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GlennVin (Glennvin)
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Posted on Saturday, July 05, 2008 - 2:46 pm:   

I found this article in the Atlanta paper.

The Atlanta Journal-Constitution
Published on: 07/03/08

By driving 2 billion miles a year, UPS has learned a thing or two about how to save fuel. The Sandy Springs-based package carrier — the largest in the world, by the way — operates 93,637 vans, delivery trucks, tractor trailers and motorcycles. Of those, only 1,629 use alternate fuels.
With fuel becoming the carrier's No. 1 expense, conserving the precious petroleum product has become a top priority for Big Brown.

As Americans prepare to drive to the fairgrounds, the mountains, the beaches and beyond for the Fourth of July, here are three tips from the pros.

• Avoid left turns. UPS routes are designed to avoid left turns. Idling while waiting to turn left wastes time and gas. This tip shaved 29 million miles off its U.S. drivers' routes last year, saving UPS more than 3 million gallons of gas. At $4 a gallon, that's a $12 million savings.

• Reduce idling. UPS practices a "no idling" policy — no matter how short of a stop a UPS driver makes, the engine is turned off. By reducing idling time by 24 minutes a day, UPS can save $188 per driver per year.

• Plan your route. For errands or trips, plan a route that doesn't backtrack. Find the quickest and most direct route with a map or Web site.
Don Evans (Doninwa)
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Posted on Sunday, July 06, 2008 - 12:10 am:   

"The Sandy Springs-based package carrier — the largest in the world, by the way — operates 93,637 vans, delivery trucks, tractor trailers and motorcycles."

The United States Postal Service operates 210,000 vehicles. Here is a quick slide show that gives some insight to everything they have tested from Bio-Diesel to hybrids. Some work, many don't.

They tried the flex fuel thing and didn't like the 26 percent increase in fuel use. Here in the NW we have mandated 10 percent ethanol which reduces mileage some where around 10-15 percent. How does that save fuel? Stuff runs like crap on it too.
FAST FRED (Fast_fred)
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Posted on Sunday, July 06, 2008 - 8:43 am:   

Here in the NW we have mandated 10 percent ethanol which reduces mileage some where around 10-15 percent. How does that save fuel? Stuff runs like crap on it too.


The big secret the ethinol lobby doesn't want spoken!

WE had gassers , 318C and 440 Chryslers and a 391 Ford when the ethanol was introduced in certain cities for "air pollution mitigation".

As a long time pro pilot we keep very accurate fuel logs , and noticed the percentage of alcohol WAS the percentage LOST in fuel mileage.

A delight to every State , county and city that simply collected 10% more in fuel taxes , without passing a tax law.

I believe we could use 10% less fuel as a nation by banning alcohol , as well as save the huge subsidies and the gallon and a half of fuel/fertilizer needed to create the alcohol.

In addition the "clean air" garbage on most engines now costs 15% of the fuel used.

So for 3% worse air we could have almost 25% less fuel use in gas vehicles.

Not as good as oil from coal at $30 a BBL ,or from tar sands at $25 a BBL but surely a help.

Leland Bradley (Lee_bradley)
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Posted on Thursday, July 10, 2008 - 1:19 pm:   

I heard just recently (in the last month) that South Africa makes lots of their gas and diesel from coal and they report $40/BBL cost and the gas/diesel is cleaner. Just try to get the permits to build a plant.
joe padberg (Joemc7ab)
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Posted on Thursday, July 10, 2008 - 4:09 pm:   


That is the sasol system, invented by the Germans during the second WW.
A proven system but likely wont be be allowed to be used in the US or canada.
High fuel prices are very profitable for some people, but that will not include you and me.

Buddy Matthews (Bud4104)
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Posted on Monday, July 14, 2008 - 8:38 pm:   

Interesting to hear that left turns saved so much. My dad drove Greyhounds for 32 years and always said do not make a left unless you have to. He said it was a much bigger risk for an accident. I still avoid em as much as I can.

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