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Nellie Wilson (Vivianellie)
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Username: Vivianellie

Post Number: 214
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Posted on Sunday, February 15, 2009 - 11:57 am:   

Sorry I took so long to give any news but have been working non-stop on the bus, with the much appreciated help of Ralph. Well, to be true, Ralph is doing the lion's share of the work and I'm basically his goferĄ but I'm learning heaps and Ralph... wow! He's just really good at this stuff. He's patterned my bus after his own (beautiful) but has a little less room to work with (he's got a 40 footer) so my kitchen is on the 'wrong side' (according to Ralph).

It's been wonderful staying here. Ralph and Jeanne treat me like family. Jeanne, even though battling a chronic and painful illness, is smart and full of life. And she has a good sense of humorĄ she's great fun to hang out with.

Regarding Sabil & Sons, you'll recall I was told by 'Doug' he'd send me " two full pages of detailed mechanic's notes on the work" but - surprise/surprise - the old governor and bolts had mysteriously disappeared [Doug is the person I talked to on the phone].

Well, those notes never happened. Instead, I got an email talking mainly about the work space being too tight and how they had to exercise extraordinary care to not break the bolts [whereas, before, they always maintained they'd had to 1) cut the bolts or 2) cut the governor in half... depending on who was telling the story].

Ralph suggested we take a photo of the work area in question, which we did yesterday morning. I've asked Ian to post it (I don't know the size requirements) so you can see yourself the immense difficulty involved in switching out the governor. FWIW, Ralph said, "If I couldn't do that job in under an hour, I'd hang up my tool bag."¨

But who knows? Maybe I'll get socked for a cool grand next time I get my hair cut... because the hairdresser was meticulous enough not to cut off my ear!

Anyway, Ian and Bus Warrior think Sabil & Sons is a dead issue. And I agree... at least dead enough that I won't bore everybody with further discussion about them. I do, however, feel all you are entitled to the full and complete story IF you're interested. But we can accomplish that by private email.

After all, most important is that you got me out of there safely. And I'd rather put my energy into upgrading my rig and concentrating on my music projects. One thing I can say though: Whenever I go back up north, I'll take the I-89 and avoid the I-91 like the plague.

Ralph says I should mention that the compressor is Caterpillar yellow, not Bendix blue; said he didn't want to get you guys too confused. :-)

Love you all and thanks for your help, support and advice, and please excuse my maybe too sensitive reactions from time to time,


PS. Gosh it's nice to be away from that bleak 45th parallel.

PPS. To all who helped me out: If you haven't already done it, please send me your mailing address so I can send you a CD when I get to VA.:-) :-) :-)
Clint Hunter (Truthhunter)
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Posted on Sunday, February 15, 2009 - 1:24 pm:   

...but spring is just starting up here, not so bleak now (here being the southern Okanagan).
Your recent repair shop experience does highlight the need to work with the customer and help them make informed decisions. It can reduce a lot of unnecessary pain on all sides. I have experienced more than one simple 4 bolt repair turning into a epic saga of machining and fabrication ; like the saying goes, just 4 bolts , ehhhhh ! The golden rules is communication, as there is rarely much joy to be had in having to spend money just to get a machine back to square one. Seems that shop did at the least fail to work with the customer on this tiny job, (1,000 bucks doesn't go far in a shop now days and one must practice due diligence when it comes to liability on safety systems and perform the full inspections; even a signed wavier doesn't negate strict liability law suits). Understanding is the best form of closure for my ways !

It was good to see the BNO community come to the aid of bus and it's operator in distress, once again ; in their various ways.
Paul Lawry (Dreamscape)
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Posted on Sunday, February 15, 2009 - 3:05 pm:   

Hi Nellie,

Nice to hear from you and that you are doing well. Down the road the past will be just a blur, chalk it up to experience or whatever you want to call it. I think of a couple of names, but I'll leave that up to you. ;-)

Sorry I couldn't help with the funds on your breakdown. I'll make it up to you when you visit us in Sunny Abilene Texas!.....OK.....

RJ Long (Rjlong)
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Posted on Sunday, February 15, 2009 - 5:16 pm:   

Clint -

Okanagan, eh? Need a good chiropractor? I know of a terrific one in Kelowna. . . PM me if interested, address is in profile.

Nellie -

Glad to see your spirits rising!!

Snail mail in pm. . .

Hang around Ralph's till everything's good-to-go, ok?


