this could happen. I will take your advice and get an firearm. I currently do not have a hand gun. Thank God for your safety and that of your passengers.

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