Clint Hunter (Truthhunter)
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Posted on Sunday, February 15, 2009 - 7:40 pm:   

Pass on Chiroprator RJ, gave up on the bone cracking practice back in 95 when I was (un-)lucky enough to suffered a mild side effect of some treatment for whiplash (hyper extension, flexatioin between c5&6), seems I endup with a long term arterial blockage as a result, which of course resulted in a blacklisting by the medical pros, after all the are trained to cover there collective asses first and foremos after making there living. Thanks for the offer though. Do need a good potential female for a lasting pair-bond, if you know of any south of Penticton.
Are you still based on the coast (if I remember rightly) ? the tea is always on north of Oliver and the wrenches not far away; but not much room for more buses at the moment. Much warmer than Winterpeg this time of year!
Bill 340 (Bill_340)
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Posted on Sunday, February 15, 2009 - 9:50 pm:   

send this to the garage guys.C:\Users\Brenda\Pictures\pistol monkey.gif
Josh McElhiney (Zcommanager)
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Posted on Monday, February 16, 2009 - 9:41 am:   


I'm happy to hear that things are going well for you and that Ralph and his wife are treating you with such kind regard. Glad to hear that your bus is moving along nicely as well. One of these days in the near future, I'll have to drive up to Carlisle and check it out.

Good Luck!!

Nellie Wilson (Vivianellie)
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Posted on Monday, February 16, 2009 - 12:57 pm:   

governor try

Gosh! I got it not bad!!!
Nellie Wilson (Vivianellie)
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Posted on Monday, February 16, 2009 - 1:06 pm:   


I just talked with Ralph and you're welcome to drop by, when would it be convenient for you?

Oh! We had big storm two days ago...1/2 inch...

Love you all! :-)

hiwaycallin (Hiwaycallin)
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Posted on Tuesday, February 17, 2009 - 8:04 pm:   

So Clint,

Is this your bus for sale in Oliver?


$30k for that???
Clint Hunter (Truthhunter)
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Posted on Tuesday, February 17, 2009 - 9:42 pm:   

NoPe,or yep, but not for sale right now (as that would conflict with the new BC election gag order laws and by the time the election is over we are sure to have fallen back in love, once again) I will contact you if the status changes later calledbythehighway, thanks for your interest though. The dogs, she is priceless, but if I gave her away her husband and daughter would be be slightly disappointed with me, so she is not for sale either ! {you should have emailed me through the that Cracklistthingy, as posting for sale in the thread seems to be a violation of the spirit of BNO. Perhaps you should edit.}
Finally my profile picture has shrunk enough to make it on the BNO, thanks fellow busnut. Almost make's that gragthingy good for something besides crack pot responses. ( I highly don't recommend there date pages.
R.C.Bishop (Chuckllb)
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Posted on Tuesday, February 17, 2009 - 10:29 pm:   

Gooood Grief!... what ever happened to common , plain English, properly written and used, preferred.... and so much easier to read.

Aren't you the one who has "....degrees"....and, you are hunting for truth????

Try the New Testament. You will find a lot of truth. See John 14:6....among many others.

WD-40 for friction, so I am told. At this point I need some. :-) :-)

Think I'll mosey on down life's highway.

Jim Wilke (Jim Bob) (Pd41044039)
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Posted on Tuesday, February 17, 2009 - 10:36 pm:   

Jeez, Nellie, I sure wouldn't want to have to wrestle that air governor out of that really tough spot!!!! Seems like you couldn't get more than 4 or 5 hands in there at one time & still see what you were doing!!
Was your compressor all jaundiced like that when you drove in??? It must have a liver problem from too much air system alcohol! LOL.
Patrick levenson (Zubzub)
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Posted on Thursday, February 19, 2009 - 8:40 am:   

Funny thing about the pic of the governor....Maybe the mechs didn't know there was an access hatch?
Ian Giffin (Admin)
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Posted on Friday, February 20, 2009 - 5:54 pm:   

Hi Nellie,

Forgive me that I am so late with this. Don't know if this picture is any better, but I'll throw it in anyway.


Nellie Wilson (Vivianellie)
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Posted on Tuesday, February 24, 2009 - 3:05 am:   

Hi Patrick & Ian -

Sorry it took awhile to get back. Thanks Ian, for posting the pic - and, yeah, it is better than mine. One of these days you gotta coach me on the fundamentals (bet a lot of others would like to learn that too?)

Patrick - of course the mechanic knew there was an access hatch; there's no other way to access the compressor / governor. They didn't even have to search for it, or open it... I had it open before the truck even showed up.

See the two bolts affixed to the right side of the governor? Removing and replacing these (plus uncoupling and recoupling the fittings) was the sum total of the work done. They didn't even bother to close it... maybe because they managed to lose(?) the bolts.

Or perhaps they just didn't want to get over-exposed to that jaundiced compressor. :-)

Nellie Wilson
Len Silva (Lsilva)
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Posted on Tuesday, February 24, 2009 - 6:17 pm:   

Seems like $1000.00 per hour is a little high.
Kyle Brandt (Kyle4501)
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Posted on Wednesday, February 25, 2009 - 8:33 am:   

$1000.00 per hour is high.
Problem is, more than an hour was spent on it.
With so many wanting to crucify the repair shop, is it any small wonder it is getting harder to find a shop willing to work on conversions?

Yes, it is unfortunate to have an unexpected repair bill when least able to afford it. But it seemed to me the shop tried to do a through evaluation to ensure the problem was fixed vs. simply replacing one part & hoping she would be several states away before the problem came back.

Diagnosing problems isn't always srtaight forward & takes time. Especially on an old vehicle you haven't spent much time with.

As for taking any vehicle to the shop for repair, I feel fortunate if the bill isn't over $1000.00 what with all the overhead nowadays . . . .

Bottom line -
Shop fixed the problem without breaking a bunch of other stuff in the process.

Nellie is able to use her bus.

She probably won't have any further issues with that shop as it is unlikely she will ever call them again. :-)
Grant Thiessen (Busshawg)
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Posted on Wednesday, February 25, 2009 - 10:26 am:   

My last tow was over a hundred bucks a mile,(several years ago) and that was for the tractor unit of a big truck only. Did I feel ripped off , yep. Will I use them again, hopefully not but if I end up broke down there again and they are the only option I'll be happy to pay them. I'd rather pay big bucks and have it work than pay a resonable price and be sitting on the side 300 miles down the road with the same dam problem. That drives me crazy. Get estimates first , then do your homework. Just because a certian shop is closest doesn't mean it is always the best or cheapest.
My .02 worth.
Bruce Henderson (Oonrahnjay)
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Posted on Wednesday, February 25, 2009 - 10:32 am:   

Kyle Brandt wrote: "Yes, it is unfortunate to have an unexpected repair bill when least able to afford it. But it seemed to me the shop tried to do a through evaluation to ensure the problem was fixed vs. simply replacing one part & hoping she would be several states away before the problem came back. "

__. It also appears to me that the repair was pretty quick and simple but I'd add (agreeing with Kyle) that there was road service added in the total bill, too. Is $1000 a lot? Yes, it is in my book; but we have a number of different "cost lines" here. I am sorry that Nell got hit so hard "when she was down" but I'm not prepared to say that this charge was out of the realm of the expected or what any shop would be likely to charge.

__. Service on the road is expensive. Add road service, diagnosis, transport to the shop (be it assisted driving or towing), parts, labor and "shop supplies" and it's going to add up. It's as sure as taxes.
Clint Hunter (Truthhunter)
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Posted on Wednesday, March 11, 2009 - 12:19 am:   

Being a mechanic since 1979 , rarely far from the tool boxes and even rarer having had the experience being on the other end of the repair invoice less time than the fingers on one hand... I will admit to being rather bus repair shocked twice, when I had to hired some one else to do my wrenching due to my own temporary incapacity. The first time was over a $1,000 to replace the fuel pump & re-prime the fuel(which I diagnosed and supplied the pump, as the road side "mechanic" didn't bring a pump like I told them too before they came out. Managed to rake up over half a day doing that on my MC-8 they did (Winnipeg authorized detroit affiliate). The next second epic was but a few days later when a head bolt broke outside Regina. Not including the tow bill (which caused damage due to not airing the suspension as I had instructed the expert tow pirate to do) that head gasket job took 10 days and they soaked me for over $8,000 just for the head gasket job, no charges list for butchering the job with many defects and many new leaks ( another authorize detroit affiliate).
Yes it is very upsetting to have to pay that much for complete incompetence, but that is the way it goes when you can not do it yourself. It matters not what I expect and pay for, if the situation was the same , I would have to do it the same again.
Not the way I strive to survive, but that is how these two shops survived off of me. I would not wish them away but rather spend that effort on creating a way to do my part of it differently. The book never really closes and you can not ever really "un-right" a old page, but you will always write new pages. Thank you for sharing prettygirlinbluebootswearingagutiar, as you have help me with the next page of my very shameful and distressing story, I was still suffering writers block over two years later until now.

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